“Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens” Lamentations 5:2
God had given the land in which
Israel lived to Abraham and his descendants for an inheritance. As such it was
to be considered precious and valuable. The Israelites had turned from the One
True God, lost their relationship with Him, forsaken His ways and disobeyed His
commandments. Here they lament the result of their disregard for God, the loss
of their inheritance and property. They had become enslaved by the heathen people
they had chosen to imitate, and servants to the strangers they should have
ruled over. The provisions and blessings which had come their way freely and
plentifully from the hand of God, now were scant and they had to pay for them dearly!
Life was miserable, costly and painful, and affliction marked their days. The
events of their lives and how God dealt with them, is a constant reminder to us
today, to pursue godliness and righteousness assiduously. The apostle Paul
taught that if God cut off the olive tree (Israel) because of their
disobedience, we Gentiles, who are grafted into the olive tree should walk
carefully, lest we also be cut off! Like them, we too have an inheritance which
we could forfeit if we do not walk according to the ways and purposes He has
set for us. Some preach a gospel of unconditional salvation, stating that
essentially once we are saved, we are always saved, regardless of how we live
our lives, or whether we remain obedient to God. This however, is not the
pattern or teaching of the Bible. Faithfulness and continuance in obedience,
holiness and righteousness are upheld in scripture, as necessary measurements
of our sincerity and stated belief in God. Staying on course with God and
aligning our lives with His Word is as necessary as staying on course with
north on the compass, given that was our destination! It would be foolish to
think we would still get there, by selecting any other direction than the north
marked by the faithful, tried and reliable position of the compass! The
Israelites lost their physical land and homes, because of their choice to
abandon the truth, take their own direction and ignore the warnings of God. As
Christians today we stand to lose and great deal more, for we have been given
much more again! Our inheritance is eternal not merely some country or property
here on earth! Our final home in a heavenly country, a city built foursquare
where God is the light and there is no darkness, sorrow or sin. Our inheritance
includes eternal life, immortality and complete bliss with Jesus forever, in a
place where no sin, sickness or death will ever again exist! Most of all we
will be forever with Jesus, eternally at His side and recipients of His glory! There
is far too much at stake for us to lose, and too long an eternity to lament our
loss! How much better to be wise and walk prudently with the Lord each day, in
His love and nurture, following His will and Word, sensing after His Spirit and
in humility obeying His commands, that we may inherit all that He has prepared
for us in heaven!
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