Wednesday, 12 June 2013

June 7

“For he built again the high places…” 2 Chronicles 33:3

The epitaph, by which Manasseh’s life is remembered, is that ‘he did evil in the sight of the LORD’! How tragic that men choose to do evil, when they have the power to do good! He was a king, the son of a godly king. He had the power to influence Israel positively, but instead chose to turn against the God of Heaven, in offensive, purposeful and abominable idolatry. Manasseh didn’t just ‘slip’ into a sin after yielding to its temptation, he actively rebelled against Yahwah and rebuilt the idolatrous places of worship which his father had torn down and destroyed! He turned his worship and service to Baal, Ashtoreth, the sun, moon and stars. He fulfilled the foolishness of worshipping the created nature, whilst denying, offending and rejecting the Creator! Idolatry, occult practices, blasphemies and witchcraft, all became common place with Manasseh, and symptomatic of his disregard, disobedience and rebellion against God. It may be hard to comprehend that someone who grew up with a godly father, was no doubt exposed to the truth of God from a young age, and would have seen the blessing, healing and power of the One True God in his dad’s life, could turn so thoroughly and completely against the Almighty! Sadly this is not all that uncommon, highlighting the fact that each man must ultimately make his own personal choice in regards to the Lord. Whatever personal experience and relationship with God, his father had, this was not the case with Manasseh. It should strengthen the determination of all Christian parents to ensure that from a young age and as they are growing up, their children develop a personal and intimate knowledge and relationship with Jesus. It is clearly not enough to assume that just ‘taking them to church’ or having them saying prayers, is enough to help them become true believers in God. As parents we can encourage our children to know God personally, developing for themselves strong personal convictions, and experiencing God’s love and presence in their own lives. Doing this throughout their growing years, gives them the best opportunity to continue in a true faith and bond with God when they grow older. Ultimately we have to accept that it does come down to personal choice. There is evidence of children who grew to live godly lives, obedient to God and His ways, even though their parents were ungodly and without respect for the Holy One, or as we see in the life of Manasseh, the direct opposite of those circumstances. The best possible scenario and outcome is for us to imitate the example of those men and women of God who lived consistently righteous and godly lives, were influential in helping their children develop a personal relationship with the Lord and continued to pray and uphold them and their grandchildren, strengthening the testimony of God through their lives, to the second generation! May the Lord help every Christian parent to be so minded and consistent in their walk!

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