Tuesday, 4 June 2013

June 5

“Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded…” Philippians 2:2

Paul had seen a great deal of personal trial, difficulty and affliction in serving the Lord. He bore many burdens and suffered many persecutions, tortures and loss. He had to deal with the many dissentions, arguments and false doctrines arising among some of the churches. All this added pain and sorrow to an already difficult ministry unto God. Here however was a great opportunity for joy! The apostle’s joy was structured and fulfilled by the Christlike manner, godly conduct and scriptural faith of those who had grown in his care and as a result of his ministry. His joy was to see brethren working together in unison, harmony and love. Those having the same mind of godliness and making efforts to maintain unity and love in the church, were a cause of joy to this great man of God. This is true of any minister who has a true pastor’s heart. He rejoices in God, when God’s people function without schism and discord, are free from contentions and strife, and in true humility of heart, love and serve God and uphold one another! This is cause for great joy! It surpasses all thrills that a servant of God may experience in any other aspect of life! It is God’s will that His church be one-minded in faith, purpose and practice. When a minister can verify that this is taking place in the body of believers, he can rejoice because God’s will is being fulfilled, and no greater joy exists for the servant of God! It is the task of the true believer to find his place in God and fill it to the best of his ability. Along with the specific call or ministry to which we may be directed, there are the common goals in the church, to which we are all called as the Lord’s disciples. These include the necessity to love one another, to serve God from a pure heart, to maintain a bond of peace and unity of spirit, to bear one another’s burdens and to pray without ceasing. There is plenty of room in the family of God, plenty to do and be involved in, and much purpose to fulfil. Let us determine by our actions and conduct, to make our leaders truly joyful in their service to God, and most of all let us remember that our lives are open before Him, who knows and sees all things, and rewards accordingly!


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