Wednesday, 31 July 2013

July 29

“…because of false brethren unawares brought in…” Galatians 2:4

It seems that infiltration into the church by those who are bent on doing damage, is not a new thing! Paul faced such enemies constantly. They were determined to bring his ministry into disrepute, and the souls of the saints to whom he ministered, back under the bondage of the ceremonial laws of Israel. Today similar challenges exist for true believers and probably even more so. With the advent of progressively easier, private and public methods of communication, spreading of false doctrines, canvassing among the believers, and detracting from what they learn at church, has become common-place, and even accepted as normal and healthy behaviour. Paul warned the church incessantly against the philosophies and tradition of men, which were contrary to God and were being held in higher regard than God’s word. Dissention of such kind, has not only revived many old false doctrines and issues, but created all sorts of new variations. From a pastoral standpoint, it is almost impossible to address in close detail, all the fallacies and erroneous doctrines which prevail today, and often find their way to the ears and eyes of the congregation. The best possible defence is to ensure that true doctrine is taught from the pulpit, and that the saints are well versed with why they believe what they do. They must be equipped with a working knowledge of the Scriptures to defend their minds and hearts from all such attacks. The onslaught presenting all kinds of perverse views, and waged against God’s people, will take place anytime and anywhere. The workplace, school, the shops, the media or even general conversation, can often be a battleground where the truth of God’s word is under attack and as a result, so are those who believe it.

Learning to contend for the truth is the task and responsibility of every believer. We can never stop learning and growing in the truth of God, and should develop a deep love and sense of responsibility for it. Like Paul we will then be more ready and prepared to engage those who oppose, and stand fast against the infiltration of false doctrine in the community of the believers.

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