ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land;…” Judges
The angel of the Lord reiterates two
of the covenant principles Yahwah had made with Israel. He points out that they
had been disobedient and had failed in their fulfilment of them. This event
took place towards the end of Joshua’s life. In spite of the great victories
God had afforded the Israelites and His faithfulness in keeping the promises He
had made to them, already this early in the piece there were signs and symptoms
of straying from God and His ways. The first of the two covenant principles
which is highlighted for us in this verse is that the people of God should not
make alliance with the population of the land of Canaan. Confederacies of this
nature have throughout man’s history been significant of closeness, friendship,
mutual protection and sharing of the power base. They almost inevitably resulted in intermarriage and sharing of social and religious practices. While these things
may appear innocent and maybe even desirable from a worldly point of view, in actual
fact they represented deterioration from the purity God wanted for His people,
and an offence to Yahwah and His directives. God had covenanted with His people
that He would be their God, lead them and protect them. In His wisdom and
foreknowledge the Lord knew that the ways of the people native to Canaan were
evil and would corrupt His people if they associated with them. As a nation
Israel ignored the love, concern and directions of God, and tried to make its
own way, with its own leagues and under its own steam! The results were
disastrous! Soon they abandoned the truth and worship of the true God and gave
themselves to all the idolatry, iniquity and practices of the people of Canaan.
God’s displeasure with them, merited them punishment, judgment, and enslavement
by the very people they trusted in place of God. We do not always understand
all that God has in mind and heart when He directs us to do His commandments or
follow His directions. This is why faith in Him is so important. We have to
believe that He knows more, best and further than we do ourselves. We have to
trust that His ruling on a matter is higher and purer than ours and that His
wisdom is greater. When we take ‘things’ into our own hands and deny Him His
place in our lives, we are saying we are greater in knowledge, understanding
and power than He, and set ourselves up as ‘gods’ in His place. This is highly
offensive to the Lord! It is the honouring, respecting and worship of self. It
is the greatest and most affronting form of idolatry that we can be guilty of! The
matter comes down to a simple concept. Either Yahwah is God in our lives, and
therefore should have control, authority and pre-eminence, or we are our own ‘god’
and bosses, and own ourselves. It cannot be both ways. When we take the latter
stance, by our actions and belief we are saying we created ourselves and we are
supreme in our own lives. This not only displaces God out of His correct place
and right position as Creator and God, but also sets us up as an idol, an
affront to God’s supremacy and Deity. When God told them not to make ‘friends’
with the people of the land, He was not being mean or unsociable. He wanted His
people to remain pure, so they could influence others with the truth and bring
them away from their idolatry and death, into the way of life. Israel was to be an example to be followed, an ambassador nation for the ways and truth of the living God! He knew the influence
would otherwise flow against them and take His people out of His path, and they would lose their privilege and influence with Him. God
knows how weak man is and how easily influenced he is by sin and the things of
the flesh. We should today also be careful of the influence of the world. We may,
like the Israelites feel potent and unaffected by the world and things of it,
but the warnings in the scriptures are clear. We should not allow such
influences in our lives to diminish our obedience and love for God. When we
develop love, attraction and desire for the world and the things of it, we have
made league with it, have become associated in practices and thinking and have
adulterated our relationship with the Lord. The friendship of the world is
enmity against God. That principle is as true today as it was for Israel in the
days of Joshua. Let us make our stand with God, remain faithful and obedient to His way of holiness, and
resistant to the desires and influences of the world around us.
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