Thursday, 11 July 2013

July 12

“The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light:…” Isaiah 9:2

The Messianic Prophet Isaiah, speaks here of the great light which was to come to the world, in Christ Jesus. Both the people of Israel who had fallen in spiritual darkness through sin, and those nations who had never known anything but the darkness of their lost spiritual condition, would soon see the Great Light. God’s personal expression, the image of His person, would be revealed on earth as the promised Messiah, to bring spiritual deliverance to the lost and dying. The term ‘walked’ refers to living life, continuing in this case, in spiritual murkiness. Such is the condition of every man, woman and child, before they ‘see’ and receive the light of God’s love and grace! Christ’s coming to earth, to save the lost, was the brightest star to ever light mankind’s tenebrous sky! The darkness of sin is dark indeed. No glimpse of hope or clarity exists there. The destiny of man without Jesus is to grow, live and die in that spiritual gloom! God understood the self-inflicted plight of man, and loving us beyond our most vivid imaginations, He made a way to remove the darkness from us! He came as the Son, in the human form of a servant, lived a sinless life, and died to give great light to all those who would receive it. The light that God shone for man is undeniably great! Many purposefully hide from this light, placing barriers to shield themselves from it, as they would from sunlight. Yet God has made certain that anyone who wants to, can and will ‘see’ it, receive it and benefit from its benevolent, magnificent influence. Viewed from a carnal standpoint, Jesus’ life and death may be dismissed as some miniscule ‘candle’ lit for a short while, in some remote corner of the earth, insignificant or at least no more momentous, than the life of many other individuals. From a spiritual standpoint however, the life Jesus lived, and what He did at Calvary, is the singular, most significant event in the history of humanity! It shines brighter, more permanent and more powerful, than the brightness of the noon-day sun! God’s light is still available today even for those who have lived in the darkest, darkness of sin, and have not to date recognised or accepted this divine gift! If allowed to shine into our souls, the warmth, healing and blessing of God’s Great Light, will fill us, renew us and forever chase away the deepest, thickest, most resistant darkness!

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