Thursday, 11 July 2013

July 10

“The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God:…” Psalms 10:4

Pride is the sin which underlies and feeds most of the other iniquities a man may commit. It was the original sin of Lucifer and the infection by which he tempted our first human parents to cause their fall. It is still one of humanities greatest iniquities and most destructive practices. Pride may have its seat in the heart of man, and may be camouflaged in false humility and choreographed mannerisms, but it will always surface and become obvious. The countenance of a person - their face, expressions, manner and looks, is often where pride is mostly noticeable and overt.  It stands out like the proverbial nose on our faces! Pride loves to be seen and cannot stay hidden for long. It wants to show itself and manifest in whatever possible way it can! The ‘pride of life’, is enumerated in scripture among the worst of qualities reflected by mankind, and listed with all the sins that merit punishment and will inherit death. It finds its place along with the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh as that which belongs to the unregenerate, wicked world, and is to be shunned by believers. Pride becomes the biggest obstacle to a person’s seeking after God. By its very nature pride wants to rule not be in subjection, it wants to lead not follow, it wants to dictate not obey. All of the principles which God teaches man, to bring him from the death of sin into the life of salvation, are violated by pride. The originator of this great sin still uses it as his main tool, to drive feeble and puny humans like puppets, into behaviour which is rebellious, distasteful and antagonistic to God’s law. Satan’s goal in encouraging pride and arrogance in humans, is to trick them into feeling more important and powerful than they really are, so they will deny and defy God. He knows that when humans do this, they condemn themselves to a Christless eternity of torment in hell. Through pride he makes them think they are their own ‘bosses’ and rule their own lives, when in reality all the while, he has control over them, and is stopping them from ever turning to God and asking for His help! The ultimate form of pride is atheism. When a man who is surrounded by all the evidences of the love and blessing of God - the creation He has formed and allows us to partake of, can say: “there is no God”, his pride has completely blinded him. The Bible says that regardless of his intelligence, achievements and abilities, that man is a fool! God has placed in every human heart the ability to believe and have faith, a seed in which is the potential of eternal life and hope. We must make every effort possible to stop pride from growing and smothering the seed of God in us. Once we have personally grown to have a strong and stable faith in the Lord, our task is then to help others turn from their blind pride and see the beauty, love and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ!

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