Monday, 8 July 2013

July 2

“But where shall wisdom be found?...” Job 28:12

Job reasons that whilst there is a place for everything on earth and value given to the natural treasure found in it, such as silver and gold, yet wisdom and understanding are not to be found as natural resources in mankind. Our modern world would probably decry Job’s claim, and belittle his query as mere opinion, pointing perhaps to the great increase of knowledge and greater understanding we have of our natural world today. Yet Job’s statements, inspired by God, hold true! The wisdom and understanding he is speaking of is not that of the natural man for natural things, but that which is spiritual. True wisdom is the fear of God and understanding is to depart from evil! This is what natural man lacks. He has little cognizance of the higher things of God, for they are revealed and become real only when he yields to God’s higher power. This wisdom and understanding are from above, spiritual and represent the greatest wealth and value that any man could possibly own. Job says that the finest of gold and the greatest of riches, cannot buy such wisdom, nor provide spiritual understanding. It is without price in worth, and yet God gives it freely to all who would receive it. In fact we are encouraged to ask of God such wisdom and be reassured that we will be given it, liberally and without reserve! Sadly, most of humanity places so little importance on these treasures, and ignores them to such degree, that on the ‘commodities market’ of life, they are considered of little or no consequence. For those however who have stopped long enough to view, receive and grow in these precious heavenly commodities, they are the most valuable assets and possessions that could be held. For the believer the choice is made when Jesus is accepted as Lord and Saviour! Thereafter all things of this world should grow dim in the light of His glory and grace! The fear of God, which is the beginning and source of wisdom, remains a great spiritual pearl, far more valuable to any man, than any of the trinkets the world has to offer!

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