Wednesday, 31 July 2013

July 26

“The heavens declare the glory of God;…” Psalms 19:1

How can man excuse himself before the Almighty God, when the very heavens which surround him wherever he is, so loudly declare the glory of the Creator God? Many may attempt to justify themselves and say they have never heard the word of God, yet the heavens themselves could be termed a message from Yahwah to mankind, telling of His love and provision for all. Man in his own wisdom has characterised God as being ‘outside’ of the reality of life, distant and a stranger to all we call tangible and ‘real’. In fact the reality and tangibility of all things around us, were made possible and provided by this very God! Again in its own wisdom, humanity has imagined all sorts of scenarios, theories and conjectures, in futile attempts to explain how all ‘this’ got here, without the Creator God. Often in such endeavours what has resulted is merely an alternate religion, disguised as science, which expects its adherent to believe stories that are besieged by impossible odds, and demanding a faith in man’s limited knowledge far greater than is required to believe in God and His infinite knowledge in the first place! The design in the heavens, the universe around us, the stars, planets, continue to provide man with information about the Great Designer! Sadly by far and large, man insists on ignoring the clarity of these messages, intent on his own explanations and ideas. No concept, however outlandish and unlikely is dismissed by these corrupt and sinful minds, just as long as it does not involve the idea of a Supreme Creator! Meanwhile hanging as a great neon sign, far above all this self-glorification and busyness of mankind, and reminding us of all of what Yahwah has done, the heavens continue to smile and loudly declare the glory of God! They perpetually tell man the story that God is real, He is the Boss and Possessor of all creation, He is the One to whom we will all one day give account, and that He is still ready for now, to give salvation to whosoever will believe in Him and accept Him!

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