Saturday, 28 September 2013

Bible Focus                                

Bible Focus started as a brief daily devotion in mid-2012. I found I was soon sharing the thoughts the Lord was giving me, with an increasing number of brethren via sms phone messages. The task and number of messages became too large to pursue every day, which gave rise to this blog of daily devotions linked to  our church website:  

Here, all those who wanted to access the daily portion and make it part of their personal devotional time of prayer and study, could do so at any time it suited them.

Over the past year, 356 plus devotionals on various parts of the Scriptures, have resulted. These offer a full year of daily spiritual servings for contemplation and discipline in the Word. I do not profess to have the greatest or best content, but have prayerfully tried to offer a focus and brief look into portions of God’s Word and verses not usually visited for devotional purposes, or in fact in some cases hardly read at all! While providing some comments and thoughts, the brief messages contained in each entry have been intended as primers or starting points for further personal meditation, study and development, or maybe as seed for sharing and discussion.

Some have suggested that an audio version would be useful and in some cases desirable. As requested, I intend to make this endeavour available in audio format also for those who may prefer or be more inclined or limited to listen rather than actually read.

With God’s help I will in time return to Bible Focus and attempt to produce a second year of brief notes on various scripture passages, so that they may be used either as an am/pm devotional focus in the Bible, or as a means of alternating the daily devotional from one year to the next, so that the material offered may remain fresh to the reader.

I covet the prayers of those who have participated by reading these simple offerings, and pray with all humility of heart that some benefit to the soul, help in the Christian walk and encouragement to study God’s Word further and deeper, may ensue from them. I know I have personally benefited from the prayer, study, research and meditation which have gone in each brief article every day for the past year.

I glorify the Lord Jesus for all He has supplied: all inspiration, understanding, thought and word, for without Him and the help of His Holy Spirit, there would be no spiritual understanding, strength or growth.

May the Lord richly bless every faithful believer who daily builds relationship with Jesus by fervent prayer, and drinking deeply from the everlasting, fresh and restorative fountain of His Holy Word.

Sep 30

“Whereof I was made a minister,…” Ephesians 3:7

Sep 29

“…there shall come in the last days scoffers,…” 2 Peter 3:3

Sep 28

“And Ezra…brought the law before the congregation both of men and women,” Nehemiah 8:2

Sep 27

“…So it pleased the king to send me;…” Nehemiah 2:6

Sep 26

“…But they thought to do me mischief.” Nehemiah 6:2

Sep 25

“If any man teach otherwise,…” 1 Timothy 6:3

Sep 24

“The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD,…” Proverbs 21:1

Sep 23

“Every man …shall pitch by his own standard, with the ensign of their father's house:” Numbers 2:2

Sep 22

“…till I die I will not remove mine integrity from me.” Job 27:5

Sep 21

“…he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” 1 Timothy 5:8

Sep 20

“For Solomon went after Ashtoreth…” 1 Kings 11:5

Sep 19

“And there was much murmuring among the people concerning him:…” John 7:12

Sep 18

“…for riches certainly make themselves wings;…” Proverbs 23:5

Sep 17

“I will extol thee, O LORD;…” Psalms 30:1

Sep 16

“…Doth not David hide himself in the hill of Hachilah,…” 1 Samuel 26:1

Sep 15

“…when ye lived in them.” Colossians 3:7

Sep 14

“And when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard…” Joshua 9:3

Sep 13

“When the Almighty was yet with me, when my children were about me;” Job 29:5

Sep 12

“…Whosoever is fearful and afraid, let him return…” Judges 7:3

Sep 11

“…it is the sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings.” Leviticus 23:3

Sep 10

“And unleavened bread...cakes…. Wafers...anointed with oil:” Exodus 29:2

Sep 9

“…Stand forth.” Mark 3:3

Sep 8

“But because the LORD loved you,…” Deuteronomy 7:7

Sep 7

“…the snares of death prevented me;” 2 Samuel 22:6

Sep 6

“…when he shall be guilty … he shall confess that he hath sinned in that thing:…” Lev 5:5

Sep 5

“For their heart studieth destruction,…” Proverbs 24:2

Sep 4

“For our exhortation was not of deceit…” 1 Thessalonians 2:3

Sep 3

“And they covet fields, and take them by violence;…” Micah 2:2

Sep 2

“Lament like a virgin girded with sackcloth for the husband of her youth.” Joel 1:8

Sep 1

“That thy way may be known upon earth,…” Psalms 67:2

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Aug 31

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend;…” Proverbs 27:6

Aug 30

“Now she that is a widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth in God,…” 1 Timothy 5:5

Aug 29

“…diminish not a word:” Jeremiah 26:2

Aug 28

“…even as thou walkest in the truth” 3 John 1:3

Aug 27

“…My wellbeloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill:” Isaiah 5:1

Aug 26

“…the LORD had given him rest round about from all his enemies;” 2 Samuel 7:1

Aug 25

“Without natural affection,…” 2 Timothy 3:3

Aug 24

“And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil,…” 2 Timothy 2:26

Aug 23

“…in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion:…” Psalms 27:5

Aug 22

“…I gave her corn, and wine, and oil, and multiplied her silver and gold, which they prepared for Baal.” Hosea 2:8

Aug 21

“Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:” Philippians 2:9

Aug 20

“…in the time of wheat harvest, that Samson visited his wife with a kid;…” Judges 15:1

Aug 19

“So I returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun:…” Ecclesiastes 4:1

Aug 18

“…and had given them much exhortation, he came into Greece,” Acts 20:2

Aug 17

“The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.” Psalms 25:9

Aug 16

“…repent, and do the first works…” Revelation 2:5

Aug 15

“…that I may know how frail I am.” Psalms 39:4

Aug 14

“…Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?” Galatians 3:2

Aug 13

“And the rest of the people,…that had separated themselves…unto the law of God” Nehemiah 10:28

Aug 12

“…and have not charity, I am nothing.” 1 Corinthians 13:2

Aug 11

“And they consider not in their hearts that I remember all their wickedness:…” Hosea 7:2

Aug 10

“…to be testified in due time.” 1 Timothy 2:6

Aug 9

“Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision….” Daniels 2:19

Aug 8

“…David took from him a thousand chariots,…” 1 Chronicles 18:4

Aug 7

“And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye,…” Matthew 7:3

By vivid and relevant illustration, Jesus teaches the importance of analysing ourselves ahead of attempting the judgement of others. The experience of having a speck in the eye is not uncommon to most of us. It is an irritant that impedes sight and makes the normal function of seeing difficult and painful. The illustration Jesus gives is logical as it is pertinent. There is nothing wrong with our willingness to help someone who may be afflicted by a small particle in the eye, if our own eyes are clear, functional and able to see. No one in their right mind would attempt to remove something so small from someone else’s eye if they were impaired themselves. Even more surely no one with a speck in their eye would allow someone with a serious impediment to go anywhere near their eye or attempt to help! The inference in this teaching of Jesus, is that the person who has an even bigger problem, that is a ‘beam’, literally a plank or lump of wood in his own eye, should even dare consider the splinter in someone else’s eye! This is at the core of the problem addressed by the Lord. All too often we become critical and begin to scrutinize someone else’s life and shortcomings. We find fault and criticize them, when in our own lives we have by far more serious problems and issues to resolve! The logical and wise direction from God, is to take care of our own difficulty, cleaning and cleansing our own life and vision, so that then we may be able to genuinely be of some assistance to someone else. How much easier and more useful we would all be if this simple, logical and Christ-like principle was followed in our lives. Through prayer, the careful reading of God’s Word, the sincere analysis of our own lives, and maybe the assistance of someone who has ‘clear vision’, we should first face, deal with and overcome our own spiritual impairments. Armed with the knowledge, love and humility learned in the process, we may then without hypocrisy or fear of doing damage, assist our precious brother or sister in their difficulty or challenge.

Aug 6

“…Hear…. the statutes and judgments…..that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them.” Deuteronomy 5:1

Moses, Israel’s leader called the people together that they may hear, learn, keep and do the commandments of God. In the New Testament, Jesus similarly told us that it is a wise man, who both hears the word of God and performs it. Hearing only without the doing of it, results in failure and tragedy. How appropriate that this all important concept is consistently presented in both Testaments of the Bible. Knowledge of the things of God is all important, for without it there is no opportunity to do righteousness. To that end, God has gone to immense trouble and pains and ensured that His Word has reached the ears of humanity all over the world. The Bible is the most sold book in the world, and has been translated in more languages than any other! Particularly in our western world, it is not lack of information or opportunity to do well that lacks. Sadly our problem is by far more serious. We are guilty of having heard long and plenty of God’s directions, instructions, commandments and warnings, but having turned a deaf ear. Overall as western nations, we have turned our hearts, minds and choices away from God and His purposes, rather than towards Him. Naturally this is done to our own detriment, for we are accountable and it will be required from all of us, by the Almighty and Just God! Wise is the man that heeds the instruction of Moses and Jesus, firstly to hear the statutes and judgements of God, then to learn, keep and obey. This first step of ‘hearing’ in itself requires our commitment and willingness to apply time and effort. In the busy lives we have made for ourselves, we find it increasingly difficult to ‘make time’ for God and His word. The single greatest excuse for people not being at church or making time to listen to the teaching or preaching of God’s word is ‘lack of time’. We are too busy with other things and prioritise all else ahead of the necessity for God. There is still plenty of time to listen to one’s favourite music, or watch one’s favourite shows, but time for God is simply too big a stretch in many cases. The next level of commitment however, is even more relevant. Some in response to guilty consciences, a sense of what is right or due to peer or family pressure actually take time to be ‘at church’ or attend bible studies, but this too means little unless it is followed with a heart to learn, remember and do what is heard! Again in other areas of life, we find no difficulty with this aspect. We allow the lyrics of our favourite songs to be so imprinted in our brains that we can scarcely forget them, and we can easily recount to friends in vivid detail the scenes from our favourite shows, games or activities! Should even the smallest amount of the same attention and passion be paid to the Word of God, we might find that our lives and the lives of others would be impacted in very powerful and positive ways! Jesus is still looking for faithful servants who will not only listen, but learn, remember and perform His word. He says this is the test of our true love for Him. How does our personal life line up with this all important biblical standard?

Aug 5

“Let no man deceive you by any means:…” 2 Thessalonians 2:3

The subject of the timing of the return of Jesus, has given rise to much speculation among believers and resulted in not too few serious errors of doctrine and falsities. Paul encourages the Thessalonian believers, and in doing so he speaks to us also, in regards to this matter. We have been clearly taught that no man knows the hour or the day of the coming of Christ for His church. This ought to have been determent enough for forecasters and prognosticators from offering up their predictions, but sadly it hasn’t stopped them. In turn the failed predictions have simply added to both the tension of the wait among believers, and the scorn and ridicule among unbelievers. The Holy Ghost through Paul tells us not to be shaken in mind, troubled nor deceived regarding the return of Jesus and its timing. In fact he offers good reasons and evidences to stay the minds of believers from running ahead and worrying unnecessarily about the issue of imminence. Why did God see fit to give such encouragement? It would seem God knows our human nature and how susceptible we are to make more mistakes and poor choices, to be deceived by the opinions and teaching of others, lose focus or become less effective in the work we are to do, when we overstress our expectation of an impending return of Jesus. It is true that we should live unto God with the preparedness that this life could cease at any moment, for indeed none of us are guaranteed the next breath! Personal preparation and spiritual readiness are necessary for the believer, but God does not want us to live with fear or undue concern about what is ahead. Doctrines based on misinterpretation of scripture, have proposed a ‘secret rapture’, a silent, secretive removal of anyone who professes Christianity (warts, spots, wrinkles and all) from the world, leaving those left behind in a quandary or proposing all sorts of weird and wonderful explanations as to what actually took place. Even for believers the rapture is presented as some sort of surprise return of Jesus, geared almost to ‘catch’ them out, instead of catching them up! This is not the presentation of scripture for those who believe. Believers, who are spiritually attuned to God and His word, have been given plenty of information, warning and direction. They must not be deceived by man’s perception in any way. Neither by abandoning the work and challenges which must be faced because Jesus is ‘coming soon’, nor by becoming complacent and putting off the work and growth necessary because ‘there is yet plenty of time’! The true believer will be ready day to day by maintaining a close and intimate relationship with Jesus, and yet keep busy at the business of the Father, living every aspect of life faithfully and until the day of Christ’s appearing! Jesus is returning to catch away a pure and holy ‘bride’. It is clear from scripture that the true church must yet suffer and be purified before the coming of Jesus. Our individual ‘works’ will be tried with the fire of persecution and affliction, and tested for quality. Antichrist and the powers of evil in authority and government, will be aligned against the people of God. The dark world around us will continue to need the light of God to be shined in testimony, from the lives and conduct of believers who will faithfully serve God until ‘the end’. Let’s be more concerned with the kind of service we offer our King, than with the time of His return. Let’s prepare ourselves, our loved ones and anyone else we can help, for the time ahead, by continuing to pray, read and obey His word, and live a holy life in the fear of God. Let’s remember at all times that God is faithful, He will keep His promises and will keep us also through whatever lays up ahead, and not forget that His timing as always, will be perfect!

Aug 4

“I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers,…” Philemon 1:4

Paul used similar terminology when addressing the church at Ephesus, at Rome and when writing to Timothy. It would seem that the Apostle was in the habit of including specific prayers for individuals and congregations, and then doing so consistently. Here we learn a simple yet deep truth about the necessity of upholding one another before the Lord in prayer. Prayer is not some mere liturgical form or empty repetition of words. It is the communication of the heart to God, and the listening to the voice and direction of God. It carries to heaven’s door the needs and requests, not only of the person praying, but of others who may be mentioned in the prayer. Whilst repetition of form and words without heart is not what prayer is all about, the fact that Paul mentioned the saints ‘always’, shows that regular and continuous requests for known or ongoing needs, are acceptable in prayer. They do not reflect a lack of faith, because they are regularly raised with God! The perseverance of the believer in daily prayer to God, is a vibrant and essential part of the Christian walk. It has been correctly noted that like all necessary daily physical activities of eating, sleeping, working and bathing, keep us healthy physically, in the same manner the spiritual activities of prayer, meditation of God’s Word, worship and witnessing, keep us healthy spiritually. Some sharp mind has stated that seven days without prayer makes one weak! Surely any day which passes without our lifting prayers to the Almighty, is a day of potentially lost opportunities and blessings! The ministry of intercessory prayer that is, praying for and petitioning God on behalf of others is an essential structure and requirement in the church. The love we are commanded to have one for another, must by necessity include prayer for each other. Ministers need the prayers of the saints to uphold them in the work they are to do. Upholding one another in our daily walk with God by prayer for strength, protection and enduring faithfulness forms a vital framework of mutual support, much like the bracing which fortifies bridges, walls or other load-bearing structures. Let us never tire of petitioning heaven with requests and supplications for the needs of our brethren and for the salvation of those yet unreached.

Aug 3

“... to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;” Colossians 2:2

The apostle desires the hearts of the saints to be comforted, knit together in love and reassured in the understanding they have been imparted of the truths of God. In particular he points here to the doctrinal truth, the ‘mystery’ of God, now revealed. This has to do with the powerful truth that God is One. Some would divide God into three separate, distinct persons rather than to see He is but One God, who manifests Himself in multiple ways. This is in part the truth over which Paul wanted the saints at Colossi to rejoice and be assured in. He also instructs them, later in the same chapter, not to be deterred from this truth by traditions, deceptions, philosophies or man’s reasoning. He reminds them that in Jesus dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and that they and all believers are complete in Him! This powerful and liberating truth identifies God and focuses all the glory, the honour, the power and the worship to the One to Whom it belongs! Hearing from, obeying and following the ways of the Holy One of Israel, was and remains core doctrine among the Hebrews and should be so among all Christians also. All of deity, the fullness of it, is in Christ Jesus! It is all in Him! Scholars agree that ‘and’ (kai, in the Greek) may be rendered to mean ‘even’, or ‘that is’, and does not always imply a ‘copulative’ (addition) action. Thus the mystery of God ‘and’ of the Father, ‘and’ of Christ, in our verse, is not a mystery involving three beings, persons or gods. It is the mystery of God, now revealed to man through His word involving God, that is, the Father that is, Christ! We are told in 1Timothy 3 that the great mystery of the Godhead is how that God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory! Jesus fits all of that description! Paul confirms that the fullness of the Godhead bodily dwelt in Jesus, not just a portion, a second person, a third or a partial aspect! The same One God, who was the Father in eternity, took on the form of man and became known as the Son of God in redemption, died on the cross for our sins, rose again from the dead, and now abides as the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers! This is a great assurance, a cause of great comfort, and an establishing, stabilising truth to all the faithful - that we may personally know the God we have believed in and trusted for our salvation!

Aug 2

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:…” Philippians 2:5

The imitation of Christ is suggested to us all as believers by the apostle Paul, as he writes to the church at Philippi. The mind set of those who profess to be followers of Christ should surely reflect the mind of Christ. It is quite impossible to be Christ-like, a Christian in practice, if we are not a Christian in belief and thought. Much of what we will perform begins in the mind and heart and it is therefore very appropriate for us to discover what the mind of Jesus is and then think like Him. While He walked among us, the Lord made clear the intent and motivation of His actions and showed to us all the manner and way of true Christian life. There is much that could be said at this point in regards to the mind of Christ, but perhaps a few points will suffice here. The Lord was genuinely complete in every way and could have rightly flaunted His perfection and purity, His power and superiority, but He did not. With this in focus, let us note then that the mind which was in Christ Jesus was a mind of humility. Jesus showed us an example of humility in everything He did and in the way He related to others. This should form the pattern of our life’s motivation. We should not do anything to be ‘seen’ of others, to receive the praise and accolades of those around us or to be noted and recognised. The heart of the believer should be driven by the passion of true love and service unto God and not strive for credit or recognition. When appreciation or honour comes from others out of genuine hearts, it must be deflected immediately and without hesitation, to Him to whom it truly belongs, the Lord Jesus. The mind of Jesus was also a mind of subjection to the Father. Jesus, as God in the flesh, the Son, never usurped the will and pleasure of the Father in Heaven. His desire and conduct was wrapped up in bringing about all that the Father’s will and purpose demanded. His obedience was complete and His compliance absolute and service. To have such mind, we too must be willing to fall in alignment with all that God commands of us and directs us to do. Nothing should be too ‘hard’ for us to obey God in, or too extreme to include in our lives, if He so directs in His Word and by His Spirit. This kind of mind is consecrated to the Lord, dedicated to His purposes and intent in fulfilling His will in every detail. Along with humility and subjection, we find the mind of Christ to be a mind of service. The needs of others were the first and foremost interests of our Lord. The striving, argumentative and adversarial mentalities, to which we sometimes subscribe, are not Christ-like. They do not minister to the needs of others, but all too often only cater to our own feelings and wants. This is not to say we cannot stand for righteousness, refute error or reprove wrong, but it does mean that we can do those things in the manner, attitude and spirit of love and service that Jesus showed. He came to serve and minister to others. He, who was King of Kings, willingly became the Chief Servant and gave to us who did not deserve. Such altruism is at the core of the mind of Christ, and should be the mainframe and motivation of ours also. Our human nature makes the taking and nurturing of our own interests first and normative. The new nature we inherit from Jesus, turns that around, and places others ahead of ourselves. Developing that mind of Christ in us is a choice we must continue to make throughout our Christian walk. It will not happen by chance or accident, nor by mere religious observance. It can only come as we yield more of ourselves, our hearts and passions, to comply and align with the purpose for which we were created and saved – to be more like Jesus!

Aug 1

 “...for his great love wherewith he loved us.” Ephesians 2:4

How could we who were dead in trespasses and sins ever find life or even hope for any improvement from the finality of our spiritual death? There is but one answer: God! The Almighty God who is rich in mercy and possesses an everlasting love towards us, made a way! This has to be the greatest story of love that we as humans have ever heard of. Why should the Holy and Supreme God, regard or care for a world of lost and dying malevolent sinners, particularly when rebellion against Him was the choice we made? We had rejected His love and provision, rebelled against His purpose and plan, and selected our ways of death in place of His way of life. In human terms we would say, we got what we deserved, and reaped the wages of our disobedience. God could have remained still holy, righteous and eternal, above all and separate from the humanity which had rejected Him. Except for the fact that God is love! Yahwah, the Eternal Ruler of the universe is rich in mercy, and has as the essence of His being a love which permeates His every action and purpose. A lesser deity might have turned away from the awful mess mankind had landed itself in, distancing itself from the problem of sin and its effects, but not this God! Jesus is the Spring of Mercy, the Ocean of Love and the River of grace! In His benevolence and tenderness of heart, He by mercy overlooked the injury and offence humanity was guilty of, and treated the offender better than was deserved! His grace, to save and rescue those who will hear, is the outflow of that incomparable mercy and reaches into the soul of every individual who chooses to receive it. His dealings with mankind are always motivated by His great love. This is the very nature of the Almighty. It touches everything He does and blesses anyone who understands even the least aspect of it! Like the ocean, God’s love is immense and great because it is the nature of the Immense and Great God! It stems from the One who fills the universe and knows no bounds or limitations! God’s love is great because it is not like the natural love we are able to give, which is based on merit, character, relationship and largely limited to those who are close to us and who reciprocate love to us. God’s love is given freely to all mankind and is not limited or exclusive.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

July 31

“…and her hap was to light on a part of the field belonging unto Boaz…” Ruth 2:3

From our human standpoint we may think of events in our lives as being ‘chance’ or even ‘good luck’, when in reality these incidents are actually directed by the provision and providence of God. Such is the scene before us regarding Ruth. She may have felt like she merely ‘stumbled’ across Boaz’s field, and that it was accidental or coincidental, but the scriptures show clearly how this was all part of God’s plan for her life! Yahwah had determined to bless Ruth for her faithfulness, selflessness and compassion, and He was moving all the pieces into place to make this happen. God’s provision does not always come by miraculous means, but it is always a miracle because He has intervened. The Lord may use people and circumstances which may at face value appear to be functioning in the ‘normal’ course of life, and turn such common-place situations into blessings of provision and protection, which to us are nothing short of miraculous! The child of God who trusts and has faith in the Lord, is safely in the Father’s hands and in this privileged position, nothing that take place in his life is mere coincidence. There is purpose, learning, growing, correction, strengthening and blessing in all that takes place in a believer’s experience, day to day, when they are walking in the ways of the Lord. God is interested in every aspect of our life, even the most intimate and minute detail. It should be our joy and privilege to walk close to God and cherish the personal interest He takes in our lives. Daily in prayer, we should open wide every door of the house of our hearts to Him, and welcome Him to move freely in every room. There should be no drawer or cupboard or chest, locked and secured from His scrutiny and touch. It is then, in this willingly yielded condition of heart, we will have the knowledge and experience that Jesus is in control of every aspect of life and our ‘haps’ will be His will and direction!

July 30

 “…the king… made a covenant before the LORD…” 2 Kings 23:3

King Josiah was responsible for a major revival in Israel. He meticulously removed the idolatrous places of worship, overthrew their temples and destroyed the priests of the heathen religions which had grown populous in the nation. His cleansing work included the removal of sodomite houses, and of those practicing occult arts. The Bible reports him as doing right in the sight of the Lord, walking in all the ways of His forefather David, and not being influenced by pressures around him, but staying on course spiritually. This is a sterling testimony and a rarity among the usually poor performances of kings who either did outright evil in rebellion against Yahwah, or walked righteously but only in part and without consistency throughout their lives. Josiah stands out from among the rest as being a righteous man and a godly king in Israel. He stood by the pillar - this was understood to be a special place in the temple set aside for the king, from where he would make his orations to the people and offer prayer and worship unto God. It was from this prominent and public place and in front of all the people that Josiah made a promise to God. His heartfelt pledge to God included that He and the people would walk close to God, keep His laws with all their heart and all their soul, and uphold the words of God’s covenant with them as written in the book of the law. Wonderfully all the people took a stand with him in total support and commitment to that promise. How precious it is to have leaders who are sensitive to the Spirit of God, in tune with His will and obeying His word wholeheartedly! God will perform good and great things through such men! The task of all believers is to be obedient and aligned with Jesus and His word. This is much easier to achieve when the individuals who lead us, give us a consistent example of loving God and honouring His word. When such men by their example and teaching remind us of all that is holy and righteous, we should take notice and with all our hearts make our stand with them! May God raise many leaders like Josiah among us, to help guide us in the path of righteousness and encourage us to a life of holiness before the Lord!

July 29

“…because of false brethren unawares brought in…” Galatians 2:4

It seems that infiltration into the church by those who are bent on doing damage, is not a new thing! Paul faced such enemies constantly. They were determined to bring his ministry into disrepute, and the souls of the saints to whom he ministered, back under the bondage of the ceremonial laws of Israel. Today similar challenges exist for true believers and probably even more so. With the advent of progressively easier, private and public methods of communication, spreading of false doctrines, canvassing among the believers, and detracting from what they learn at church, has become common-place, and even accepted as normal and healthy behaviour. Paul warned the church incessantly against the philosophies and tradition of men, which were contrary to God and were being held in higher regard than God’s word. Dissention of such kind, has not only revived many old false doctrines and issues, but created all sorts of new variations. From a pastoral standpoint, it is almost impossible to address in close detail, all the fallacies and erroneous doctrines which prevail today, and often find their way to the ears and eyes of the congregation. The best possible defence is to ensure that true doctrine is taught from the pulpit, and that the saints are well versed with why they believe what they do. They must be equipped with a working knowledge of the Scriptures to defend their minds and hearts from all such attacks. The onslaught presenting all kinds of perverse views, and waged against God’s people, will take place anytime and anywhere. The workplace, school, the shops, the media or even general conversation, can often be a battleground where the truth of God’s word is under attack and as a result, so are those who believe it.

Learning to contend for the truth is the task and responsibility of every believer. We can never stop learning and growing in the truth of God, and should develop a deep love and sense of responsibility for it. Like Paul we will then be more ready and prepared to engage those who oppose, and stand fast against the infiltration of false doctrine in the community of the believers.

July 28

“I will love thee, O LORD, my strength.” Psalms 18:1

Clarke says that “love always subsists on motive and reason”. Love does not exist without meaning and purpose, it is an act of purpose and choice. The love expressed in this verse, is a love born out of tenderness. It is significant of true inward affection, expressed outwardly in word and deed. Like David we can pray this same prayer of love as of children towards our loving Father. It is a pledge of continuance in this love, not a mere momentary feeling or emotion. It is a commitment to love Yahwah because of Who He is, what He has done and the promise of all He will fulfil in our lives. It is an expression of intimate relationship with our Creator and Saviour, redefining our position in relation to Him and reminding us of the heartfelt regard and respect that our love should demonstrate towards God. It is a confession of our need for the power and strength of the Lord and further reason why we love Him and fear Him. It is in loving God from a pure heart that we experience the greatest benefit and vigour for daily life. In loving God with all our hearts, we have the greatest motivation for serving Him and helping others. Genuine love for God is the fuel that powers our Christian living, and makes it holy, useful and committed. It is the backbone of any love we are able to share and give to others. Developing a deeper, more significant and resolute love for Yahshua, (Jesus) will keep us from sin, provide us with vision for His will and purpose and settle us in all circumstances of life, while reassuring us that our essence is safe and sure in the hands of the Eternal, Almighty, Holy One whom we love!

July 27

“…Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest” Psalms 55:6

David might have fought like a lion and conquered like an eagle, but there were times in his life where he felt he would prefer to flee from danger like a dove. We all experience times when our response to life’s difficulties is to hide, fly away, somehow get away from any person or circumstance that is afflicting us. This is not a sign of cowardice or even fear necessarily. David had fought bravely and knew how to deal with his enemies and the challenges which life presented him. There are just some times, when we may feel like we do not want to fight, resist, oppose or withstand. We long for quiet, peace, solitude and sufficient distance between us and the condition which affects us. We are directed by God through His word in such times, to turn to Him for strength and for refuge. God will supply the power we need to overcome, and the comfort we need to live above and beyond the reach of those people or situations that would otherwise torment us. Believers find refuge from life’s turmoil and rest from the taxing demands of everyday living, in the arms of God. Prayer in the Holy Spirit, supplies us with the very 'wings' David longed for, and helps us to escape from the taunts and torts of life. This provision is not for the purpose of avoiding or ignoring life’s tough times. Prayer brings relief and reprieve in such times. It recharges us resets our minds, and refuels our resolve, so that we may in faith and with God’s strength face whatever may come!  We have in God, both the power to battle valiantly in the fight of faith, and the grace to restore our hearts, soothe our spirit and renew our strength.

July 26

“The heavens declare the glory of God;…” Psalms 19:1

How can man excuse himself before the Almighty God, when the very heavens which surround him wherever he is, so loudly declare the glory of the Creator God? Many may attempt to justify themselves and say they have never heard the word of God, yet the heavens themselves could be termed a message from Yahwah to mankind, telling of His love and provision for all. Man in his own wisdom has characterised God as being ‘outside’ of the reality of life, distant and a stranger to all we call tangible and ‘real’. In fact the reality and tangibility of all things around us, were made possible and provided by this very God! Again in its own wisdom, humanity has imagined all sorts of scenarios, theories and conjectures, in futile attempts to explain how all ‘this’ got here, without the Creator God. Often in such endeavours what has resulted is merely an alternate religion, disguised as science, which expects its adherent to believe stories that are besieged by impossible odds, and demanding a faith in man’s limited knowledge far greater than is required to believe in God and His infinite knowledge in the first place! The design in the heavens, the universe around us, the stars, planets, continue to provide man with information about the Great Designer! Sadly by far and large, man insists on ignoring the clarity of these messages, intent on his own explanations and ideas. No concept, however outlandish and unlikely is dismissed by these corrupt and sinful minds, just as long as it does not involve the idea of a Supreme Creator! Meanwhile hanging as a great neon sign, far above all this self-glorification and busyness of mankind, and reminding us of all of what Yahwah has done, the heavens continue to smile and loudly declare the glory of God! They perpetually tell man the story that God is real, He is the Boss and Possessor of all creation, He is the One to whom we will all one day give account, and that He is still ready for now, to give salvation to whosoever will believe in Him and accept Him!

July 25

 “The LORD hath made all things for himself:…” Proverbs 16:4

The scripture in our text declares the motivation for God’s creation. God has made all things to service their proper end and to suit His eternal and perfect purposes. All of creation shouts loudly the glory and majesty of God. It declares His wisdom and power. It presents for all to see His love and provision. Man has been allowed access to what God has created to use wisely and benefit from, but it doesn’t belong to man, it belongs to God. It was created for His pleasure and to fulfil His will. Man himself as God’s creation belongs to God. All of creation continues to function according to the design of the Creator, in perfect obedience and in synchrony with His will. Man, on the other hand, who is created with a free will to choose, has not ceased in his attempts to change God’s laws and aberrate God’s intended pattern and design for his life. Instead of bringing glory and honour to its Creator mankind largely disgraces God, sullies His commandments and discredits His authority! In spite of this ill-treatment of the privileges humanity has been bestowed, Yahwah in His great mercy, patience and love continues to deal with the hearts and minds of man in an effort to reach him and save him. If a human had made or invented anything which would be so contrary in functionality and rebellious in attitude, as we are towards God, he would surely destroy, discard and do away with such a thing! We should be immensely grateful that the Lord is longsuffering and not at all like us, in the way He deals with mankind. There will come a time however, when the Lord will call a halt to any and all abuse of His love and grace. He will come with vengeance and power to visit judgment on all who have insisted on being rebellious against their Creator and His purposes. Now a Saviour, He will then be a judge to the creation which has refused to fit His will and reflect His glory. Let us, as many as call on His name, make certain that at least in our lives, we align with the will of the Almighty, and pray that in so doing, we might be an apt example and influence in the lives of many others.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

July 24

“…and went not fully after the LORD, as did David his father.” 1 Kings 11:6

Solomon weakened his stand for God as he aged. The verse says he did evil in the sight of the Lord, and his evil was idolatry. He had held a privileged position with God and had been blessed with great advantages by Yahwah, but unlike his father David, Solomon added to the worship of Yahwah, his allegiance and adoration of pagan idols. In this sense then, the scriptures say that he did not go ‘fully after the Lord’! Full-hearted desire and service for the Lord, is still a measure of the quality we offer the Almighty God. The mandate of scripture is that we should love the Lord with all our heart, soul and strength. If our love for Him is wholehearted, then our service to Him will reflect that same fullness. There seems to exist a trend among many Christians today, which reflects more the ways of Solomon, than the ways of his father David. I refer to the half-heartedness, partial devotion and splintered love, which so many professing believers offer to God, while at the same time holding onto a passionate, intense and consuming desire for many things of the world. This, the Bible calls enmity against God, spiritual adultery and faithlessness! We must judge and weigh out the condition of our hearts towards the Lord. Is an ardent, deep and fervent love for God held firmly in our hearts, grasped so steadfastly that it cannot be easily dislodged? Does it surpass the affection we have for anyone and everything else? Is it fully devoted to Him as our only God, or shared with things and interests we hold so dear that they have become idols in our lives? The lukewarm heart condition of the Laodecian church of Revelation, or the condition of having lost our first love as the Ephesian Church was charged, are not the state our hearts should be found in at the coming of Jesus! The summation of our lives should read more like the résumé which God gave to King David, a shining testimony of a person who while perhaps not perfect, yet followed after the Lord with all his heart! Such excellence of love and wholeheartedness is our reasonable service to God and appropriate response to His love for us!

July 23

“…they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship;…” Galatians 2:9

God was anointing and blessing the work of Paul and Barnabas, indicating their call and ministry. Based on this perception, James, Peter and John, who were established apostles in the church, extended the ‘right hand’ of fellowship to them. This was a token that Paul and Barnabas were now accepted as God-ordained ministers and admitted into the church and the society of the saints, and given full permission and consent to carry out their work. Their labours of preaching and ministering God’s word, though not limited only to the Gentile people, emphasized reaching those who had not known the truth of the God of Israel to date. It has always been important that ministers form and maintain strong and stable relationships. God’s work thrives when there is unity and singleness of purpose among the brethren. Factions, jealousies and seeking self-recognition, can only impair and hinder the progress of preaching the gospel, reaching to new souls or establishing existing believers. There is room for diversity in the manner and specific influence of the various individuals whom God calls to be ministers. The scriptures describe under general headings the various areas of ministry to which some are called. These include: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.  In many cases, aspects of each of these areas of works overlap and form the overall individual ministry of a man who is called by God. It is a good and encouraging advantage to have a body of believers who will recognise, give place to, pray for and welcome into fellowship a man with the calling of God on his life. The Bible also adds cautions to believers such as to ‘know those who labour among’ us, indicating that we cannot be superficial about our relationship with those we trust in ministry. Clearly evaluating a man’s calling and determining the degree of his sincerity in conducting the work to which he is called, becomes the responsibility of the individual who would sit under the influence of such ministry. How wonderful it is when true, loving and one-minded fellowship exists among the saints of God and especially among those in spiritual authority! The body of Christ, the church, is meant to be a place of refuge, comfort, encouragement and fellowship. This closeness is ‘family-like’ and affords those who participate the best of what the human family is able to offer, by way of love and mutual support, in an environment which stresses and places importance on spiritual, holy and righteous living. Spiritual fellowship therefore, is more than just a ‘club’ getting together, it implies genuine and holy intimacy, belonging to a family, learning and growing in spiritual things, and working for the common purpose of bringing glory to God and seeing His kingdom furthered.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

July 22

And ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land;…” Judges 2:2

The angel of the Lord reiterates two of the covenant principles Yahwah had made with Israel. He points out that they had been disobedient and had failed in their fulfilment of them. This event took place towards the end of Joshua’s life. In spite of the great victories God had afforded the Israelites and His faithfulness in keeping the promises He had made to them, already this early in the piece there were signs and symptoms of straying from God and His ways. The first of the two covenant principles which is highlighted for us in this verse is that the people of God should not make alliance with the population of the land of Canaan. Confederacies of this nature have throughout man’s history been significant of closeness, friendship, mutual protection and sharing of the power base. They almost inevitably resulted in intermarriage and sharing of social and religious practices. While these things may appear innocent and maybe even desirable from a worldly point of view, in actual fact they represented deterioration from the purity God wanted for His people, and an offence to Yahwah and His directives. God had covenanted with His people that He would be their God, lead them and protect them. In His wisdom and foreknowledge the Lord knew that the ways of the people native to Canaan were evil and would corrupt His people if they associated with them. As a nation Israel ignored the love, concern and directions of God, and tried to make its own way, with its own leagues and under its own steam! The results were disastrous! Soon they abandoned the truth and worship of the true God and gave themselves to all the idolatry, iniquity and practices of the people of Canaan. God’s displeasure with them, merited them punishment, judgment, and enslavement by the very people they trusted in place of God. We do not always understand all that God has in mind and heart when He directs us to do His commandments or follow His directions. This is why faith in Him is so important. We have to believe that He knows more, best and further than we do ourselves. We have to trust that His ruling on a matter is higher and purer than ours and that His wisdom is greater. When we take ‘things’ into our own hands and deny Him His place in our lives, we are saying we are greater in knowledge, understanding and power than He, and set ourselves up as ‘gods’ in His place. This is highly offensive to the Lord! It is the honouring, respecting and worship of self. It is the greatest and most affronting form of idolatry that we can be guilty of! The matter comes down to a simple concept. Either Yahwah is God in our lives, and therefore should have control, authority and pre-eminence, or we are our own ‘god’ and bosses, and own ourselves. It cannot be both ways. When we take the latter stance, by our actions and belief we are saying we created ourselves and we are supreme in our own lives. This not only displaces God out of His correct place and right position as Creator and God, but also sets us up as an idol, an affront to God’s supremacy and Deity. When God told them not to make ‘friends’ with the people of the land, He was not being mean or unsociable. He wanted His people to remain pure, so they could influence others with the truth and bring them away from their idolatry and death, into the way of life. Israel was to be an example to be followed, an ambassador nation for the ways and truth of the living God! He knew the influence would otherwise flow against them and take His people out of His path, and they would lose their privilege and influence with Him. God knows how weak man is and how easily influenced he is by sin and the things of the flesh. We should today also be careful of the influence of the world. We may, like the Israelites feel potent and unaffected by the world and things of it, but the warnings in the scriptures are clear. We should not allow such influences in our lives to diminish our obedience and love for God. When we develop love, attraction and desire for the world and the things of it, we have made league with it, have become associated in practices and thinking and have adulterated our relationship with the Lord. The friendship of the world is enmity against God. That principle is as true today as it was for Israel in the days of Joshua. Let us make our stand with God, remain faithful and obedient to His way of holiness, and resistant to the desires and influences of the world around us.

Monday, 22 July 2013

July 21

“And hath raised us up together…” Ephesians 2:6

Our status as to our spiritual condition was officially ‘dead’! The wages of sin is death, and there is no human who is not affected by this tenebrous influence. The Bible proclaims that ‘..all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God”. This makes our human destiny a dark one indeed, were it not for the light of God’s love and grace! God has made a way to raise us from the dead! When we come to the salvation He has provided, that is, we accept the sacrifice of Christ at Calvary, and participate in His death, burial and resurrection, we pass from death to life! We are raised together with Christ! In His victory over sin and death, we find our victory also! We overcome death, sin and the world, because He overcame them. It is the only solution to the sin/death problem which plagues the human family.  This is the ‘good’ news of the gospel, that while in our natural state, we are the inheritors of death, Jesus made a way to give us life, and that more abundantly! It is strange how so few comparatively, choose to have life instead of settling for eternal death. Logic and wisdom would seem to make it a simple choice, but because it requires faith to believe that God means what He says (and for many to believe He even exists in the first place!), not so many choose life. Those who do believe and accept in faith what God has given discover the wonder and blessing of His truth! They become alive where they were spiritually dead, and awake to the reality of all that God has in store for His followers. Maybe some stumble at the simplicity of the gospel. They might feel that if God had demanded some difficult task, such as climbing a high mountain or killing a beast with their bare hands, in order to obtain salvation, it may be more credible. They miss the point that God wants to make salvation available to all, and that means all must be able to come to salvation the same way. The one thing that all humans can do, regardless of age, opportunity, ability or background, is believe! God has put in all humans ‘the measure of faith’, that is, the ability to believe. Ultimately man could not do anything of his own anyway, no matter how great the exploit, to purchase his personal salvation. Only Christ’s sinless life was an apt sacrifice for sin. Jesus gave His life freely; He did it for all humanity, and that is why faith and not our own provision, is essential! Why should we remain dead in trespasses and sins, when Jesus has made a way to resurrect us and give us life eternal? Let us allow God to work in us, and through the faith He has given us, accept the loving gift of salvation, that we may be born again, resurrected and inheritors with Christ of eternity.

July 20

“…whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, … with the brightness of his coming:” 2 Thessalonians 2:8

This passage refers to the ‘man of sin’, ‘the wicked one’, the antichrist and all that is associated with him and his work. The end of the reign of antichrist and the destruction of his influence is prophesied here. There may be times as believers, when looking at the condition of the world around us, that we may think evil has triumphed and that perhaps the battle against evil has been lost. God through His word encourages us to lift our heads in faith towards heaven, and know with assurance that the future has been set and determined by His own hand, and that the end result is not the victory of evil, but its thorough and total destruction. Yahwah IS the winning side! All we need to do is remain faithfully on His side, and we will see the fulfilment of all that He has planned and promised. The wicked one will be slain, his influence made void and his kingdom destroyed and removed. This work, God will perform by the same power He has demonstrated in creating the universe. He spoke the worlds into existence, and it is by the same ‘spirit of His mouth’, that He is able to destroy or bring to nought. We should not think of a battle between God and the devil, as some sort of arm wrestle where the outcome is dubious or hanging on the balances of chance! The comparison would more be like God’s atomic bomb versus Satan’s bow and arrow! Yahwah will only need to speak the words of destruction and the enemy will be consumed. God’s own glory will render useless and hopeless any and all power which may be aligned against Him. This is a battle already won in eternity and simply waiting for its future fulfilment! God’s almighty power is not threatened by the workings of the wicked one, nor is it lessened because evil is allowed to rule for a while. There is purpose and reason in what God does and He is always ultimately in control of all! Like a dog on a chain, the devil is limited in the scope he is given and to how far God will allow him to go. The damage he can do is real, but again limited largely to those who allow him to rule in their lives and choose to stay close to him or support his agenda. God could have totally destroyed him before, but has in His wisdom elected to permit his influence, so we as humans can make our own choice of who we will serve. This way when we serve God, it must be by our personal choice and free will. This is the only way God really wants us to love, worship and serve Him! In the end however, there will be no more time for such choice. We will each have set our eternal destiny, and final judgment will fall both on the wicked one, and all who have followed him. Victory for those who stand on God’s side is guaranteed, the question is one for each of us to answer - where will we be standing when God comes in His brightness to judge the wicked?