Thursday, 29 August 2013

Aug 4

“I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers,…” Philemon 1:4

Paul used similar terminology when addressing the church at Ephesus, at Rome and when writing to Timothy. It would seem that the Apostle was in the habit of including specific prayers for individuals and congregations, and then doing so consistently. Here we learn a simple yet deep truth about the necessity of upholding one another before the Lord in prayer. Prayer is not some mere liturgical form or empty repetition of words. It is the communication of the heart to God, and the listening to the voice and direction of God. It carries to heaven’s door the needs and requests, not only of the person praying, but of others who may be mentioned in the prayer. Whilst repetition of form and words without heart is not what prayer is all about, the fact that Paul mentioned the saints ‘always’, shows that regular and continuous requests for known or ongoing needs, are acceptable in prayer. They do not reflect a lack of faith, because they are regularly raised with God! The perseverance of the believer in daily prayer to God, is a vibrant and essential part of the Christian walk. It has been correctly noted that like all necessary daily physical activities of eating, sleeping, working and bathing, keep us healthy physically, in the same manner the spiritual activities of prayer, meditation of God’s Word, worship and witnessing, keep us healthy spiritually. Some sharp mind has stated that seven days without prayer makes one weak! Surely any day which passes without our lifting prayers to the Almighty, is a day of potentially lost opportunities and blessings! The ministry of intercessory prayer that is, praying for and petitioning God on behalf of others is an essential structure and requirement in the church. The love we are commanded to have one for another, must by necessity include prayer for each other. Ministers need the prayers of the saints to uphold them in the work they are to do. Upholding one another in our daily walk with God by prayer for strength, protection and enduring faithfulness forms a vital framework of mutual support, much like the bracing which fortifies bridges, walls or other load-bearing structures. Let us never tire of petitioning heaven with requests and supplications for the needs of our brethren and for the salvation of those yet unreached.

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