Thursday, 29 August 2013

Aug 5

“Let no man deceive you by any means:…” 2 Thessalonians 2:3

The subject of the timing of the return of Jesus, has given rise to much speculation among believers and resulted in not too few serious errors of doctrine and falsities. Paul encourages the Thessalonian believers, and in doing so he speaks to us also, in regards to this matter. We have been clearly taught that no man knows the hour or the day of the coming of Christ for His church. This ought to have been determent enough for forecasters and prognosticators from offering up their predictions, but sadly it hasn’t stopped them. In turn the failed predictions have simply added to both the tension of the wait among believers, and the scorn and ridicule among unbelievers. The Holy Ghost through Paul tells us not to be shaken in mind, troubled nor deceived regarding the return of Jesus and its timing. In fact he offers good reasons and evidences to stay the minds of believers from running ahead and worrying unnecessarily about the issue of imminence. Why did God see fit to give such encouragement? It would seem God knows our human nature and how susceptible we are to make more mistakes and poor choices, to be deceived by the opinions and teaching of others, lose focus or become less effective in the work we are to do, when we overstress our expectation of an impending return of Jesus. It is true that we should live unto God with the preparedness that this life could cease at any moment, for indeed none of us are guaranteed the next breath! Personal preparation and spiritual readiness are necessary for the believer, but God does not want us to live with fear or undue concern about what is ahead. Doctrines based on misinterpretation of scripture, have proposed a ‘secret rapture’, a silent, secretive removal of anyone who professes Christianity (warts, spots, wrinkles and all) from the world, leaving those left behind in a quandary or proposing all sorts of weird and wonderful explanations as to what actually took place. Even for believers the rapture is presented as some sort of surprise return of Jesus, geared almost to ‘catch’ them out, instead of catching them up! This is not the presentation of scripture for those who believe. Believers, who are spiritually attuned to God and His word, have been given plenty of information, warning and direction. They must not be deceived by man’s perception in any way. Neither by abandoning the work and challenges which must be faced because Jesus is ‘coming soon’, nor by becoming complacent and putting off the work and growth necessary because ‘there is yet plenty of time’! The true believer will be ready day to day by maintaining a close and intimate relationship with Jesus, and yet keep busy at the business of the Father, living every aspect of life faithfully and until the day of Christ’s appearing! Jesus is returning to catch away a pure and holy ‘bride’. It is clear from scripture that the true church must yet suffer and be purified before the coming of Jesus. Our individual ‘works’ will be tried with the fire of persecution and affliction, and tested for quality. Antichrist and the powers of evil in authority and government, will be aligned against the people of God. The dark world around us will continue to need the light of God to be shined in testimony, from the lives and conduct of believers who will faithfully serve God until ‘the end’. Let’s be more concerned with the kind of service we offer our King, than with the time of His return. Let’s prepare ourselves, our loved ones and anyone else we can help, for the time ahead, by continuing to pray, read and obey His word, and live a holy life in the fear of God. Let’s remember at all times that God is faithful, He will keep His promises and will keep us also through whatever lays up ahead, and not forget that His timing as always, will be perfect!

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