Saturday 15 December 2012

Dec 7

“But God, who is rich in mercy…..” Ephesians 2:4

Lost, undone and in a spiritually compromised, broken and derelict state, is where the Lord finds each and every one of us. This is true regardless of our background, training, social status or position. Our sinful condition separates between us and God in a manner which cannot be mended or bridged by our efforts. It takes the Lord and His mercy to reach out to us and span the distance that our sin has put between us and Him! We would remain forever separated were it not for God’s grace and mercy which is abundant, freely available and bestowed without limits. The Lord expresses through His love and mercy, an unequalled compassion and feeling for humanity, though we are lost, miserable and corrupt through our own doing. His mercy can reach to the lowest levels of human degeneration and pluck from there a heart and a soul that will become His child and live a worthwhile and righteous life for His glory. Such mercy is indeed rich! Mercy is part of God’s intrinsic nature of love, and therefore is not merely something He ‘has’, but something He ‘is’. Nevertheless and in spite of this fact, when God displays and extends His mercy towards us, He makes a personal choice and establishes His will. This is not just a thoughtless, unplanned, ‘knee-jerk’, ‘can’t be helped’, reaction on His part. He wants to be loving and merciful towards us, His fallen creation. He is thus worthy of our sincere worship both for ‘Who’ He is and for ‘what’ He chooses to do in our regard and towards our hopeless condition. Thank God for the richness of His abundant mercy!

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