Friday 21 December 2012

Dec 22

“And walk in love….” Ephesians 5:2

The Word of God has much to say about the way we should ‘walk’ as believers. The manner and attitude of our Christian walk in this verse, is identified as being one which follows God and the example we have been given by the Lord Jesus Christ. That example is a pattern of genuine, constant and pure love. He gave Himself in such love, a sacrificial love, and has commanded us to love one another as He loved us. By this we signify that we are His disciples. We too like Him then, must be willing to offer ourselves for others in unconditional love, the kind of love that gives of self even when there is no promise of return or reward. We too must continue in such love on a daily basis, for that is what is meant by ‘walking’ in it – not merely touching upon it here and there or getting to it from time to time, but flowing, living and bathing in it. We like Jesus must walk in love, making it the quality of life by which we are distinguished and recognised, holding to it as the core of our lives, and exuding it everywhere as the essence of our existence. What a privilege to have the Lord as our pattern and example, and to be able to follow Him in this holy and divine endeavour!

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