Thursday 20 December 2012

Dec 21

“Thy words have upholden him that was falling,….” Job 4:4

The intention of his ‘comforters’ was to point to the faults or sins, which in their minds must of necessity have existed in Job’s life, seen he faced with such dire straits. In spite of themselves and their opinions though, they could not help but to recognise, that Job had performed righteousness as he supported, helped and assisted those in need and those who were weak, struggling or straying. The words, works and actions of kindness, love and compassion we do towards others, will remain as a legacy and be remembered by those who care enough to notice. Ultimately, we do not do good works to be ‘seen’ of men, but out of love for God and His righteousness. It is however a biblical fact that some will notice what is done, will see the heart and motivation in it, and they will ‘glorify God’. Others on the other hand, may ignore or even belittle the words, efforts and labours of the righteous. This is of no concern to those who are genuinely intent on serving the Lord out of a pure heart. As true servants of the Lord Jesus, we must learn to serve, help and assist with words and actions, without care for credit, recognition or reward. Should we, like Job, fall into adversity and be faced with the discomforting attitudes and speeches of outspoken ‘comforters’, we must lean on the Lord and His intimate knowledge of who and what we are, believing that He will heal, restore, protect and direct. He that knows the hearts, works and lives of every individual, will be our consolation, judge and rewarder, and He will show His deliverance in His way and His time!   

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