Thursday 13 December 2012

Dec 4

“Behold, I will send my messenger…” Malachi 3:1

The prophet speaks of the forerunner of Jesus, who would come to preach and prepare the way of the Lord before the people of Israel. They had been without message from God for four hundred years due to their sin and straying from God. This silence was finally broken by John the Baptist preaching a message of repentance and baptising those who responded. God does not leave Himself without a witness. He works in His own time and purpose. He is well prepared and ready long before we have the advantage of seeing with our eyes the evidence of His foreknowledge and planning. There may be times when we in our natural limitations may think God has forgotten or forsaken us, but His promises are sure and His ways everlasting. He has made plans for our lives and has always intended on seeing them carried out. All we need to do is wait, pray and sense after Him. He knows the end from the beginning and He will send His message, His provision, His answer, His solution, His protection or whatever else we have need of in His time as He has already fore planned on our behalf!

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