Wednesday 12 December 2012

Dec 2

“I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience...” Revelation 2:2

Nothing escapes God’s attentive eye! He is able to see every detail of our lives and hearts. He knows both the good and the bad in us and acts accordingly to direct, teach, encourage and correct us. Just like the churches in Revelation, we too are an ‘open book’ before Him and He can put His finger right on the spot or area of our lives which He desires to address. This may sometimes make us uncomfortable, particularly when we know we do not stand right with Him, but how wonderful to know that God is so present and so interested that He can reach our hearts with His instruction. We see from how He dealt with each of the churches, that He is fair and balanced and His judgements are always true and correct. We need only ensure that we walk uprightly in His sight, obeying His Word faithfully and keeping our hearts pure. Having done so and continuing quietly and without great ado (for He knows our works, labours and patience) to fulfil the righteousness of God, we will find both personal satisfaction and divine evaluation to reward all efforts and obedience. We too will soon hear the report from the Reader of our hearts and Discerner of our motives, and it will include a welcome into His presence – 'well done my good and faithful servant….enter into the joy of your Lord'!

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