Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Dec 19

“….he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.” Acts 2:33

It had been prophesied by Joel - God would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh! On this wonderful and special day, a day of festivity, joy and thankfulness, the fiftieth day after the yearly Passover, God’s Spirit was given in a new and extraordinary way! There, for all to see and hear was the evidence of the Almighty God coming and making His abode in the believers who had obeyed, waited and prayed for the fulfilment of His promise. This thing was not done quietly or in a corner! It was openly seen and heard! Those who were there heard the sound as of a mighty rushing wind, and the various tongues spoken by individuals as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance. They saw the tongues of fire sitting upon each of them and the effects of the Spirit in them which were real and life-changing. For example Peter, who had previously denied and hidden his faith, now boldly stood up in front of the crowd and fearlessly preached Christ and His salvation! Such was the anointing and fire of the Spirit on his soul that men cried out with heavy conviction of heart, asking what they must do to be saved! From that day, which marked the birth of the New Testament church, the flame of Pentecost has spread. The same Apostolic, Pentecostal experience can still be seen and heard! The Holy Spirit as a mighty wind and a roaring fire continues to move upon and fill believing men, women and children all over the world! God speaks loud and clear with tongues from heaven through the believers and their changed, empowered lives, to an unbelieving and dying world. His testimony stands, indelible and undeniable. It remains established as a monument and an altar of worship and praise eternally. He has indeed poured forth this unstoppable river of living waters, and the proof and sign of it continues to be manifested today! The choice we must make personally and individually is whether we will remain mere spectators of this divine and miraculous event, or whether we will join the millions who are already a part of God’s testimony, and be filled with the Holy Spirit, becoming participants of God’s mighty heavenly gift and blessing! 

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