Sunday, 16 December 2012

Dec 15

“Your riches are corrupted…..” James 5:2

The combination of wealth and unbelief in God is a snare to the soul of man. God decries those who place their faith and stay in material riches, as individuals whose wretched end is predictable. In the general sense of our western, affluent society, the biblical description of these verses, sadly does not isolate some individuals here and there, but includes almost everybody! If we are honest with ourselves, we will probably find how that it is a ‘fit’ for our personal lifestyles. Much which would be considered richness by the poorer people of this world, becomes corrupted in our society, through sheer waste and lack of use. Indescribable amounts of food, clothing, furniture and other items, are dumped and wasted daily, only to be replaced by more of the same. 
In such wealth and waste, minds and hearts soon become bored and distanced from the values of God and righteous living. Individuals become largely empty and self-serving, looking for what next thing might be tried, or wallowing in the self-pity of not having the next ‘whatever’ and the self-destruction of pursuing it. In self-fulfilling prophecy we become exactly what the Bible has said - miserable, lost and unhappy.  For believers it is a must to abandon this corrupted world-view, and return in every way possible to the simplicity and contentment found in serving Jesus with all our hearts! All material things will pass away, they should be for us, but means to an end, and that end is trusting Jesus not the things we hold.

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