Sunday, 16 December 2012

Dec 17

“In the which ye also walked some time.…” Colossians 3:7

The sin and iniquity to which we subscribed in our past lives, and in which we continued until Jesus rescued us from them, are the very cause for the judgement that God will bring upon those who are still entangled in them. As we look from our present, privileged position, we may develop the tendency to think that we were always ‘cleansed’, but that is not so! The Apostle, as he writes to the saints reminds them - and us in turn, that the ways of death which so pervade the world around us, were the same ways in which we also walked, and the same practices in which we used to live. It is a sobering and humbling fact, that but for the grace of God, there go you and I, the saved, the blessed, those who have tasted of His great deliverance! When we encounter and want to recoil from the ugliness and horror of the sin that blights and disfigures the souls of men and women around us, let us not retreat from them. Instead, prayerfully and with genuine heart, let us - the redeemed, show the same compassion and love that was displayed to us, by reaching out with the same message of hope and salvation that was once delivered into our sin-sick souls.

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