Saturday, 29 December 2012

Dec 29

“By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand…” Romans 5:2

Entrance into the grace of God and availability of all it brings, can only be found through Christ Jesus! Our salvation from sin, reconciliation to the Father and sanctification which separates us unto His work and use, is all in and through our Lord. It is His gift, to all who in faith will believe, obey and follow Him. Without Jesus we are as lost waifs, locked outside the door of the family domicile. We are left in the cold and loneliness of sin, without hope and without anyone to care. Life outside of Christ is an unfulfilled existence at best, and a living death at worst. The knowledge and consciousness inside each of us, tells us that we are locked out, separated and distanced from the God Who made us and loves us, and at heart we know it is our doing, it is our sin that divides us. The well-known old song reminds us:
Had it not been for a place called Mt. Calvary,
Had it not been for the old rugged cross
Had it not been for a man called Jesus
Then forever my soul would be lost

Oh the grace of God, that bridges that chasm! Amazing, the heart and love of the One who makes it so accessible to us! Glorious, the fact and privilege of being able to continue, stand and live in such grace! Could the Lord be more generous? Could His care and thoughtfulness extend any further, to reach down to the lowest of sinners and grant him access? Could He be more faithful, that He continues still, to deal with yet another, not willing that any should be lost? Our praise of Him and His works towards us, lost and undone, sinners-saved-by-His-grace, should flow without ceasing, and our service to Him should continue lifelong, faithful and consecrated! We are allowed in! Allowed access to the best of heaven’s blessings, and provided by heaven’s Best!

1 comment:

  1. This so aptly describes how it felt to me before, before Jesus washed me clean- and then the beauty of the Life consecrated to Him!
    Praise tte Lord for His wonderful, freely accessible and freely given Grace. Let us abide in it contentedly!
