Sunday, 30 December 2012

Dec 31

“Buried with him in baptism…” Colossians 2:12

The scriptures make the burial of Jesus a necessary part of the gospel of salvation which was delivered to us. Jesus died, was buried and rose again – this constitutes the gospel message. When we come to accept and participate in the gospel of salvation, we must identify with what Jesus did. We align and identify with the burial part of this powerful message, when we are baptised in the name of Jesus for the remission of our sins. That which is ‘dead’ must be buried, and we too, when we ‘die’ to our old self - the flesh, and repent of our sins, must be ‘buried’ with Him in baptism. In this momentary watery grave, as we are totally submerged, ‘buried’ in the name of Jesus, the bible promises our sins are remitted, forgiven, washed away! Of course there is no such power in water or any other earthly substance to wash away our sins, only the sinless blood of Jesus can do that for us. As we identify with the burial of our Lord, through His name, which is the name of salvation, His blood, which purchased our salvation, is applied to our souls, and we are cleansed, washed of our iniquities and sins. This is one burial over which we are neither sad nor glum! It is a joyous event, a time of great blessing and renewal. Further and unspeakable joy awaits us, as we identify with the resurrection of Jesus, and begin a new life in Him, through the glorious infilling of the Holy Spirit! What a wonderful and blessed salvation God has wrought for all who will believe, and what glorious privilege to know Him as our personal Saviour!

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Dec 30

“….A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country…kin…house.” Mark 6:4

It seems a factor of our human makeup, that when we are regularly exposed to something or someone, we can take that person or situation for granted. In this sense then, familiarity breeds contempt! Being close and well acquainted, should naturally amount to a better quality relationship, and it usually does, provided we maintain an appropriate respect and appreciation for those to whom we are close. Jesus found there was less faith, trust and belief in Him, among those who ‘knew Him’, that is - had grown with and around Him, prior to the commencement of His earthly ministry. It has been observed, that often it is most difficult to reach with the gospel, those who knew us as we grew up. Unsaved family members or relations, old friends or business associates, can, at times, be the most difficult people for us to convince of the truth we have found in Jesus. While it is true that intimacy can help develop trust and therefore strengthen our opportunities to reach the hearts of those we know, it is also a fact that those closest to us, will in some cases, feel justified in rebutting or casually brushing us off. Closeness can thus become a resistance and an obstacle to the message of salvation we may be presenting, especially in situations where due to familiarity, regard and politeness are lost. Perhaps it is in the frame of mind of the individuals concerned, who instead of reasoning that a person they ‘know’ should be trusted more in what they say, they choose rather to mock, belittle and resist. They fail to see or maybe insist on ignoring, the reality of the work God has conducted in the lives of the people they are familiar with. Familiarity abused, can therefore play a part in robbing some, of their opportunities to receive the gospel and be saved. There is another aspect of familiarity which is also very damaging and can get by us un-noticed. We should be very careful to never take for granted the blessing and privilege of the anointed ministry of the Word of God, which we receive faithfully every week. Although we believe and attend church, because we ‘know’, are close to or familiar with the minister and their work for God, it can become easy to shrug off and not take notice of what we hear. A thankful heart and respectful appreciation for what God brings to us through the ministry in our church pulpit, and for the privilege of belonging to God’s family, will go a long way to help maintain a close, family-like, yet healthy relationship with the Lord, and our brethren.  

Dec 29

“By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand…” Romans 5:2

Entrance into the grace of God and availability of all it brings, can only be found through Christ Jesus! Our salvation from sin, reconciliation to the Father and sanctification which separates us unto His work and use, is all in and through our Lord. It is His gift, to all who in faith will believe, obey and follow Him. Without Jesus we are as lost waifs, locked outside the door of the family domicile. We are left in the cold and loneliness of sin, without hope and without anyone to care. Life outside of Christ is an unfulfilled existence at best, and a living death at worst. The knowledge and consciousness inside each of us, tells us that we are locked out, separated and distanced from the God Who made us and loves us, and at heart we know it is our doing, it is our sin that divides us. The well-known old song reminds us:
Had it not been for a place called Mt. Calvary,
Had it not been for the old rugged cross
Had it not been for a man called Jesus
Then forever my soul would be lost

Oh the grace of God, that bridges that chasm! Amazing, the heart and love of the One who makes it so accessible to us! Glorious, the fact and privilege of being able to continue, stand and live in such grace! Could the Lord be more generous? Could His care and thoughtfulness extend any further, to reach down to the lowest of sinners and grant him access? Could He be more faithful, that He continues still, to deal with yet another, not willing that any should be lost? Our praise of Him and His works towards us, lost and undone, sinners-saved-by-His-grace, should flow without ceasing, and our service to Him should continue lifelong, faithful and consecrated! We are allowed in! Allowed access to the best of heaven’s blessings, and provided by heaven’s Best!

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Dec 28

“As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:” Colossians 2:6

The beginning of a journey is usually the easy part by comparison to remaining on track, continuing and completing it to the purposed destination. It is so with our spiritual journey. Often the manner, spirit and desire with which the things of God are received at conversion - the beginning of our new life and walk in God - are not the evidences we find in the life of believers who have continued on for a while. The early fire and effect of Jesus and His doctrine seems somewhat spent; the joy and desire of prayer, learning and fellowship, appears much diminished; the love for brethren and lost souls, becomes colder with indifference; and the vision of heaven, eternity and life’s purpose, grows dim and obstructed. This ought not to be the ‘normal’ state of true Christians! We received Christ, His salvation and teaching in humility of heart, power, thankfulness and simplicity. With love we embraced, bathed and rejoiced in all the new found truth and life. The thrill of the Saviour in our souls, peace in our hearts and joy of salvation, radiated to all around us, clearly transmitting the message that we were new and Christ now reigned in us! No effort was too much, sacrifice too great or instruction too rigorous, for us to follow and obey, for when we received the Lord Jesus Christ, we received His ability to love His Word and in genuine heartfelt gratitude, we did all without gripe or complaint. Can we truly say that is still the condition of our heart and the desire of our soul today? Have we continued to walk in that same simplicity, joy and love that we first found in God? The same markers of love - for Jesus, truth, spiritual things, conviction and others, set in our souls at our conversion, should be evident signs in our lives today, as we continue to walk in the Lord. They should remain present and strong till the end. Isn’t this the kind of faithfulness Jesus is expecting to find in His church at His return?

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Dec 27

 “……hath begotten us again unto a lively hope…” 1 Peter 1:3

We were by His amazing grace regenerated, brought to life again, reborn of God and this time, unto a lasting and eternal life. This is the living hope that the believer has been endowed with. The dead, inoperative and purposeless existence of the past is gone. It is replaced with the life that is in Christ, and is underpinned by an eternal hope, a hope of life without end in heaven with Him. The hope of our salvation - the eternal life to come - is the vision, focus and final outcome, of our faith in Christ. It is communicated to us via His mercy and grace, and established upon the resurrection of Christ Jesus, Who through His death, burial and resurrection, conquered death and the grave! The thought is breathtakingly grand and inspiring! We who were lost in hopelessness and despair, bound by sin to die and without hope of escaping eternal death, were begotten a second time - born again through the Spirit of God, and given new hope, living hope, eternal hope! This is the most amazing ‘second chance’ at life. It is a renewed opportunity to ‘get it right’ and this time not in our own strength or ability, but with and through the power of the Spirit of Resurrection and life! Having the infilling of His Holy Spirit and holding this new life in God, is a promise, a deposit, a down-payment on the eternal and everlasting life to come. The praises for Him who orchestrated this great plan and salvation for us, will flow freely from the hearts of the blood-washed redeemed, and will ring and reverberate through heaven and for eternity!

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Dec 26

“Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory…” Philippians 2:3

All of life is touched by this concept. The ways of natural man are fraught with pride, trouble, divisions and a party spirit. For believers, all relationships and activities of life should be regularly and promptly emptied, of these lower and fleshly motivations. Harmony, oneness of mind and communion of heart and purpose, are the qualities which accompany the kind of love, for which as Christians, we are to be known. When those who claim to be disciples of Jesus, are governed by a contentious spirit and spurred by arrogance or a desire to ‘outdo’ others in any way, the entire thrust of ‘Christ-likeness’ is lost, and damage is done to the witness for Jesus. When we spot a divisive attitude or motivation, we ought to remove ourselves and our participation immediately. The personal analysis of our own motives for the things we initiate, say and do, is also a regular necessity which should keep us on our knees, and cause us to ‘check-in’, and leave at the door of prayer, all strife, arrogance and pride. Selfism, however well concealed, will be a destructive weapon, causing havoc in the life of the selfist, and mutilating any opportunity of healthy relationships and good outcomes in life. The divisive spirit highlights self, and is a tool of pride used by the enemy of our souls, to dislodge and break Christ’s law of love. If we are honest with ourselves, we will discover that not a single day passes in our lives, where selfishness does not attempt to rule us. Yet it must never become our motive, nor be the basis of anything we set our hand to in life. This is the benchmark and standard to which God calls His people, and the only way we will find true satisfaction in our service to the Lord!

Monday, 24 December 2012

Dec 25

“In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works…” Titus 2:7

A pattern, in our text, is an example, a model, a reproducible form, style and behaviour which is noticeable and accessible. We are encouraged here not merely to teach, preach or talk about good things and righteous actions, but to be an example of them through living them. The personal ‘doing’, speaks louder than just the ‘saying’ in every case. It is the goal of all who believe and especially those who lead, to do so from the ‘front’, in other words, to do so in a manner that can be seen and imitated. It is clear that it should become our personal desire and objective, to do the righteousness of God so wholeheartedly and to such a degree and quality, that as individuals we can stand out as exemplary. Naturally, this leaves the person who attempts to live up to this calling, in a vulnerable position. Not everyone appreciates and automatically chooses to follow good example. For all sorts of reasons, those who show a good pattern in their lives are often the butt of scorn and criticism. Even the best among God’s servants have been attacked by critics and those who, wanting to advance their personal agenda, or overtaken with envy, make it their business to pull down, find fault or attach blame. It is nevertheless the duty of every believer to establish and demonstrate in every aspect of life, a pattern of behaviour which aligns with God and His Word. Through this obedience and the privilege of living a life of godly values, we desire to bring glory to the Lord and to shine His light of good works, in a dark world of iniquity.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Dec 24

“All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full….” Ecclesiastes 1:7

Here is a beautiful description of one of the wonders of God’s creation – the water cycle of the earth. God placed perfect balance in the nature He created. The water which arrives into the sea basins, via the rivers from the rain collected on the mountains and plains, and the amount of evaporation afforded by the action of the sun, correspond to such a degree that our seas do not overflow and destroy the earth. Once condensed the evaporation returns to the earth watering it and yet again forming the streams and inlets of water into the sea. Such glorious engineering and balance, is the result of a Power and Intelligence higher than anything man can imagine. God, the Creator of all things, has made everything well and has provided all we need for life to exist and continue on this special planet we call Earth! Everywhere we look and study, whether in the nature that surrounds us on earth, our own bodies, the universe or the microscopic world, we can readily observe the awe-inspiring work of the Almighty's hand, in the design, functionality and thoughtfulness of His creation. It is indeed ‘good’ and it came from the perfectly Good and All-wise God. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised!

Dec 23

“….I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:” 2 Peter 3:1

Our minds are not naturally pure - sadly they are far from it. They along with all other systems in our human being, were soiled, spoiled and defiled by sin. Of our own accord, we are also unable to cleanse our minds, any more than we can our souls, from the impurities which stain them. It takes the blood of Jesus to purify our thinking, feeling and desire. It is to such ‘purified-by-Jesus’ minds that Peter speaks to, minds deemed able and willing to receive the truth and depth of the things of God. In spite of their improved state, however, our minds are yet the minds of humans, and thus susceptible to forgetting even the important things which have been related and relayed to us. The apostle here takes pains to renew the instructions, to prompt and bring our pure minds, back on track or in harmony with truth, by way of remembrance. The concept of repetition to impart knowledge or remind of previously learned truth, is well established in scripture and fits with the experience we all have, when we want to retain important information or facts. Remembering and being reminded of the goodness of God, His doctrine and some aspect or application of His Word, is the duty and privilege of all believers, and should form the greatest part of all our fellowship and interaction with one another. Spending our fellowship time in complaints, criticisms or negative conversation, can only do damage to all participants. How much better to follow the example laid down by the scripture, and like the Apostle Peter lovingly stir up, and encourage one another by provoking our memories, through better, higher, edifying and soul strengthening discussion!

Friday, 21 December 2012

Dec 22

“And walk in love….” Ephesians 5:2

The Word of God has much to say about the way we should ‘walk’ as believers. The manner and attitude of our Christian walk in this verse, is identified as being one which follows God and the example we have been given by the Lord Jesus Christ. That example is a pattern of genuine, constant and pure love. He gave Himself in such love, a sacrificial love, and has commanded us to love one another as He loved us. By this we signify that we are His disciples. We too like Him then, must be willing to offer ourselves for others in unconditional love, the kind of love that gives of self even when there is no promise of return or reward. We too must continue in such love on a daily basis, for that is what is meant by ‘walking’ in it – not merely touching upon it here and there or getting to it from time to time, but flowing, living and bathing in it. We like Jesus must walk in love, making it the quality of life by which we are distinguished and recognised, holding to it as the core of our lives, and exuding it everywhere as the essence of our existence. What a privilege to have the Lord as our pattern and example, and to be able to follow Him in this holy and divine endeavour!

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Dec 21

“Thy words have upholden him that was falling,….” Job 4:4

The intention of his ‘comforters’ was to point to the faults or sins, which in their minds must of necessity have existed in Job’s life, seen he faced with such dire straits. In spite of themselves and their opinions though, they could not help but to recognise, that Job had performed righteousness as he supported, helped and assisted those in need and those who were weak, struggling or straying. The words, works and actions of kindness, love and compassion we do towards others, will remain as a legacy and be remembered by those who care enough to notice. Ultimately, we do not do good works to be ‘seen’ of men, but out of love for God and His righteousness. It is however a biblical fact that some will notice what is done, will see the heart and motivation in it, and they will ‘glorify God’. Others on the other hand, may ignore or even belittle the words, efforts and labours of the righteous. This is of no concern to those who are genuinely intent on serving the Lord out of a pure heart. As true servants of the Lord Jesus, we must learn to serve, help and assist with words and actions, without care for credit, recognition or reward. Should we, like Job, fall into adversity and be faced with the discomforting attitudes and speeches of outspoken ‘comforters’, we must lean on the Lord and His intimate knowledge of who and what we are, believing that He will heal, restore, protect and direct. He that knows the hearts, works and lives of every individual, will be our consolation, judge and rewarder, and He will show His deliverance in His way and His time!   

Dec 20

“….send it not empty…” 1 Samuel 6:3

The Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant, but were in fact ‘captured’ by it and at its mercy! The Ark represented the presence of the Almighty God, and He quickly demonstrated His superiority over their idols, and His control over their land, bodies and lives. They thought they held it prisoner, but in reality God held them at ransom. The Philistines realised the only way to be rid of the plagues that were visiting their land and their population, was to remove the Ark of the Covenant from their boundaries, and to do so properly. They had enough good sense to know that entreating a favour from the ‘God of the Ark’, Who had already proven Himself powerful among them, required a genuine and sincere offering. Some, who have limited knowledge of God can find enough respect in their hearts for the divine, while sadly some who claim a relationship with Him, and go by the appellation of ‘Christian’, come into His presence ‘empty’ of anything appropriate and worthy of Him and His glory. Worse yet, at times they appear in His house, their un-repenting hearts laden with sin, rebellion and unbelief, offering only offense and affront, to the God they claim to worship! God recognises and still desires a genuine sacrifice of prayer, praise and worship. The Lord is ready and willing to bestow His blessing and favour upon all who sincerely seek to lift offer their hearts to Him, hearts full of faith, love and humility. 

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Dec 19

“….he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.” Acts 2:33

It had been prophesied by Joel - God would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh! On this wonderful and special day, a day of festivity, joy and thankfulness, the fiftieth day after the yearly Passover, God’s Spirit was given in a new and extraordinary way! There, for all to see and hear was the evidence of the Almighty God coming and making His abode in the believers who had obeyed, waited and prayed for the fulfilment of His promise. This thing was not done quietly or in a corner! It was openly seen and heard! Those who were there heard the sound as of a mighty rushing wind, and the various tongues spoken by individuals as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance. They saw the tongues of fire sitting upon each of them and the effects of the Spirit in them which were real and life-changing. For example Peter, who had previously denied and hidden his faith, now boldly stood up in front of the crowd and fearlessly preached Christ and His salvation! Such was the anointing and fire of the Spirit on his soul that men cried out with heavy conviction of heart, asking what they must do to be saved! From that day, which marked the birth of the New Testament church, the flame of Pentecost has spread. The same Apostolic, Pentecostal experience can still be seen and heard! The Holy Spirit as a mighty wind and a roaring fire continues to move upon and fill believing men, women and children all over the world! God speaks loud and clear with tongues from heaven through the believers and their changed, empowered lives, to an unbelieving and dying world. His testimony stands, indelible and undeniable. It remains established as a monument and an altar of worship and praise eternally. He has indeed poured forth this unstoppable river of living waters, and the proof and sign of it continues to be manifested today! The choice we must make personally and individually is whether we will remain mere spectators of this divine and miraculous event, or whether we will join the millions who are already a part of God’s testimony, and be filled with the Holy Spirit, becoming participants of God’s mighty heavenly gift and blessing! 

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Dec 18

“….and they presented themselves before God.” Joshua 24:1

The time had come for Joshua to address one last time the people he had loved and led for so long. He wanted to remind them again of all that God had done for them, and appeal to them one more time to remain faithful to the Lord. When their leader called the assembly, the people viewed this as a gathering not merely in the presence of a man, but as a personal presentation of themselves before the Lord. Our motivation for assembling together can sometimes lose its real meaning. It can become anything from mere religious ceremony and duty, to a way of spending some time with friends in a social setting. As true Christians however, our real motivation for gathering together and attending church meetings, should be love for our Saviour and a desire to worship, do service and commit ourselves unto Him. What joy and thrill the child of God should register at the provision and privilege he has been given through church gatherings! There, he is able in the bond of unity with brethren of precious like faith, and in unison of mind and heart, to worship and glorify Jesus. There, he finds another opportunity to present himself before the Lord, in a setting which surrounds him with love and care for his soul, and find release from his burdens. There, in response to the message God delivers to his heart, he may once more renew his commitment and closeness, with the One who is the Author and Finisher of our common faith. 

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Dec 17

“In the which ye also walked some time.…” Colossians 3:7

The sin and iniquity to which we subscribed in our past lives, and in which we continued until Jesus rescued us from them, are the very cause for the judgement that God will bring upon those who are still entangled in them. As we look from our present, privileged position, we may develop the tendency to think that we were always ‘cleansed’, but that is not so! The Apostle, as he writes to the saints reminds them - and us in turn, that the ways of death which so pervade the world around us, were the same ways in which we also walked, and the same practices in which we used to live. It is a sobering and humbling fact, that but for the grace of God, there go you and I, the saved, the blessed, those who have tasted of His great deliverance! When we encounter and want to recoil from the ugliness and horror of the sin that blights and disfigures the souls of men and women around us, let us not retreat from them. Instead, prayerfully and with genuine heart, let us - the redeemed, show the same compassion and love that was displayed to us, by reaching out with the same message of hope and salvation that was once delivered into our sin-sick souls.

Dec 16

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee…” Isaiah 26:3

The secret of a an inner peace is not found in having everything just right in our lives, no problems or challenges to face us, nor by being in ‘harmony’ with the universe around us. Perfect peace - that is peace that is real, complete and lasting, does not mean a total absence of difficulty or trials in life. We imagine at times that we would be at peace if all the outside disturbances were removed, and while admittedly that would make it a much quieter life, it would not in itself amount to genuine true inward peace. The scripture tells us the clue to perfect peace. It is found through Jesus, the Prince of Peace, and received when we lock onto, and keep our mind on Him. He supplies the inner quiet to overcome the worst of turmoil and ride over the waves of trouble, if we but place our firm confidence and trust in Him. Perfect peace then, is not manufactured by the right conditions around us, but delivered into our souls by the only One who can give this kind of peace. When it is found in us, it will condition and affect all aspects of life. It will calm us and keep us tranquil and serene even when storms threaten and toss us.

Dec 15

“Your riches are corrupted…..” James 5:2

The combination of wealth and unbelief in God is a snare to the soul of man. God decries those who place their faith and stay in material riches, as individuals whose wretched end is predictable. In the general sense of our western, affluent society, the biblical description of these verses, sadly does not isolate some individuals here and there, but includes almost everybody! If we are honest with ourselves, we will probably find how that it is a ‘fit’ for our personal lifestyles. Much which would be considered richness by the poorer people of this world, becomes corrupted in our society, through sheer waste and lack of use. Indescribable amounts of food, clothing, furniture and other items, are dumped and wasted daily, only to be replaced by more of the same. 
In such wealth and waste, minds and hearts soon become bored and distanced from the values of God and righteous living. Individuals become largely empty and self-serving, looking for what next thing might be tried, or wallowing in the self-pity of not having the next ‘whatever’ and the self-destruction of pursuing it. In self-fulfilling prophecy we become exactly what the Bible has said - miserable, lost and unhappy.  For believers it is a must to abandon this corrupted world-view, and return in every way possible to the simplicity and contentment found in serving Jesus with all our hearts! All material things will pass away, they should be for us, but means to an end, and that end is trusting Jesus not the things we hold.

Dec 14

“….Let thine heart retain my words….” Proverbs 4:4

Solomon was blessed to have parents who instructed him in all aspects of life and wisdom. He was also careful enough to appreciate and respect the things that were imparted to him. It is important that we make efforts to retain, hold onto and grasp the things of God as are taught in His Word. Committing biblical words, concepts and truth to the heart and not merely the head is a primary task, duty and privilege of the believer. In the heart these things are most profitable – there they perform the greatest work, exert the greatest influence and supply the greatest benefit. Memorizing the Word of God is a valuable and healthy practice; it renews the mind and keeps it alert to the values of God. However impressing the meaning, principles and application of the scriptures to the heart, for the purpose of living by them and practicing them, is the ultimate spiritual muscle builder and life generating exercise. Every day should find us in prayer and careful, patient meditation of the God’s Word. It is the necessary food for the soul and sustenance for the spiritual man. Masticating and ingesting this life-giving spiritual substance daily, will help to place it firmly in our heart, and make it part of our will, our choices, our affections and desires.

Dec 13

“For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:3

Dead is not the way we would like to describe ourselves, and yet it is the definition which the Word of God gives to those who are saved and thus are alive in Christ. So we could say we are dead in one sense and yet alive in another. This holds true because when we come to Jesus and find new life - spiritual life in Him, we are supposed to cease, desist and turn from the ‘old’ life we had prior to our salvation. The bible calls the life we had before we came to Christ the “old man”, and it teaches that if we are in Christ, the old has passed away (it is dead) and we have become new creatures.  This means we are supposed to be ‘dead’ to – the old lusts, ambitions, choices, behaviour and sins. If we are truly ‘in Christ’ we should be unable and unwilling to function on the old plane, but find our life and pleasure only in Jesus and through the values and ways He wants us to live by. That’s a ‘good’ way to be dead! Being dead to sin and to ourselves, means we are alive in righteousness and in the Spirit of God! The Apostle Paul found it necessary to renew his commitment of ‘dying-to-the-flesh-to-live-in-the -Spirit’, on a daily basis. It seems logical that if he who served God so well needed to do this, perhaps we too should consider it a daily necessity! If we are running ‘our own show’ instead of letting Jesus rule in our lives, there is every likelihood that we are actually letting the zombie of our flesh (the old dead man) rule, and in spite of being ‘born again’ in title, we are actually denying and turning down the very life Jesus gave us, and that this biblical and liberating truth is proposing.

Dec 12

 “And the people served the LORD all the days of Joshua…” Judges 2:7

Joshua, like Moses before him, was by his life, obedience to God, and leadership, a powerful and formative influence among the people of Israel. While he and those of his generation who with him had experienced God’s deliverance and leading of Israel to the Promised Land still lived, the people were overall closer to God in their minds and hearts, and served the Lord in what He had commanded. This is not to say that there were no rebels or some who 
didn't choose otherwise during that time. The record shows that both through Moses’ time and the time of Joshua’s leadership some failed to obey God, incited rebellion against God’s leadership and paid dearly for their dissention and disobedience. It does seem however that the generation which grew under Joshua had overall a closer sense of God than the generation which followed, the latter being labelled in verse 10, as ‘not knowing the Lord or His works’! The net result was their abandonment of the God of their fathers. Effective leadership helps, there is however a sad human limitation in the influence we can exert on others, particularly those of the generation which follows our own. We can tell them, show them and teach them, but we cannot pass onto them our personal experiences - those they must desire and discover for themselves! Our love,  fear and obedience of God and our efforts in serving Him then, should be most excellent and of the highest quality, reflecting the greatest faithfulness and deepest conviction, so that the next generation may have the best possible example to view, remember and follow. Whenever we lessen or compromise our stand for God even a little, we should think that the damage we are doing is not merely to ourselves and those of our immediate family, that would be bad enough, but we may also further disadvantage the chances of spiritual survival for the next generation.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Dec 11

“….the God of all comfort;” 1 Corinthians 1:3

Like all things good and wholesome, consolation, compassion and comfort find source in, and flow from, the Lord God. Comfort found in anyone or anything else is quite short lived, or not at all as heartening as we can have through Jesus. Mankind is predisposed to trouble and suffering, and in such times we all need relief and support. The best comfort in our times of distress comes from the Lord, for He like no-one else, best understands us and our situation. In verses 3-7 of this chapter, Paul uses the Greek word for comfort (also translated consolation in the KJV) ten times, highlighting for us not only the fact that God is the source of our comfort in afflictions and sufferings, but that we can become channels of God’s comfort to others. Note that we have no real or worthwhile consolation of our own to give, but that we can be used by God to transmit His support to others. We learn then, that we are not only to trust God and allow Him to be our solace in all our life struggles, but that we should also allow Him to use us to communicate the power and support of His comfort, to those around us who are facing anguish and difficulty. Perhaps we are best equipped to be ministering servants of God’s comfort to others, when we have ourselves suffered and have experienced the consolation that comes through His Spirit, perhaps through the kind words and supportive actions of another ‘comforted comforter’. This process and transmission, from one comforted believer to another, and anointed by God’s Holy Spirit, seems integral and necessary to assist members of the body of Christ, the church, in maintaining a spiritually strong and healthy cohesiveness and closeness. It may help us then to remember when we go through a trial of life, and find comfort in God, that a secondary reason for the Lord allowing this, aside than for our personal spiritual strengthening, could be that we, at some stage in the future, may be a support, aid and succour to someone else, as they too face the distresses of life.

Dec 10

“…mine hour is not yet come.” John 2:4

God’s timing is always perfect and His work impeccable. He is never late and always on time, even when we cannot reconcile His timing with our human expectations, understanding or preference. Clearly God’s timing and His will are closely intertwined, so much so that we can miss His way altogether, when we step out of the timing of His will. We are often prone to become anxious, as Mary did at the marriage in Cana, regarding some need or want, and not only solicit but want to ‘hurry’ the Lord to act because ‘we are ready’, or we think the time is right, when in fact His work is done when He is ready! Although the Lord at times and mercifully condescends to our requests in ‘time’ with our anticipation, we cannot really ever interfere with or change God’s timing, if He has determined to function by a schedule which best suits His will and purpose. It is us who must learn to fit in with God and not the other way around. In a world of push-button instant responses, we are used to ‘getting what we want, when we want it’, but this kind of genie-like, magical mentality is not what our relationship with God is all about. He is not at our ‘beck and call’, He is our Master and we His servants, and that order cannot, must not, be reversed in our thinking or expectation. It may well be that the Lord wants to grant our request, but the timing of His work may not be automatically granted to suit our timepiece. God’s ‘delays’ build our faith and trust in Him, they help us remember we are not in control, He is. They are allowed for vital and important purposes and should be accepted with patience and grace on our part, knowing that God is our Father and He knows what is best for us and the situation that faces us.

Dec 9

“…death hath no more dominion over him.” Romans 6:9

Never could death dominate the Lord of its own accord. God is eternal and immortal - that is, above and beyond all death, deterioration and perishing. Once and for a brief time, to atone for humanity’s sin, Jesus submitted to the power of death. He took upon Himself our sins and consented to be placed under the authority of death, to represent us, act on our behalf, and deliver us from the yoke and retribution of our sin and iniquities. His sacrifice purchased life eternal for all who believe and trust in Him. Death and the grave however, could not hold the Lord. His Lordship, His personal sinlessness and His authority placed Him beyond death’s holding power and grip. He rose from the dead, defying and conquering death, hell and the grave! Never again will death be permitted to hold dominion over the Lord Jesus Christ, never again will He submit to it – and because of what Jesus did, you and I, through faith and obedience in Him, can also escape the grasp of death. His Word promises that He is coming to take us where He is, into eternal peace and rest, and on that day, we will be changed from this mortal existence to become immortal beings, and shout with joy and glory: “Oh death where is thy sting? Oh grave where is thy victory.”

Dec 8

“….for there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few.” 1 Samuel 14:6

Humanity finds the greatest strength by aggregation. The larger the number and means, the more ‘powerful’ we as humans feel. God is not so limited. His power is complete and perfect when He is on His own. He does not need an army to validate or enforce His position nor manifold riches to assert or maintain His office. Although He chooses to work via the limited human agency, His power and work is not restricted to it. He does not need to depend on the size, quantity or quality of our human input - He chooses to do so, when it pleases Him and it serves His purposes. The Lord can at His will and preference, elect to go well beyond our human limits or even bypass our input all together and there to perform His great acts. Often He selects to use our ‘little’ and make ‘much’ out of it. Like a child who feels he is capable of doing something well beyond his actual ability, because his parent is holding and directing his hand, the Lord moves and works in us and causes us to realise that it is His power and strength through us, that does the work. Whilst we are left to wonder at the amazing and sometimes ‘beyond-us’ results that can come from this reliance on Him, we also become very conscious of the reality of His working by us, and get a measure of our ‘littleness’ and insufficiency without Him! Jonathan and his armour bearer were a distinct minority and faced with frightening odds, yet faith and trust in God made them bold and victorious. Like them, we should never despair at our lack or insufficiency. When we depend on all-sufficient God we would do well to remember that our limitations and constraints are not His.

Dec 7

“But God, who is rich in mercy…..” Ephesians 2:4

Lost, undone and in a spiritually compromised, broken and derelict state, is where the Lord finds each and every one of us. This is true regardless of our background, training, social status or position. Our sinful condition separates between us and God in a manner which cannot be mended or bridged by our efforts. It takes the Lord and His mercy to reach out to us and span the distance that our sin has put between us and Him! We would remain forever separated were it not for God’s grace and mercy which is abundant, freely available and bestowed without limits. The Lord expresses through His love and mercy, an unequalled compassion and feeling for humanity, though we are lost, miserable and corrupt through our own doing. His mercy can reach to the lowest levels of human degeneration and pluck from there a heart and a soul that will become His child and live a worthwhile and righteous life for His glory. Such mercy is indeed rich! Mercy is part of God’s intrinsic nature of love, and therefore is not merely something He ‘has’, but something He ‘is’. Nevertheless and in spite of this fact, when God displays and extends His mercy towards us, He makes a personal choice and establishes His will. This is not just a thoughtless, unplanned, ‘knee-jerk’, ‘can’t be helped’, reaction on His part. He wants to be loving and merciful towards us, His fallen creation. He is thus worthy of our sincere worship both for ‘Who’ He is and for ‘what’ He chooses to do in our regard and towards our hopeless condition. Thank God for the richness of His abundant mercy!

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Dec 6

“I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: ….. not able to bear it…..” 1Corinthians 3:2

Carnality will stunt spiritual growth. When as Christians we give allegiance or place to carnality and fleshly interests, we become dull spiritually, disinterested in feeding on the spiritual diet of prayer and God’s Word and we can thus retard our spiritual growth. A baby is justified by his age to only drink milk and being unable to chew solids, but doctors are often concerned when a child has grown sufficiently to ingest more than milk and will not tolerate solid food. Certainly a healthy grown up with a good set of teeth cannot but do damage if he is not eating the diet suitable for his age. It is so in the spiritual sense also. The Apostle Paul expressed concern when he found himself dealing with believers who were not able to feed on and digest the food appropriate to their age in the Lord! He diagnosed the cause of their problem as carnality and prescribed cleaning their lives of all the things which violated their bodies as temples of God’s Spirit. Replacing true spirituality, worship and prayer with empty religious form and ceremony while feeding on the things of the world, will surely do damage to the quality of our relationship with the Lord. It will kill our hunger for spiritual things and impede our spiritual acumen.

Dec 5

If a thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there shall no blood be shed for him” Exodus 22:2

The news have reported instances of people who for attempting to stop a burglar from entering their home, have incurred heavy penalties when sued at law by the perpetrator, and have ended up paying damages to the person who was actually committing the crime in the first place! Unlike the more liberal views of today, the law of God set rather severe consequences for thieves’ breaking and entering into a home at night. It was to be assumed that under the cover of darkness, their intentions were not only to steal but potentially to kill and therefore self-defence justifiable and without repercussion. Grace has added a new dimension to the stringency of the law. Jesus lifted the dealings between the wronged and the wrongdoer to a new plane, revolutionising the thinking of how we should manage offences. Grace however does not alleviate the necessity of true repentance, turning and ceasing from sin and making restitution. Laws which have severe punishment attached to them are deterrents to committing those sins but the best motivation for us to stay righteous, avoid sin of any kind and live a worthwhile life, should not be fear of the punishment, but a genuine and wholehearted fear of God and love for Him and His ways.

Dec 4

“Behold, I will send my messenger…” Malachi 3:1

The prophet speaks of the forerunner of Jesus, who would come to preach and prepare the way of the Lord before the people of Israel. They had been without message from God for four hundred years due to their sin and straying from God. This silence was finally broken by John the Baptist preaching a message of repentance and baptising those who responded. God does not leave Himself without a witness. He works in His own time and purpose. He is well prepared and ready long before we have the advantage of seeing with our eyes the evidence of His foreknowledge and planning. There may be times when we in our natural limitations may think God has forgotten or forsaken us, but His promises are sure and His ways everlasting. He has made plans for our lives and has always intended on seeing them carried out. All we need to do is wait, pray and sense after Him. He knows the end from the beginning and He will send His message, His provision, His answer, His solution, His protection or whatever else we have need of in His time as He has already fore planned on our behalf!

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Dec 3

“He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous…” Proverbs 2:7

God’s provision for those who are upright in His sight and walk in His word includes ‘sound wisdom’ – the application of knowledge at the right time, in the right way and for the right reasons! This wisdom is from above and a wonderful blessing to the hearts of believers. The wisdom of the world pales in comparison to this wisdom, in fact God takes pleasure in bringing it forth from those who are considered naught by the world and its sages. Note firstly that God lays up this wisdom. It isn't merely learnt, it is made available and plentiful by the power and provision of the Lord. Elsewhere in the scriptures we learn that those who may be considered babes or unlearned often display this kind of heavenly wisdom and they didn't get it from a local school or university, but from interaction with the Almighty and His Word! See secondly how that this wisdom is ‘sound’. It is healthy wisdom, complete in its purpose and it is a ‘working’, applicable wisdom, positively and powerfully influencing the lives of those who subscribe to it and allow its work in them. This is not mere philosophical fantasy bearing no ultimate good to the soul or man, but a sturdy, vigorous, life-giving wisdom which applies to all aspects of life. God lays it up – He gives it freely and liberally and makes it available to all who strive unto righteousness and seek His face and will in their lives.

Dec 2

“I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience...” Revelation 2:2

Nothing escapes God’s attentive eye! He is able to see every detail of our lives and hearts. He knows both the good and the bad in us and acts accordingly to direct, teach, encourage and correct us. Just like the churches in Revelation, we too are an ‘open book’ before Him and He can put His finger right on the spot or area of our lives which He desires to address. This may sometimes make us uncomfortable, particularly when we know we do not stand right with Him, but how wonderful to know that God is so present and so interested that He can reach our hearts with His instruction. We see from how He dealt with each of the churches, that He is fair and balanced and His judgements are always true and correct. We need only ensure that we walk uprightly in His sight, obeying His Word faithfully and keeping our hearts pure. Having done so and continuing quietly and without great ado (for He knows our works, labours and patience) to fulfil the righteousness of God, we will find both personal satisfaction and divine evaluation to reward all efforts and obedience. We too will soon hear the report from the Reader of our hearts and Discerner of our motives, and it will include a welcome into His presence – 'well done my good and faithful servant….enter into the joy of your Lord'!

Dec 1

“But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.” 2Thessalonians 3:3

Our relationship with the Lord is firmly established firstly and fore mostly on His faithfulness. He was faithful to us even before we ever knew Him or served Him. He firstly gave us life and then made a way for us to regain it when we lost it to sin! When in response to His unswerving love and unabated faithfulness, we respond and become true to Him and His word, His ways are established in us and we therefore become settled on His firm foundation, rid of evil from our lives and kept for His good pleasure. The sensation and knowledge that we belong to Jesus and are maintained in Him by His power and strength flowing through us, is most precious and reassuring. If He who is so faithful promises to keep us, establish and protect us, what do we have to worry about?