Saturday, 24 November 2012

Nov 26

"...for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?" Joel 2:11

Many have erroneously assumed that God's longsuffering is a negation of the judgement which is prophesied to come. Some have foolishly and arrogantly mocked at the divine delay, only to add to the list of sins they will have to repent of. The day of the LORD is a time appointed in God's mind and plan, and will come to pass just as sure as all the promises of God do! We do well to be and stay on the Lord's side, the place of salvation and redemption, for the description of that day is nothing short of overwhelming. It is going to be a 'great and very terrible' day, when the Creator returns to earth to visit, examine and judge His creation. The prophet asks that pertinent question 'who can abide it?’ It is asked with the knowledge that is deep inside all of us, etched in our hearts and souls, and engraved in our conscious. It is the knowledge that no human shall be able to withstand the Almighty Judge or defend himself in His presence. No flesh shall be able to hide from the scrutiny of His enquiry, nor evade or escape the reach of His sentence. In ourselves we cannot measure to the standards of His righteousness and holiness and so we do well indeed to be yielded in repentance, washed in His blood, filled with His Spirit, settled in His grace and honouring His Word, that we might find mercy and salvation in the day of the Lord!

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