Sunday, 18 November 2012

Nov 18

  "Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?" 1 John 5:5

It is a matter of life and death! Either we renounce and overcome the world, or it will overcome us to our eternal ruin. "He that overcometh" (Rev 3:12) is the mark and description of those who enter into the eternal rest provided by the Lord in heaven. Interestingly it has nothing to do with being religious, most prominent in ability or popularity; it is not a measure of the degree of success one has in serving God, nor is it dependent on what denomination one is associated with! The qualifier that will make us a 'pillar' in God's heavenly temple, is that we have overcome, made it over, faithfully endured for God and remained above the world and its sin. The text reveals the identity of the overcomer. It will be he who has believed that Jesus is God incarnate! This faith that Jesus is God, is not a mere mental assent of that truth, but an active, vibrant, vital and obedient faith seen and evidenced by how we have trusted, obeyed, waited and walked with God. He that has relied on the strength of Jesus to fight the battles of life, face the dangers of temptation and bear the pains of growth, has denied himself and put on Christ. He is an overcomer because he relies and has confidence in He who alone overcame the world and though tempted in all points, remained without sin! Through Jesus and faith in Him we too can be overcomers - victors over the world!

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