Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Nov 22

"But thou art holy,..." Psalms 22:3

One of the great distinguishing features and qualities of the One True God, the Almighty, is His holiness. It is the attribute by which He wants to be known most and the quality He wants developed in all His people. God is holy, that is pure, in the absolute sense and in Him there is no trace or shadow of sin or unrighteousness. The scriptures teach that the will of God for us, is our sanctification - the process by which He renders us holy as He is holy. It is this purity of heart and separation from the world and unto the Lord that should characterise believers. The world should know and be able to 'spot' those who follow Christ and go by the name of Christians, because they are 'different' in the one way which is most distinctively unique from anything found in the world - the holiness of God in them. Holiness is not 'religious superiority’, a means or way to put others down, but rather a true sign of submission to God and His will, in preference to our own. It means loving God enough that we are willing to strip off all that the world and the flesh want us to be and participate in, and ‘put on’ Jesus and His ways. Holiness applies to all areas of life, affects the way we speak, behave, think and feel. It is practical, the bible calls it ‘beautiful’, and shows vividly in what we do, how we dress, the places we attend, how we love God and the way we deal with our fellow-man. This is the manner of persons we ought to be, holy because - for the reason and as a result of the fact that - He, our Father in heaven, is holy!

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