"Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do:..." Philippians 4:9
The importance of being a good and proper example to those who follow is highlighted here. It is recognised that most followers would to some degree select to reproduce the things they learn from their leaders. There is usually only a passive and often unspoken direction from those who minister, to follow them in their example as servants of God. Paul here actively encourages those who have been affected by his ministry, either by having learned from him doctrinally, received from him in personal embrace of the values he taught, heard from his teachings in person or in writing, and witnessed the ways of God in his life, to perform those things and imitate his example. This confidence on Paul's part to invite others to follow him as he follows Christ is not arrogance, but sanctified boldness. It is not for his personal satisfaction or glory, but for the magnification of the work and person of Jesus, in the life of a man yielded as a true servant and bond slave to the Master!
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Nov 29
"....ye shall stand still in Jordan" Joshua 3:8
There are times when action is required and necessary in order to
fulfil God's will, and other times when all we are directed to do is - stand still. This was one such
situation. Followed by the other Levites and further behind them the whole of Israel, the four priests were to bear the Ark of the Covenant, which has been estimated by various sources to weight (including its contents) as much as 200Kg, to the brink of the
river Jordan. When their feet were in the waters at the river's edge, they
were to stand still and wait on the move and hand of God.
The directions of the Lord are precise enough for us to obey, yet sometimes they are unusual. We may wonder at the fact that when we are directed to wait and be still, the place, circumstances or conditions in which we are commanded to do so, may not be conducive or preferable. We may not know with certainty how God may intervene or what He is about to do, but we do know for sure He has shown us to stand - and that we must obey! We must not worry if 'our feet are getting wet' as we wait for the Lord's will and intervention to make a way, He knows what He is doing and He can be trusted, His word can be relied upon. Standing still maybe one of the hardest things we are ever directed to do, particularly when we don’t know how long for or when we are to wait in precarious circumstances, such as on the edge of a river which is known to overflow its banks! Some may mock at our lack of action or criticize what may appear as inability or indifference on our part. They wonder what is 'wrong with us' or make up their own minds and story about us, shaking their heads empty of understanding at the sight before them. In spite of their urging and pressing, those who have heard from God, not caring how they may appear to others, must bear the load and stand still. They cannot move a single step forward to please or appease the opinion of others, nor retreat from their position, for personal comfort or fear of the deep waters in front of them! They must obey and follow carefully and patiently the instructions of the Master! God's glory, will and purpose will be manifest in due course, but only and ever in His perfect and appropriate time.
The directions of the Lord are precise enough for us to obey, yet sometimes they are unusual. We may wonder at the fact that when we are directed to wait and be still, the place, circumstances or conditions in which we are commanded to do so, may not be conducive or preferable. We may not know with certainty how God may intervene or what He is about to do, but we do know for sure He has shown us to stand - and that we must obey! We must not worry if 'our feet are getting wet' as we wait for the Lord's will and intervention to make a way, He knows what He is doing and He can be trusted, His word can be relied upon. Standing still maybe one of the hardest things we are ever directed to do, particularly when we don’t know how long for or when we are to wait in precarious circumstances, such as on the edge of a river which is known to overflow its banks! Some may mock at our lack of action or criticize what may appear as inability or indifference on our part. They wonder what is 'wrong with us' or make up their own minds and story about us, shaking their heads empty of understanding at the sight before them. In spite of their urging and pressing, those who have heard from God, not caring how they may appear to others, must bear the load and stand still. They cannot move a single step forward to please or appease the opinion of others, nor retreat from their position, for personal comfort or fear of the deep waters in front of them! They must obey and follow carefully and patiently the instructions of the Master! God's glory, will and purpose will be manifest in due course, but only and ever in His perfect and appropriate time.
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Nov 28
"Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles:...." 1Peter 2:12
In biblical terms, our conversation is much more than merely what we
say. It includes all aspect of our behaviour and therefore life. The upright,
honest and kind manner of Christ-like believers, can be a powerful influence in
a world which overall has a poor view and opinion of all things 'religious'.
Christians can make the difference in showing that true disciples of Jesus are
not pompous, self -righteous or just upholding religious ceremony and
tradition. They can be instrumental in showing God and His ways to the world
around them, by living and practicing the values and principles which Jesus
established. While this does not guarantee the conversion of others to
Christ, it certainly helps and encourages consideration, by making Jesus and
true Christian ways, 'visual' and more desirable to any who may care to
Monday, 26 November 2012
Nov 27
"...This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded." Numbers 30:1
God in His love directs and clearly instructs His people. In the detail
and faithful instruction He provides, in the directives and requirements which
He explains, the Lord shows His desire for imparting knowledge, understanding
and wisdom in our dealings with one another and our relationship with Him. Some
consider God distant, detached, angry and disinterested. Not so! In every
area of life and in all that is necessary for a healthy personal, social and spiritual
conduct, the Lord Jesus supplies the information we need and must have. We are
not left to stumble blindly, or in the dark about the things we should be told!
He directs, commands, informs encourages and corrects. As a loving Father to
His people, He faithfully and consistently shows the path to righteousness and
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Nov 26
"...for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?" Joel 2:11
Many have erroneously assumed that God's longsuffering is a negation of
the judgement which is prophesied to come. Some have foolishly and arrogantly
mocked at the divine delay, only to add to the list of sins they will have to
repent of. The day of the LORD is a time appointed in God's mind and plan, and
will come to pass just as sure as all the promises of God do! We do well to be
and stay on the Lord's side, the place of salvation and redemption, for the
description of that day is nothing short of overwhelming. It is going to be a
'great and very terrible' day, when the Creator returns to earth to visit,
examine and judge His creation. The prophet asks that pertinent question 'who
can abide it?’ It is asked with the knowledge that is deep inside all of us,
etched in our hearts and souls, and engraved in our conscious. It is the
knowledge that no human shall be able to withstand the Almighty Judge or defend
himself in His presence. No flesh shall be able to hide from the scrutiny of
His enquiry, nor evade or escape the reach of His sentence. In ourselves we
cannot measure to the standards of His righteousness and holiness and so we do
well indeed to be yielded in repentance, washed in His blood, filled with His
Spirit, settled in His grace and honouring His Word, that we might find mercy
and salvation in the day of the Lord!
Friday, 23 November 2012
Nov 25
"And this is love, that we walk after his commandments..." 2 John 1:6
This is an echo of the words of Jesus on the subject of truly loving God. The evidence of our love for God is obedience to Him. In human relations we all expect to see evidences of the love someone claims they have for us. Words are not enough, we look for the actions. That is true in marriage, the relationship between parents and children and among brethren. God too has a clear cut evidence and expression which is necessary proof of our love for Him. Clearly just saying the words "I love you" to God is not enough or sufficient on their own. The bible teaching of the love of God in us, is that we walk after his commandments. That means we obey, even if at our personal cost, the things He tells us to do. This will mean much more than just the sentiment or romanticism of love which fades with mere feelings. It is lasting love, tough love, love that costs, offends, stands uncompromising, divides and yes even rejects when made to choose between God - the Object of that love - and anything else on earth!
This is an echo of the words of Jesus on the subject of truly loving God. The evidence of our love for God is obedience to Him. In human relations we all expect to see evidences of the love someone claims they have for us. Words are not enough, we look for the actions. That is true in marriage, the relationship between parents and children and among brethren. God too has a clear cut evidence and expression which is necessary proof of our love for Him. Clearly just saying the words "I love you" to God is not enough or sufficient on their own. The bible teaching of the love of God in us, is that we walk after his commandments. That means we obey, even if at our personal cost, the things He tells us to do. This will mean much more than just the sentiment or romanticism of love which fades with mere feelings. It is lasting love, tough love, love that costs, offends, stands uncompromising, divides and yes even rejects when made to choose between God - the Object of that love - and anything else on earth!
Nov 24
"It shall be a place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea:.... Ezechiel 26:5
The destruction and devastation of Tyre is foretold with pinpointed
accuracy demonstrating that God's prophets didn't speak of their own accord but
under the unction of the Holy Spirit. As with Tyre so also with all people and
individuals, God deals patiently and long-sufferingly in love and giving plenty
of warning. When all He does to reach us is in in vain because we shut off to
His messages and efforts to reach us, then He sets forth what He has promised
would be the outcome of our sin or rebellion against His Word. This is the
judgement that His love and justice demands and which we, through obedience
could have avoided. In all His dealings with us He is kind, truthful and
patient but He remains just and supreme - His purposes will ultimately be fulfilled.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Nov 23
"Then shall they cry unto the LORD, but he will not hear them..." Micah 3:4
The leaders of the people of Israel had gone astray and committed great evil against God. Their wickedness separated the entire nation from God. Their cries would go unheeded and their prayers unanswered. Being believers adds to our responsibility to do righteousness and stay in the right place with God. The quality and benefit of our relationship with God, largely depends on our faithfulness and consistency in following after Him. The channel of communication between us and God can become clogged and obstructed by our sin and rebellion, our indifference and selfishness. Desiring the short lived satisfaction of our flesh can stop the flow of blessing and provision of guidance from the Lord.
The leaders of the people of Israel had gone astray and committed great evil against God. Their wickedness separated the entire nation from God. Their cries would go unheeded and their prayers unanswered. Being believers adds to our responsibility to do righteousness and stay in the right place with God. The quality and benefit of our relationship with God, largely depends on our faithfulness and consistency in following after Him. The channel of communication between us and God can become clogged and obstructed by our sin and rebellion, our indifference and selfishness. Desiring the short lived satisfaction of our flesh can stop the flow of blessing and provision of guidance from the Lord.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Nov 22
"But thou art holy,..." Psalms 22:3
One of the great distinguishing features and qualities of the One True
God, the Almighty, is His holiness. It is the attribute by which He wants to be
known most and the quality He wants developed in all His people. God is holy,
that is pure, in the absolute sense and in Him there is no trace or shadow of
sin or unrighteousness. The scriptures teach that the will of God for us, is
our sanctification - the process by which He renders us holy as He is holy. It
is this purity of heart and separation from the world and unto the Lord that
should characterise believers. The world should know and be able to 'spot'
those who follow Christ and go by the name of Christians, because they are
'different' in the one way which is most distinctively unique from anything
found in the world - the holiness of God in them. Holiness is not 'religious
superiority’, a means or way to put others down, but rather a true sign of
submission to God and His will, in preference to our own. It means loving God
enough that we are willing to strip off all that the world and the flesh want
us to be and participate in, and ‘put on’ Jesus and His ways. Holiness
applies to all areas of life, affects the way we speak, behave, think and feel.
It is practical, the bible calls it ‘beautiful’, and shows vividly in what we
do, how we dress, the places we attend, how we love God and the way we deal
with our fellow-man. This is the manner of persons we ought to be, holy because
- for the reason and as a result of the fact that - He, our Father in heaven,
is holy!
Monday, 19 November 2012
Nov 21
"...a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest..." Isaiah 32:2
In another beautiful messianic prophecy, Isaiah describes the power and protection, provision and peace that characterises the Lord Jesus and His life and ministry on earth among men. He has Himself, weathered and conquered the worse of the winds and storms of life. As the greatest overcomer in His humanity and the Almighty God in His deity, Jesus is able to protect and secure, to shield and keep safe, those who follow after Him! Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ will find Him to be a place of hiding from destruction, a cover from the winds of temptation and a safe house in troubled times. In the worst of squalls and when tossed by the waves and billows of life's tempests; when there is no place to run and no place to hide - there is peace and safety in Christ Jesus. He is the only One who can say 'peace be still' to our wind-torn, wave-tossed, sin-sick souls. He alone can bring permanent tranquillity to our anxious, confused minds, distressed, aching hearts and damaged, ravaged lives. We must learn to lean on Jesus early in our miseries; He is our hiding place and strong defence.
In another beautiful messianic prophecy, Isaiah describes the power and protection, provision and peace that characterises the Lord Jesus and His life and ministry on earth among men. He has Himself, weathered and conquered the worse of the winds and storms of life. As the greatest overcomer in His humanity and the Almighty God in His deity, Jesus is able to protect and secure, to shield and keep safe, those who follow after Him! Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ will find Him to be a place of hiding from destruction, a cover from the winds of temptation and a safe house in troubled times. In the worst of squalls and when tossed by the waves and billows of life's tempests; when there is no place to run and no place to hide - there is peace and safety in Christ Jesus. He is the only One who can say 'peace be still' to our wind-torn, wave-tossed, sin-sick souls. He alone can bring permanent tranquillity to our anxious, confused minds, distressed, aching hearts and damaged, ravaged lives. We must learn to lean on Jesus early in our miseries; He is our hiding place and strong defence.
Nov 20
"...Thou shalt not go over this Jordan." Deuteronomy 31:2
Time and plan belong to the Lord. Moses, a man mightily used of God and
legendary in his leadership and humility, had come to the end of his ministry.
Jordan had become for him a physical boundary he must not cross, though the
people he had so long and so faithfully led, would. His position and leadership
would be handed over to another man of God’s choosing. All this was not
predicated on his own choice or preference, but God's timing and purpose. If a
man is genuinely consecrated to God and walking in His Spirit, all that relates
to that man's life, ministry and service to God is ultimately determined by the
Lord. It should not be any more possible for a man of God to continue to do
what God has determined him to quit doing, than he could reject and turn away
from fulfilling that capacity, when God has commanded it. This highlights the
terminology we use for those who do God's work - they are His ministers that
is, His 'servants'. A servant of God, willingly, purposefully and joyfully
fulfils the directives of his Master. Without question, fear of man, and often
in spite of his own preference, he bows to the will and direction given to him.
Obedience to God in every detail determines the quality of service we render
unto the Lord, and marks us as good and faithful servants.
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Nov 19
"....the writing which is written in the king's name, and sealed with the king's ring, may no man reverse." Esther 8:8
The permanency of the king's edict was found in the authority of his
name and the power conveyed by the sealing of his ring. As long as such
authority was in place no-one could reverse the decree. Such power and
unilateral authority, when wielded by a human, can only result in problems and
abuse, if not by a benign ruler, then often by those close to him and in his
confidence. This was the case in Esther's day and as a result, the genocide of
the Hebrew people was about to be accomplished. God's intervention working
through the courage, faith, prayer and determination of faithful people,
averted a great injustice. It is meaningful however to consider that if such
power is found with men, then how much more so with the King of Kings who rules
the universe and is above all? Unlike human rulers, He cannot be corrupted or
influenced by confidants who have their own evil agendas. He is all-knowing and
therefore understands the end from the beginning. When God gave us laws, rules,
directions and commandments, they were perfect from the start, they have never
required revision and they cannot be amended nor compromised by any human
committee or authority. His name and His 'signature' is upon His Word, making
it a divine 'edict', a proclamation established forever and which shall not
pass away. God’s Word still addresses all the issues of humanity today,
transcends time, age and culture and resolves the needs of our souls. It is the
testament and law delivered to man in the name of the King of Kings, and sealed
with His unique and special seal - the sinless blood of Jesus at Calvary's
Nov 18
"Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?" 1 John 5:5
It is a matter of life and death! Either we renounce and overcome the world, or it will overcome us to our eternal ruin. "He that overcometh" (Rev 3:12) is the mark and description of those who enter into the eternal rest provided by the Lord in heaven. Interestingly it has nothing to do with being religious, most prominent in ability or popularity; it is not a measure of the degree of success one has in serving God, nor is it dependent on what denomination one is associated with! The qualifier that will make us a 'pillar' in God's heavenly temple, is that we have overcome, made it over, faithfully endured for God and remained above the world and its sin. The text reveals the identity of the overcomer. It will be he who has believed that Jesus is God incarnate! This faith that Jesus is God, is not a mere mental assent of that truth, but an active, vibrant, vital and obedient faith seen and evidenced by how we have trusted, obeyed, waited and walked with God. He that has relied on the strength of Jesus to fight the battles of life, face the dangers of temptation and bear the pains of growth, has denied himself and put on Christ. He is an overcomer because he relies and has confidence in He who alone overcame the world and though tempted in all points, remained without sin! Through Jesus and faith in Him we too can be overcomers - victors over the world!
It is a matter of life and death! Either we renounce and overcome the world, or it will overcome us to our eternal ruin. "He that overcometh" (Rev 3:12) is the mark and description of those who enter into the eternal rest provided by the Lord in heaven. Interestingly it has nothing to do with being religious, most prominent in ability or popularity; it is not a measure of the degree of success one has in serving God, nor is it dependent on what denomination one is associated with! The qualifier that will make us a 'pillar' in God's heavenly temple, is that we have overcome, made it over, faithfully endured for God and remained above the world and its sin. The text reveals the identity of the overcomer. It will be he who has believed that Jesus is God incarnate! This faith that Jesus is God, is not a mere mental assent of that truth, but an active, vibrant, vital and obedient faith seen and evidenced by how we have trusted, obeyed, waited and walked with God. He that has relied on the strength of Jesus to fight the battles of life, face the dangers of temptation and bear the pains of growth, has denied himself and put on Christ. He is an overcomer because he relies and has confidence in He who alone overcame the world and though tempted in all points, remained without sin! Through Jesus and faith in Him we too can be overcomers - victors over the world!
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Nov 17
"....is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully." 2Timothy 2:5
In all competitions there are guidelines and rules which must be
followed and complied with in order to make the contest fair and valid. The
same concept applies in the spiritual striving for excellence. The main
difference in this context is that we do not vie against anyone else, but rather
make efforts to develop ourselves and our own service to God. Nevertheless even
in this exertion of growth and personal improvement, we cannot just do as we
'like' and merely endeavour to advance through determinations of our own
choosing. There are clear directions given in the Word of God by which we
must strive and grow. It is in following God's ways and His principles for the
'contest of life', that we are promised the rewards, the crown which is to
Friday, 16 November 2012
Nov 16
"....And she answered, It is well." 2Kings 4:26
Ignoring the anguish and pain she felt inside and focusing in faith on the power of God, this mother made her way to the prophet with her request. The answer she gave to the messenger sent to her, reflects her confidence and speaks to our minds and hearts the truth that the "power behind us is truly greater than the problem or task before us". It is that quiet assurance that causes us even in the midst of trial and difficulty to be able to claim that all is indeed well. It is our task and privilege as believers to know God intimately enough, that even when we are faced with the most distressing circumstances of life, we can find through Jesus the inner strength and confidence to say 'it is well' and know it is not mere well-wishing, but the truth in God!
Ignoring the anguish and pain she felt inside and focusing in faith on the power of God, this mother made her way to the prophet with her request. The answer she gave to the messenger sent to her, reflects her confidence and speaks to our minds and hearts the truth that the "power behind us is truly greater than the problem or task before us". It is that quiet assurance that causes us even in the midst of trial and difficulty to be able to claim that all is indeed well. It is our task and privilege as believers to know God intimately enough, that even when we are faced with the most distressing circumstances of life, we can find through Jesus the inner strength and confidence to say 'it is well' and know it is not mere well-wishing, but the truth in God!
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Nov 15
"Pass through thy land as a river...." Isaiah 23:10
The prediction of the destruction of Tyre is uttered by the prophet and the are people encouraged to take heed and save their lives.
God is righteous even as He is patient. At times we mistake His longsuffering, for inaction or toleration towards our wrongdoing. When judgement does come from God, it comes swiftly and like the waters of a raging river it will affect everything and all concerned. The Lord is merciful however and even in judgement He holds our best interests at heart, desiring to save us. Though difficult circumstances are allowed to flood our lives, His intent is to give us an opportunity to humble ourselves and repent. He wants to bring us closer to Him and in a place where again we will heed His voice and directions, and restore relationship with Him. When we feel devastated by life's trials and our comforts are washed away, let us quickly turn back to God and hold onto the One who is a sure foundation and anchor, for He will save and He will pardon.
The prediction of the destruction of Tyre is uttered by the prophet and the are people encouraged to take heed and save their lives.
God is righteous even as He is patient. At times we mistake His longsuffering, for inaction or toleration towards our wrongdoing. When judgement does come from God, it comes swiftly and like the waters of a raging river it will affect everything and all concerned. The Lord is merciful however and even in judgement He holds our best interests at heart, desiring to save us. Though difficult circumstances are allowed to flood our lives, His intent is to give us an opportunity to humble ourselves and repent. He wants to bring us closer to Him and in a place where again we will heed His voice and directions, and restore relationship with Him. When we feel devastated by life's trials and our comforts are washed away, let us quickly turn back to God and hold onto the One who is a sure foundation and anchor, for He will save and He will pardon.
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Nov 14
"... Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the LORD will do wonders among you." Joshua 3:5
It is the desire of every genuine believer of God, to see the hand of
the Almighty at work both in personal matters and in the lives of others. The
desire is not misplaced, for God is very willing to provide manifold evidences
of His love and continued care for every aspect of life, even when the
miraculous is necessary. Indeed to God there is no difference in 'difficulty'
in providing by natural or miraculous means. The scriptures indicate however,
that all too often it is our lack of personal preparation and sanctification,
which along with little faith, impede and obstruct the workings of God. It is
not that God is rendered 'powerless' by our lack, but rather that He chooses to
work in response to faith and sanctification. He has made it clear to us that
our sanctification is His will. Sanctification (purity of heart, holiness)
nears us to God and positions us in the best possible place to view, and by
faith be recipients of, the blessings and wonders which the Lord wants to
bestow in and around us!
Monday, 12 November 2012
Nov 13
"...count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations." James 1:2
Trials and difficulties in life are challenges, none of us can escape. As believers we are taught, encouraged and exhorted to count these times too, as opportunities to rejoice in God. We are reminded that these things take place and are allowed in our lives, to build us up, strengthen our faith and makes us better people and disciples of Jesus. It is a truthful observation that most of our valuable and healthy growth happens in the 'hard' times of life when, due to adverse conditions and setbacks, we become less capable in ourselves and our own means, and more reliant on Jesus, His strength, wisdom and provision. In this context then it is only an appropriate response as Christ's followers, that we should rejoice at yet another occasion for personal improvement!
Trials and difficulties in life are challenges, none of us can escape. As believers we are taught, encouraged and exhorted to count these times too, as opportunities to rejoice in God. We are reminded that these things take place and are allowed in our lives, to build us up, strengthen our faith and makes us better people and disciples of Jesus. It is a truthful observation that most of our valuable and healthy growth happens in the 'hard' times of life when, due to adverse conditions and setbacks, we become less capable in ourselves and our own means, and more reliant on Jesus, His strength, wisdom and provision. In this context then it is only an appropriate response as Christ's followers, that we should rejoice at yet another occasion for personal improvement!
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Nov 12
".....It shall not be, saith the LORD." Amos 7:3
Though God is unchangeable in His moral nature, He allows Himself to be
accessed by the prayers of those who believe in Him and appeal to His mercy and grace to change His plans! It is this great truth and
permission of God, which made the intercessory prayer of the prophet effective.
In response to his entreaty for mercy and compassion, the Lord stayed the judgement
He had prepared to visit on the people and the land of Israel. The word
'repent' used in the text, signifies God’s ability to change direction based on
a change of the conditions He is dealing with. The Lord allows for us as humans to
repent of our wrong-doing, and with sincere hearts, appeal our cause with Him. He is able to see how genuine our hearts and intentions are, and if it befits His will and master-plan, He may then accordingly adjust the way He intends to deal with us. This is why prayer works! Within the scope and limit of God's
supreme will and omniscient mind, the Lord permits audience with those who
faithfully call on Him and implore Him for righteous modifications to the apparently
determined outcome. These potential changes are already accounted for by God’s
all-knowing mind and are within His supreme plans, but are made possible only
in response to faithful petition and intercession! Imagine what we may miss out
on just because we do not repent, pray and plead with God! The effectual,
fervent prayer of one righteous person can avail much with God and could help
to avert otherwise dire and final consequences.
Nov 11
".....Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you?...." 1Corinthians 6:5
Paul calls the Corinthian church to utilise the wisdom and ability
given to them through the Holy Spirit, and the authority of God's Word, in
dealing with one another. The desire to remain impartial, inoffensive and not
put anyone offside, can sometimes cause us to accommodate wrong-doing, or
compromise on scriptural principles. This may appear 'loving', but it is not the
love of God. The opposite also holds true. Determining to stand on one's own
'rights' or being opinionated and dogmatic with our Christian brethren, making
no allowance for due dialogue, is actually counter the message and practice of
Christ! The choice of invoking 'legal' or unchristian representation, in
matters of Christian living or scriptural disagreement, is also a demonstration
of a lack of true Christian love and biblical wisdom, according to the teaching
of Paul. In all matters of spiritual and scriptural nature, we should be able
in God's love and wisdom, without compromise or outside interference, to find
common ground and maintain by personal humility, the unity of the Spirit in the
bond of peace, to the glory of God.
Nov 10
"....served the LORD all the days of Joshua..." Joshua 24:31
Great leaders make great examples and are great reminders of how to live for God and serve Him wholeheartedly. They inspire followers to walk a righteous, holy and consecrated life with the Lord. Sadly being human can also mean we tend to rely on such examples to keep us on the straight and narrow path, rather than to lean heavily on the Spirit of God to deal with us directly. It was so, that shortly after the death of Joshua, the next generation who had not witnessed and experienced the greatness of God through their leader, began to do evil and introduce the ways of the heathen, in place of the ways and principles of God. This is always a downward path of loss and self-destruction, and Israel is a testimony to that fact. It's not wrong to have great leaders - they are sent to us from God, to direct us, teach us and instruct us. What is paramount is that we recognise and make the truths and great concepts we learn from them our very own, believe them in our deepest heart and insist on living those principles personally and consistently because they are of God. Leaders will come and go, but God's Word endures eternally!
Great leaders make great examples and are great reminders of how to live for God and serve Him wholeheartedly. They inspire followers to walk a righteous, holy and consecrated life with the Lord. Sadly being human can also mean we tend to rely on such examples to keep us on the straight and narrow path, rather than to lean heavily on the Spirit of God to deal with us directly. It was so, that shortly after the death of Joshua, the next generation who had not witnessed and experienced the greatness of God through their leader, began to do evil and introduce the ways of the heathen, in place of the ways and principles of God. This is always a downward path of loss and self-destruction, and Israel is a testimony to that fact. It's not wrong to have great leaders - they are sent to us from God, to direct us, teach us and instruct us. What is paramount is that we recognise and make the truths and great concepts we learn from them our very own, believe them in our deepest heart and insist on living those principles personally and consistently because they are of God. Leaders will come and go, but God's Word endures eternally!
Nov 9
"And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver...." Malachi 3:3
The judgement to come will try all men's works, to see whether they are
of value or not. In the meanwhile God refines and proves believers. Patiently
the Lord waits as the process of cleansing the impurities and refining the character
and spiritual condition of His people, takes place. The refiner must at times
turn up the heat and wait for the exact time to remove the dross without losing
the precious metal he is purifying. Just so, God also in longsuffering and care
allows the purifying process to bring out the best in His people and so make
them even more precious through the process. The ultimate goal of His love is
to make us holy as He is Holy and perfect for His use and purposes. Let the
people of God willingly yield to the hand and process of the loving Maker!
Nov 8
"....we know him, if we keep his commandments." 1John 2:3
Many today profess Christianity complete with all the jargon and talk which accompanies it. We all agree that the knowledge of God is essential to being a true believer, but we don't all comprehend that the knowledge of God is not merely a verbal statement that 'I know Him', or the sprouting of 'Christian talk'. True knowledge of God is not acting out religious ceremonies and traditional observances or a mere mental assent of His existence and power. The Scriptures teach that even the devils believe that way and have such knowledge, but clearly to no spiritual improvement or advantage - they remain devils.The true test that we as believers really 'know God' is if we keep - that is obey, His Word! It is in doing the revealed will of God instead of our own, that we demonstrate that we know Him and understand His ways. The knowledge of God is the most excellent knowledge and it surpasses all else on earth!
Many today profess Christianity complete with all the jargon and talk which accompanies it. We all agree that the knowledge of God is essential to being a true believer, but we don't all comprehend that the knowledge of God is not merely a verbal statement that 'I know Him', or the sprouting of 'Christian talk'. True knowledge of God is not acting out religious ceremonies and traditional observances or a mere mental assent of His existence and power. The Scriptures teach that even the devils believe that way and have such knowledge, but clearly to no spiritual improvement or advantage - they remain devils.The true test that we as believers really 'know God' is if we keep - that is obey, His Word! It is in doing the revealed will of God instead of our own, that we demonstrate that we know Him and understand His ways. The knowledge of God is the most excellent knowledge and it surpasses all else on earth!
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Nov 7
"Thou art beautiful...." Song of Solomon 6:4
The praises of Solomon for the beauty and virtue of his beloved, are significant and indicative of the love and God has for His people. The Lord beautifies the believers and makes them pleasing in His sight. In the natural and left to ourselves, we are marred by sin, shame and corruption - definitely not a 'pretty sight'! His grace and love however, cleanses us, restores us and makes us beautiful and acceptable in His presence. Jesus purifies us and imputes His righteousness and holiness upon us, to make us the church, the holy bride He is coming to present to Himself, a bride without spot, wrinkle or any such thing.
The praises of Solomon for the beauty and virtue of his beloved, are significant and indicative of the love and God has for His people. The Lord beautifies the believers and makes them pleasing in His sight. In the natural and left to ourselves, we are marred by sin, shame and corruption - definitely not a 'pretty sight'! His grace and love however, cleanses us, restores us and makes us beautiful and acceptable in His presence. Jesus purifies us and imputes His righteousness and holiness upon us, to make us the church, the holy bride He is coming to present to Himself, a bride without spot, wrinkle or any such thing.
Monday, 5 November 2012
Nov 6
"Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days." Ecclesiastes 11:1
We all become concerned about the future and how we might
survive or make ends meet. God's response to our anxiety seems counter-intuitive
to our natural minds. Instead of encouraging hoarding and caching of our
substance and goods, God encourages liberality. By His own example the Lord
shows us how to be giving and generous with whatever we consider is ours. He
has freely given in selfless and life-demanding sacrifice, to meet the greatest
necessity of mankind, something we could never do for ourselves - the need of
our souls to be saved and rescued from the ravages of sin. With the same
benevolence we are encouraged to give to those in need of the things that
we are and have, not merely of our abundance or excess, but also of
those things we consider are for our own 'necessity'. Such wholehearted
disbursing is rewarded with the promise of God-ordained future provision.
Nov 5
" Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Mark 7:7
The Jews of Jesus' day had become more attentive and concerned
with the traditions and ways of their society than with the commands and
teaching of God. In any culture and society when we hold in higher esteem
traditional ways above biblical ways, and conventional wisdom ahead of God's
Word, we become guilty of the same failure as the people Jesus was speaking
about. Our worship like theirs is conducted in vain, it becomes a mere religious expression, empty and
barren of real relationship with God. This makes our profession of faith futile
and our witness to those around us, weak and powerless. Even when it makes us unpopular or causes us to be shunned, we are to remain faithful to God and His Word, and place all else, including the traditions of our culture and preferences of our society, as secondary to God's directives.
Nov 4
stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:" 1Peter
Human minds are not naturally pure; they are universally
defiled with sin. They are often harnessed, engaged and occupied by so many
stimuli, which appeal to our fleshly interests and do not engage us to think or
meditate on spiritual truth. Paul here appeals to minds which are in Christ and
thus have been purified through His saving power, and are open and sincere to
receive truth. He proceeds, as we should all do to one another in Christian
fellowship and ministry, to remind and stir up the memories of those pure and
godly truths we have heard and received. Reiterating truth strengthens our
knowledge of it and conviction for it. The things we learned when we were first
saved, and those we experienced as we walked with God, should remain pertinent,
fresh and exciting to our hearts and minds. This process of remembering
spiritual things, good things, blessings and answers to prayers, doctrinal
truth and evidences of God's love and power, toughens our resolve to serve Him
and gives us vigour when we run low. Let's never forget to remember and to
encourage others to remember also!
Friday, 2 November 2012
Nov 3
"...but our sufficiency is of God" 2 Corinthians 3:5
In all the things we have and are, we cannot claim a completeness, perfection or ultimate state of our own selves at any level. In the things we achieve, manage and cope with, again we are only at best incomplete and imperfect of our own doing. We cannot then really claim any credit for anything in life, seen that the very life of our being is supplied mercifully and lovingly by our God's unending care! How long would we last, and how well would we do without the next heart beat falling in perfect timing and continuing faithfully in unison to God's will and command? How far would we get in our exploits and ambitions, without the life maintaining breath filling our lungs? Whether we choose to admit it or not, we are totally and absolutely dependent on God and indebted to Him. Using what He freely provides for anything that offends Him and violates His will, is the ultimate affront and injustice we can ever perpetrate! Only by trusting, leaning and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, do we become sufficient for life and for righteous purpose. Through Christ's perfection and strength, and only as we remain in Him, can we become complete and able as He wants us to be!
In all the things we have and are, we cannot claim a completeness, perfection or ultimate state of our own selves at any level. In the things we achieve, manage and cope with, again we are only at best incomplete and imperfect of our own doing. We cannot then really claim any credit for anything in life, seen that the very life of our being is supplied mercifully and lovingly by our God's unending care! How long would we last, and how well would we do without the next heart beat falling in perfect timing and continuing faithfully in unison to God's will and command? How far would we get in our exploits and ambitions, without the life maintaining breath filling our lungs? Whether we choose to admit it or not, we are totally and absolutely dependent on God and indebted to Him. Using what He freely provides for anything that offends Him and violates His will, is the ultimate affront and injustice we can ever perpetrate! Only by trusting, leaning and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, do we become sufficient for life and for righteous purpose. Through Christ's perfection and strength, and only as we remain in Him, can we become complete and able as He wants us to be!
Nov 2
"But we were gentle among you..." 1Thessalonians 2:7
Often passionate and to the point in delivering the message from the Lord, Paul was also gentle, understanding, and consistent in his motive of loving and directing the people of God, towards a closer and more intimate relationship with Jesus. The love and affection Paul reflects for the saints, should be imitated by us all as the correct attitude and manner, to take towards one another. Parents, leaders and those who instruct or minister in particular, need to follow Christ as Paul followed. By giving of themselves willingly and cheerfully, in genuine love and in gentle, kind firmness, the greatest benefit and the most positive influence will exercised and brought into each situation and relationship.
Often passionate and to the point in delivering the message from the Lord, Paul was also gentle, understanding, and consistent in his motive of loving and directing the people of God, towards a closer and more intimate relationship with Jesus. The love and affection Paul reflects for the saints, should be imitated by us all as the correct attitude and manner, to take towards one another. Parents, leaders and those who instruct or minister in particular, need to follow Christ as Paul followed. By giving of themselves willingly and cheerfully, in genuine love and in gentle, kind firmness, the greatest benefit and the most positive influence will exercised and brought into each situation and relationship.
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