Thursday, 29 August 2013

Aug 31

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend;…” Proverbs 27:6

Aug 30

“Now she that is a widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth in God,…” 1 Timothy 5:5

Aug 29

“…diminish not a word:” Jeremiah 26:2

Aug 28

“…even as thou walkest in the truth” 3 John 1:3

Aug 27

“…My wellbeloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill:” Isaiah 5:1

Aug 26

“…the LORD had given him rest round about from all his enemies;” 2 Samuel 7:1

Aug 25

“Without natural affection,…” 2 Timothy 3:3

Aug 24

“And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil,…” 2 Timothy 2:26

Aug 23

“…in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion:…” Psalms 27:5

Aug 22

“…I gave her corn, and wine, and oil, and multiplied her silver and gold, which they prepared for Baal.” Hosea 2:8

Aug 21

“Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:” Philippians 2:9

Aug 20

“…in the time of wheat harvest, that Samson visited his wife with a kid;…” Judges 15:1

Aug 19

“So I returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun:…” Ecclesiastes 4:1

Aug 18

“…and had given them much exhortation, he came into Greece,” Acts 20:2

Aug 17

“The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.” Psalms 25:9

Aug 16

“…repent, and do the first works…” Revelation 2:5

Aug 15

“…that I may know how frail I am.” Psalms 39:4

Aug 14

“…Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?” Galatians 3:2

Aug 13

“And the rest of the people,…that had separated themselves…unto the law of God” Nehemiah 10:28

Aug 12

“…and have not charity, I am nothing.” 1 Corinthians 13:2

Aug 11

“And they consider not in their hearts that I remember all their wickedness:…” Hosea 7:2

Aug 10

“…to be testified in due time.” 1 Timothy 2:6

Aug 9

“Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision….” Daniels 2:19

Aug 8

“…David took from him a thousand chariots,…” 1 Chronicles 18:4

Aug 7

“And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye,…” Matthew 7:3

By vivid and relevant illustration, Jesus teaches the importance of analysing ourselves ahead of attempting the judgement of others. The experience of having a speck in the eye is not uncommon to most of us. It is an irritant that impedes sight and makes the normal function of seeing difficult and painful. The illustration Jesus gives is logical as it is pertinent. There is nothing wrong with our willingness to help someone who may be afflicted by a small particle in the eye, if our own eyes are clear, functional and able to see. No one in their right mind would attempt to remove something so small from someone else’s eye if they were impaired themselves. Even more surely no one with a speck in their eye would allow someone with a serious impediment to go anywhere near their eye or attempt to help! The inference in this teaching of Jesus, is that the person who has an even bigger problem, that is a ‘beam’, literally a plank or lump of wood in his own eye, should even dare consider the splinter in someone else’s eye! This is at the core of the problem addressed by the Lord. All too often we become critical and begin to scrutinize someone else’s life and shortcomings. We find fault and criticize them, when in our own lives we have by far more serious problems and issues to resolve! The logical and wise direction from God, is to take care of our own difficulty, cleaning and cleansing our own life and vision, so that then we may be able to genuinely be of some assistance to someone else. How much easier and more useful we would all be if this simple, logical and Christ-like principle was followed in our lives. Through prayer, the careful reading of God’s Word, the sincere analysis of our own lives, and maybe the assistance of someone who has ‘clear vision’, we should first face, deal with and overcome our own spiritual impairments. Armed with the knowledge, love and humility learned in the process, we may then without hypocrisy or fear of doing damage, assist our precious brother or sister in their difficulty or challenge.

Aug 6

“…Hear…. the statutes and judgments…..that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them.” Deuteronomy 5:1

Moses, Israel’s leader called the people together that they may hear, learn, keep and do the commandments of God. In the New Testament, Jesus similarly told us that it is a wise man, who both hears the word of God and performs it. Hearing only without the doing of it, results in failure and tragedy. How appropriate that this all important concept is consistently presented in both Testaments of the Bible. Knowledge of the things of God is all important, for without it there is no opportunity to do righteousness. To that end, God has gone to immense trouble and pains and ensured that His Word has reached the ears of humanity all over the world. The Bible is the most sold book in the world, and has been translated in more languages than any other! Particularly in our western world, it is not lack of information or opportunity to do well that lacks. Sadly our problem is by far more serious. We are guilty of having heard long and plenty of God’s directions, instructions, commandments and warnings, but having turned a deaf ear. Overall as western nations, we have turned our hearts, minds and choices away from God and His purposes, rather than towards Him. Naturally this is done to our own detriment, for we are accountable and it will be required from all of us, by the Almighty and Just God! Wise is the man that heeds the instruction of Moses and Jesus, firstly to hear the statutes and judgements of God, then to learn, keep and obey. This first step of ‘hearing’ in itself requires our commitment and willingness to apply time and effort. In the busy lives we have made for ourselves, we find it increasingly difficult to ‘make time’ for God and His word. The single greatest excuse for people not being at church or making time to listen to the teaching or preaching of God’s word is ‘lack of time’. We are too busy with other things and prioritise all else ahead of the necessity for God. There is still plenty of time to listen to one’s favourite music, or watch one’s favourite shows, but time for God is simply too big a stretch in many cases. The next level of commitment however, is even more relevant. Some in response to guilty consciences, a sense of what is right or due to peer or family pressure actually take time to be ‘at church’ or attend bible studies, but this too means little unless it is followed with a heart to learn, remember and do what is heard! Again in other areas of life, we find no difficulty with this aspect. We allow the lyrics of our favourite songs to be so imprinted in our brains that we can scarcely forget them, and we can easily recount to friends in vivid detail the scenes from our favourite shows, games or activities! Should even the smallest amount of the same attention and passion be paid to the Word of God, we might find that our lives and the lives of others would be impacted in very powerful and positive ways! Jesus is still looking for faithful servants who will not only listen, but learn, remember and perform His word. He says this is the test of our true love for Him. How does our personal life line up with this all important biblical standard?

Aug 5

“Let no man deceive you by any means:…” 2 Thessalonians 2:3

The subject of the timing of the return of Jesus, has given rise to much speculation among believers and resulted in not too few serious errors of doctrine and falsities. Paul encourages the Thessalonian believers, and in doing so he speaks to us also, in regards to this matter. We have been clearly taught that no man knows the hour or the day of the coming of Christ for His church. This ought to have been determent enough for forecasters and prognosticators from offering up their predictions, but sadly it hasn’t stopped them. In turn the failed predictions have simply added to both the tension of the wait among believers, and the scorn and ridicule among unbelievers. The Holy Ghost through Paul tells us not to be shaken in mind, troubled nor deceived regarding the return of Jesus and its timing. In fact he offers good reasons and evidences to stay the minds of believers from running ahead and worrying unnecessarily about the issue of imminence. Why did God see fit to give such encouragement? It would seem God knows our human nature and how susceptible we are to make more mistakes and poor choices, to be deceived by the opinions and teaching of others, lose focus or become less effective in the work we are to do, when we overstress our expectation of an impending return of Jesus. It is true that we should live unto God with the preparedness that this life could cease at any moment, for indeed none of us are guaranteed the next breath! Personal preparation and spiritual readiness are necessary for the believer, but God does not want us to live with fear or undue concern about what is ahead. Doctrines based on misinterpretation of scripture, have proposed a ‘secret rapture’, a silent, secretive removal of anyone who professes Christianity (warts, spots, wrinkles and all) from the world, leaving those left behind in a quandary or proposing all sorts of weird and wonderful explanations as to what actually took place. Even for believers the rapture is presented as some sort of surprise return of Jesus, geared almost to ‘catch’ them out, instead of catching them up! This is not the presentation of scripture for those who believe. Believers, who are spiritually attuned to God and His word, have been given plenty of information, warning and direction. They must not be deceived by man’s perception in any way. Neither by abandoning the work and challenges which must be faced because Jesus is ‘coming soon’, nor by becoming complacent and putting off the work and growth necessary because ‘there is yet plenty of time’! The true believer will be ready day to day by maintaining a close and intimate relationship with Jesus, and yet keep busy at the business of the Father, living every aspect of life faithfully and until the day of Christ’s appearing! Jesus is returning to catch away a pure and holy ‘bride’. It is clear from scripture that the true church must yet suffer and be purified before the coming of Jesus. Our individual ‘works’ will be tried with the fire of persecution and affliction, and tested for quality. Antichrist and the powers of evil in authority and government, will be aligned against the people of God. The dark world around us will continue to need the light of God to be shined in testimony, from the lives and conduct of believers who will faithfully serve God until ‘the end’. Let’s be more concerned with the kind of service we offer our King, than with the time of His return. Let’s prepare ourselves, our loved ones and anyone else we can help, for the time ahead, by continuing to pray, read and obey His word, and live a holy life in the fear of God. Let’s remember at all times that God is faithful, He will keep His promises and will keep us also through whatever lays up ahead, and not forget that His timing as always, will be perfect!

Aug 4

“I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers,…” Philemon 1:4

Paul used similar terminology when addressing the church at Ephesus, at Rome and when writing to Timothy. It would seem that the Apostle was in the habit of including specific prayers for individuals and congregations, and then doing so consistently. Here we learn a simple yet deep truth about the necessity of upholding one another before the Lord in prayer. Prayer is not some mere liturgical form or empty repetition of words. It is the communication of the heart to God, and the listening to the voice and direction of God. It carries to heaven’s door the needs and requests, not only of the person praying, but of others who may be mentioned in the prayer. Whilst repetition of form and words without heart is not what prayer is all about, the fact that Paul mentioned the saints ‘always’, shows that regular and continuous requests for known or ongoing needs, are acceptable in prayer. They do not reflect a lack of faith, because they are regularly raised with God! The perseverance of the believer in daily prayer to God, is a vibrant and essential part of the Christian walk. It has been correctly noted that like all necessary daily physical activities of eating, sleeping, working and bathing, keep us healthy physically, in the same manner the spiritual activities of prayer, meditation of God’s Word, worship and witnessing, keep us healthy spiritually. Some sharp mind has stated that seven days without prayer makes one weak! Surely any day which passes without our lifting prayers to the Almighty, is a day of potentially lost opportunities and blessings! The ministry of intercessory prayer that is, praying for and petitioning God on behalf of others is an essential structure and requirement in the church. The love we are commanded to have one for another, must by necessity include prayer for each other. Ministers need the prayers of the saints to uphold them in the work they are to do. Upholding one another in our daily walk with God by prayer for strength, protection and enduring faithfulness forms a vital framework of mutual support, much like the bracing which fortifies bridges, walls or other load-bearing structures. Let us never tire of petitioning heaven with requests and supplications for the needs of our brethren and for the salvation of those yet unreached.

Aug 3

“... to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;” Colossians 2:2

The apostle desires the hearts of the saints to be comforted, knit together in love and reassured in the understanding they have been imparted of the truths of God. In particular he points here to the doctrinal truth, the ‘mystery’ of God, now revealed. This has to do with the powerful truth that God is One. Some would divide God into three separate, distinct persons rather than to see He is but One God, who manifests Himself in multiple ways. This is in part the truth over which Paul wanted the saints at Colossi to rejoice and be assured in. He also instructs them, later in the same chapter, not to be deterred from this truth by traditions, deceptions, philosophies or man’s reasoning. He reminds them that in Jesus dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and that they and all believers are complete in Him! This powerful and liberating truth identifies God and focuses all the glory, the honour, the power and the worship to the One to Whom it belongs! Hearing from, obeying and following the ways of the Holy One of Israel, was and remains core doctrine among the Hebrews and should be so among all Christians also. All of deity, the fullness of it, is in Christ Jesus! It is all in Him! Scholars agree that ‘and’ (kai, in the Greek) may be rendered to mean ‘even’, or ‘that is’, and does not always imply a ‘copulative’ (addition) action. Thus the mystery of God ‘and’ of the Father, ‘and’ of Christ, in our verse, is not a mystery involving three beings, persons or gods. It is the mystery of God, now revealed to man through His word involving God, that is, the Father that is, Christ! We are told in 1Timothy 3 that the great mystery of the Godhead is how that God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory! Jesus fits all of that description! Paul confirms that the fullness of the Godhead bodily dwelt in Jesus, not just a portion, a second person, a third or a partial aspect! The same One God, who was the Father in eternity, took on the form of man and became known as the Son of God in redemption, died on the cross for our sins, rose again from the dead, and now abides as the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers! This is a great assurance, a cause of great comfort, and an establishing, stabilising truth to all the faithful - that we may personally know the God we have believed in and trusted for our salvation!

Aug 2

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:…” Philippians 2:5

The imitation of Christ is suggested to us all as believers by the apostle Paul, as he writes to the church at Philippi. The mind set of those who profess to be followers of Christ should surely reflect the mind of Christ. It is quite impossible to be Christ-like, a Christian in practice, if we are not a Christian in belief and thought. Much of what we will perform begins in the mind and heart and it is therefore very appropriate for us to discover what the mind of Jesus is and then think like Him. While He walked among us, the Lord made clear the intent and motivation of His actions and showed to us all the manner and way of true Christian life. There is much that could be said at this point in regards to the mind of Christ, but perhaps a few points will suffice here. The Lord was genuinely complete in every way and could have rightly flaunted His perfection and purity, His power and superiority, but He did not. With this in focus, let us note then that the mind which was in Christ Jesus was a mind of humility. Jesus showed us an example of humility in everything He did and in the way He related to others. This should form the pattern of our life’s motivation. We should not do anything to be ‘seen’ of others, to receive the praise and accolades of those around us or to be noted and recognised. The heart of the believer should be driven by the passion of true love and service unto God and not strive for credit or recognition. When appreciation or honour comes from others out of genuine hearts, it must be deflected immediately and without hesitation, to Him to whom it truly belongs, the Lord Jesus. The mind of Jesus was also a mind of subjection to the Father. Jesus, as God in the flesh, the Son, never usurped the will and pleasure of the Father in Heaven. His desire and conduct was wrapped up in bringing about all that the Father’s will and purpose demanded. His obedience was complete and His compliance absolute and service. To have such mind, we too must be willing to fall in alignment with all that God commands of us and directs us to do. Nothing should be too ‘hard’ for us to obey God in, or too extreme to include in our lives, if He so directs in His Word and by His Spirit. This kind of mind is consecrated to the Lord, dedicated to His purposes and intent in fulfilling His will in every detail. Along with humility and subjection, we find the mind of Christ to be a mind of service. The needs of others were the first and foremost interests of our Lord. The striving, argumentative and adversarial mentalities, to which we sometimes subscribe, are not Christ-like. They do not minister to the needs of others, but all too often only cater to our own feelings and wants. This is not to say we cannot stand for righteousness, refute error or reprove wrong, but it does mean that we can do those things in the manner, attitude and spirit of love and service that Jesus showed. He came to serve and minister to others. He, who was King of Kings, willingly became the Chief Servant and gave to us who did not deserve. Such altruism is at the core of the mind of Christ, and should be the mainframe and motivation of ours also. Our human nature makes the taking and nurturing of our own interests first and normative. The new nature we inherit from Jesus, turns that around, and places others ahead of ourselves. Developing that mind of Christ in us is a choice we must continue to make throughout our Christian walk. It will not happen by chance or accident, nor by mere religious observance. It can only come as we yield more of ourselves, our hearts and passions, to comply and align with the purpose for which we were created and saved – to be more like Jesus!

Aug 1

 “...for his great love wherewith he loved us.” Ephesians 2:4

How could we who were dead in trespasses and sins ever find life or even hope for any improvement from the finality of our spiritual death? There is but one answer: God! The Almighty God who is rich in mercy and possesses an everlasting love towards us, made a way! This has to be the greatest story of love that we as humans have ever heard of. Why should the Holy and Supreme God, regard or care for a world of lost and dying malevolent sinners, particularly when rebellion against Him was the choice we made? We had rejected His love and provision, rebelled against His purpose and plan, and selected our ways of death in place of His way of life. In human terms we would say, we got what we deserved, and reaped the wages of our disobedience. God could have remained still holy, righteous and eternal, above all and separate from the humanity which had rejected Him. Except for the fact that God is love! Yahwah, the Eternal Ruler of the universe is rich in mercy, and has as the essence of His being a love which permeates His every action and purpose. A lesser deity might have turned away from the awful mess mankind had landed itself in, distancing itself from the problem of sin and its effects, but not this God! Jesus is the Spring of Mercy, the Ocean of Love and the River of grace! In His benevolence and tenderness of heart, He by mercy overlooked the injury and offence humanity was guilty of, and treated the offender better than was deserved! His grace, to save and rescue those who will hear, is the outflow of that incomparable mercy and reaches into the soul of every individual who chooses to receive it. His dealings with mankind are always motivated by His great love. This is the very nature of the Almighty. It touches everything He does and blesses anyone who understands even the least aspect of it! Like the ocean, God’s love is immense and great because it is the nature of the Immense and Great God! It stems from the One who fills the universe and knows no bounds or limitations! God’s love is great because it is not like the natural love we are able to give, which is based on merit, character, relationship and largely limited to those who are close to us and who reciprocate love to us. God’s love is given freely to all mankind and is not limited or exclusive.