Sunday 11 November 2012

Nov 8

"....we know him, if we keep his commandments." 1John 2:3

Many today profess Christianity complete with all the jargon and talk which accompanies it. We all agree that the knowledge of God is essential to being a true believer, but we don't all comprehend that the knowledge of God is not merely a verbal statement that 'I know Him', or the sprouting of 'Christian talk'. True knowledge of God is not acting out religious ceremonies and traditional observances or a mere mental assent of His existence and power. The Scriptures teach that even the devils believe that way and have such knowledge, but clearly to no spiritual improvement or advantage - they remain devils.The true test that we as believers really 'know God' is if we keep - that is obey, His Word! It is in doing the revealed will of God instead of our own, that we demonstrate that we know Him and understand His ways. The knowledge of God is the most excellent knowledge and it surpasses all else on earth!

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