Friday 2 November 2012

Nov 3

"...but our sufficiency is of God" 2 Corinthians 3:5

In all the things we have and are, we cannot claim a completeness, perfection or ultimate state of our own selves at any level. In the things we achieve, manage and cope with, again we are only at best incomplete and imperfect of our own doing. We cannot then really claim any credit for anything in life, seen that the very life of our being is supplied mercifully and lovingly by our God's unending care! How long would we last, and how well would we do without the next heart beat falling in perfect timing and continuing faithfully in unison to God's will and command? How far would we get in our exploits and ambitions, without the life maintaining breath filling our lungs? Whether we choose to admit it or not, we are totally and absolutely dependent on God and indebted to Him. Using what He freely provides for anything that offends Him and violates His will, is the ultimate affront and injustice we can ever perpetrate! Only by trusting, leaning and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, do we become sufficient for life and for righteous purpose. Through Christ's perfection and strength, and only as we remain in Him, can we become complete and able as He wants us to be!

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