"Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin." Romans 4:8
Spiritual death is the punishment we are worthy of when we sin. A record as it were, is kept of all our sins and they are 'imputed' or charged against us - literally 'placed on our account', and nothing but the blood of Jesus can pay for and settle that awful debt! If we do not repent of our sins and allow God to remit them and wash them away, our eternal destiny is sealed against us and the charge, or 'wages' of sin, results in the eternal death of the soul. Jesus is the only answer for the sin-sick soul! The salvation He has provided, is the only way out of the bottomless hole of sin.
The blessing of being forgiven and washed clean of our sins is beyond human language and expression. The love and means by which God has achieved salvation for humanity is truly amazing, awe-inspiring and..... well indescribable! We can try to define it by words, but ultimately all superlatives fail to adequately express it. Our understanding and imagination are totally challenged with the scope and magnitude of the love and grace by which God cleanses us and frees us from the tyranny of sin and its inevitable and eternal results. Indeed blessed is the man who through Jesus is saved and forgiven, and no longer imputed with the sin he has committed!
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