"Thus saith the Lord GOD, It shall not stand, neither shall it come to pass." Isaiah 7:7
Man proposes to do and to act, but God disposes according to His own will and power! The mightiest preparation and most grandiose plans will come to naught if the Lord is against them. God reigns supreme and is above all the dictates and determinations of man. He can choose to intervene and overtake anytime and anywhere He pleases. The Lord stands against the enemies of His people to frustrate and impede their plans and purposes. He is sovereign over all, He provides and protects as He sees fit. He is the greatest ally and the most formidable foe, His word is final and there is no power above it. We do well to be on the Lord's side, in close relationship with Him and to be counted with His own.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Monday, 29 October 2012
Oct 31
"What advantage then hath the Jew?..." Romans 3:1
Paul argues that having received the oracles of God first, the Jews have had advantage over all other people in every way. As a nation and as individuals, they have been exposed to the truth of God, His blessing and terms of relationship with Him, for the longest time. Seniority in God should mean therefore greater responsibility and willingness to live as a humble and holy example to those who follow. Those who have trod the narrow path to eternal life for a longer time, should with great joy and gratitude serve God in exemplary lives - empty of complaint, pride or arrogance, and filled with genuine compassion and desire to assist and love those who are newer in walking the way and following after the Master!
Paul argues that having received the oracles of God first, the Jews have had advantage over all other people in every way. As a nation and as individuals, they have been exposed to the truth of God, His blessing and terms of relationship with Him, for the longest time. Seniority in God should mean therefore greater responsibility and willingness to live as a humble and holy example to those who follow. Those who have trod the narrow path to eternal life for a longer time, should with great joy and gratitude serve God in exemplary lives - empty of complaint, pride or arrogance, and filled with genuine compassion and desire to assist and love those who are newer in walking the way and following after the Master!
Oct 30
"....into your hand are they delivered" Genesis 9:2
In the beginning God gave man dominion over all the animals, and with that authority came the responsibility which continues today.
After his fall into sin man was granted to include animals
as his food and for his needs, and God placed fear of man on the animals, so
that no longer would they naturally trust him. However through greed and
mismanagement, man has become the animals' greatest foe and destroyer. The same
fallen mind of sin in man has caused the uninhibited killing and devastation of
animals, not always for need or food, and in many cases to the point of
extinction. The original responsibility which came with the God-given
authority, to manage and be a steward of God's rich creation, to the honour of the
Creator, is something for which man remains accountable to God.
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Oct 29
"Sound speech, that cannot be condemned..." Titus 2:8
The God-glorifying believer should be consistent in showing 'a pattern of good works' in all things of life, including the nature, quality and content of the things he says, or the conversations he participates in. Words are not cheap, and are in fact important in communicating truth. Sound speech must be healthy, appropriate, edifying and life-giving expression. Through his God-honouring life and conduct, those who listen to the believer and observe him, will be appropriately exposed to the truth, witness and conviction of God's Spirit.
The God-glorifying believer should be consistent in showing 'a pattern of good works' in all things of life, including the nature, quality and content of the things he says, or the conversations he participates in. Words are not cheap, and are in fact important in communicating truth. Sound speech must be healthy, appropriate, edifying and life-giving expression. Through his God-honouring life and conduct, those who listen to the believer and observe him, will be appropriately exposed to the truth, witness and conviction of God's Spirit.
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Oct 28
"...who is able to build him an house..." 2Chronicles
Solomon had determined to build a 'house' for the Lord but also
realised that no building could possibly contain Him. Unlike the
notions of the heathen, whose deities were but idols and placed in buildings to
secure them and localise them, the Omnipresent One, Who is infinite and fills
the universe many times over, could not be so accommodated. Solomon
built a magnificent temple, not to contain God, but to be a place of worship
dedicated to honour God, His glory and His majesty. We serve the God who is
greatest not only in power but also in presence. God is Spirit and whilst He is
'big enough' to fill the entire universe, yet He is 'small enough' to live
within our hearts. How amazing that when we are consecrated to Him, such an Almighty
God chooses to live in us as temples of His Holy Spirit!
Friday, 26 October 2012
Oct 27
"....The dog is turned to his own vomit
again;..." 2Pet 2:22
Here is biblical evidence of conditional salvation. Peter in
the last few verses of this chapter makes it clear, that one who has been
enlightened through Jesus, can in fact return to the spiritual pollution of the
sins he was delivered from and become entangled with them and overcome by them
all over again, thus negating the work of grace and salvation produced in his
soul by God. In strong and highly depictive language, he portrays this return
to the vile and revolting things of our past lives - before we knew Jesus, as a
most unthinkable action for a human. The sin, carnality and iniquity we were
delivered from, should be viewed as equivalent in value as the contents of our
stomach which our body regurgitates and rejects when we are sick! Clearly we
should keep our distance from those putrefying and discarded things, ways and
practices of the past and never go back or desire them again.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Oct 26
"Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin." Romans 4:8
Spiritual death is the punishment we are worthy of when we sin. A record as it were, is kept of all our sins and they are 'imputed' or charged against us - literally 'placed on our account', and nothing but the blood of Jesus can pay for and settle that awful debt! If we do not repent of our sins and allow God to remit them and wash them away, our eternal destiny is sealed against us and the charge, or 'wages' of sin, results in the eternal death of the soul. Jesus is the only answer for the sin-sick soul! The salvation He has provided, is the only way out of the bottomless hole of sin.
The blessing of being forgiven and washed clean of our sins is beyond human language and expression. The love and means by which God has achieved salvation for humanity is truly amazing, awe-inspiring and..... well indescribable! We can try to define it by words, but ultimately all superlatives fail to adequately express it. Our understanding and imagination are totally challenged with the scope and magnitude of the love and grace by which God cleanses us and frees us from the tyranny of sin and its inevitable and eternal results. Indeed blessed is the man who through Jesus is saved and forgiven, and no longer imputed with the sin he has committed!
Spiritual death is the punishment we are worthy of when we sin. A record as it were, is kept of all our sins and they are 'imputed' or charged against us - literally 'placed on our account', and nothing but the blood of Jesus can pay for and settle that awful debt! If we do not repent of our sins and allow God to remit them and wash them away, our eternal destiny is sealed against us and the charge, or 'wages' of sin, results in the eternal death of the soul. Jesus is the only answer for the sin-sick soul! The salvation He has provided, is the only way out of the bottomless hole of sin.
The blessing of being forgiven and washed clean of our sins is beyond human language and expression. The love and means by which God has achieved salvation for humanity is truly amazing, awe-inspiring and..... well indescribable! We can try to define it by words, but ultimately all superlatives fail to adequately express it. Our understanding and imagination are totally challenged with the scope and magnitude of the love and grace by which God cleanses us and frees us from the tyranny of sin and its inevitable and eternal results. Indeed blessed is the man who through Jesus is saved and forgiven, and no longer imputed with the sin he has committed!
Oct 25
" For we ourselves....were... foolish, disobedient,
deceived....hateful...." Titus 3:3
In our dealing with others, we need to remember where God
brought us from! The measure of our love and acceptance of our brethren is largely dependent on the recognition that we too have been freely forgiven and loved by
the Lord. The list of our past doings is not pretty! The degree to which we appreciate, treasure and are grateful for
God's goodness in our lives, will affect the manner and attitude we take
towards others and their shortcomings. We must be careful not to forget and refuse to subscribe to a strident,
arrogant or fault-finding spirit, but be rather as Christ to those around
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Oct 24
"....Let me now go to the field, and glean....after him in whose sight I shall find grace...." Ruth 2:2
Ruth was a willing and industrious worker. Not only was she
keen to labour and supply for her aging mother in law, but she was also prepared
to totally trust God for direction and blessing in her efforts. New to the
country, the people and their ways, needy and without personal means, in
child-like simplicity and faith, she sensed after God and followed His leading.
The Lord responded to her faith in love and kindness; He guided her, assisted
her in her need and brought her into great favour. We can certainly learn from
Ruth how to lean on the Jesus, trust Him for direction and through willing work
and faith receive the many and wonderful blessings He is so much wants to
Monday, 22 October 2012
Oct 23
"...I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles," Ephesians 3:1
Often unwilling to admit as much, we are all really servants and prisoners of something or someone, even if it is our own desires! Paul made his choice clear and was unashamed to be known and called the prisoner of Jesus Christ. He was fully aware of the purpose of his servitude - it was to fulfil God's will and for the sake of the Gentiles God had added to the church! He allowed himself to be spent for the benefit of others, ourselves included! We ought to be thankful for the fact that he, along with many others became willing servants unto the Lord to bring and to promote the truth of God's Word to us. We too should find the call and purpose for which God has apprehended us, and like Paul, serve willingly and joyfully in our role for Jesus. As fellow-servants and willing prisoners of God, we should not count or begrudge the cost or personal sacrifice, but consider it our reasonable service and offering unto the Lord. The restrictions and 'bonds' on our lives and choices, should be borne proudly and thankfully, for they are the marks of our willing service to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Often unwilling to admit as much, we are all really servants and prisoners of something or someone, even if it is our own desires! Paul made his choice clear and was unashamed to be known and called the prisoner of Jesus Christ. He was fully aware of the purpose of his servitude - it was to fulfil God's will and for the sake of the Gentiles God had added to the church! He allowed himself to be spent for the benefit of others, ourselves included! We ought to be thankful for the fact that he, along with many others became willing servants unto the Lord to bring and to promote the truth of God's Word to us. We too should find the call and purpose for which God has apprehended us, and like Paul, serve willingly and joyfully in our role for Jesus. As fellow-servants and willing prisoners of God, we should not count or begrudge the cost or personal sacrifice, but consider it our reasonable service and offering unto the Lord. The restrictions and 'bonds' on our lives and choices, should be borne proudly and thankfully, for they are the marks of our willing service to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Oct 22
"....I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the LORD, and he heard me..." Jonah 2:2
Jonah was running from God, refusing to obey His command and feeling justified in second-guessing the Lord. This got Jonah in severe trouble, so austere in fact, that he labelled his condition as 'being in hell'! We land ourselves in some of the worst situations through our disobedience and rebellion against God. Broken, battered and dying, we cry to God out of our hellish hole and amazingly God hears us! If someone offended us the way we do God, we probably would not respond to their cry of help and in our flawed human nature may even wish for them trouble or difficulty. Mercifully that is not so with our Lord! We serve a God who is rich in mercy and not indifferent to our pleading, even when the trouble we inherit is well-deserved. As God-fearing servants we ought to be careful however not to take His love and clemency for granted, by making it our practice to disobey and ignore His directives. God's mercy and patience are not a licence for our rebellion!
Jonah was running from God, refusing to obey His command and feeling justified in second-guessing the Lord. This got Jonah in severe trouble, so austere in fact, that he labelled his condition as 'being in hell'! We land ourselves in some of the worst situations through our disobedience and rebellion against God. Broken, battered and dying, we cry to God out of our hellish hole and amazingly God hears us! If someone offended us the way we do God, we probably would not respond to their cry of help and in our flawed human nature may even wish for them trouble or difficulty. Mercifully that is not so with our Lord! We serve a God who is rich in mercy and not indifferent to our pleading, even when the trouble we inherit is well-deserved. As God-fearing servants we ought to be careful however not to take His love and clemency for granted, by making it our practice to disobey and ignore His directives. God's mercy and patience are not a licence for our rebellion!
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Oct 21
"...To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life..." Revelation 2:7
What man lost in Eden through disobedience and sin, God will restore in heaven along with much more! This is the hope and goal of the true believer - life beyond this mortal and temporal existence. Eternal life is the gift of God, and included in this everlasting blessing, is access to the tree of life, from which we shall again be able to freely eat. This privilege was removed from humanity after the fall, but will be restored to those who are not only believers but overcomers, that is - faithful till the end, and therefore heirs of the promises of God.
What man lost in Eden through disobedience and sin, God will restore in heaven along with much more! This is the hope and goal of the true believer - life beyond this mortal and temporal existence. Eternal life is the gift of God, and included in this everlasting blessing, is access to the tree of life, from which we shall again be able to freely eat. This privilege was removed from humanity after the fall, but will be restored to those who are not only believers but overcomers, that is - faithful till the end, and therefore heirs of the promises of God.
Friday, 19 October 2012
Oct 20
"The mountains saw thee, and they trembled..." Hab 3:10
A vivid depiction of the awe-inspiring presence and power of the Lord. God's creation reacts at His presence and responds to His bidding. All the created systems on earth and the universe, function like a perfectly tuned engine to perform His will and produce the correct response to the directives of His command. They work together to supply the praise and glory that is due to the Almighty. There is wisdom and faithfulness displayed all around us, which all too often lacks in natural man. It is the fear of God. We should learn it well and learn it quickly for our own sake and for the sake of those whom we love.
A vivid depiction of the awe-inspiring presence and power of the Lord. God's creation reacts at His presence and responds to His bidding. All the created systems on earth and the universe, function like a perfectly tuned engine to perform His will and produce the correct response to the directives of His command. They work together to supply the praise and glory that is due to the Almighty. There is wisdom and faithfulness displayed all around us, which all too often lacks in natural man. It is the fear of God. We should learn it well and learn it quickly for our own sake and for the sake of those whom we love.
Oct 19
"That ye be not soon shaken in mind...." 2Thess. 2:2
The apostle Paul addresses the issue of the Lord's return and reassures the believers at the Thessalonian church. The confidence and faithful stance of believers, particularly those young in the faith, can often be shifted, weakened or shaken. Among other reasons, this can happen when doctrines, opinions or ideas are listened to or believed, which may appear correct, but if analysed carefully, would fail to line up to and be consistent with the Scriptures. It is our duty and privilege as Christians to thoroughly try, test and measure up to God's Word all things, before we adopt, support or believe a matter. It is conversely also our duty, once we have tested and tried by the measure of God's Word, to faithfully uphold the truth we have learned and seen in scripture and not to compromise it or deviate from it, regardless of who may dislike us or disagree.
The apostle Paul addresses the issue of the Lord's return and reassures the believers at the Thessalonian church. The confidence and faithful stance of believers, particularly those young in the faith, can often be shifted, weakened or shaken. Among other reasons, this can happen when doctrines, opinions or ideas are listened to or believed, which may appear correct, but if analysed carefully, would fail to line up to and be consistent with the Scriptures. It is our duty and privilege as Christians to thoroughly try, test and measure up to God's Word all things, before we adopt, support or believe a matter. It is conversely also our duty, once we have tested and tried by the measure of God's Word, to faithfully uphold the truth we have learned and seen in scripture and not to compromise it or deviate from it, regardless of who may dislike us or disagree.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Oct 18
"......I Daniel understood by books the number of the years...." Dan 9:2
Daniel was a man given to prayer and study. God granted him Knowledge, understanding and wisdom through His Spirit and made him a useful tool to communicate and record great truths and events of time otherwise unknown. The personal discipline of prayer, study and meditation in God's Word, cannot be overestimated. It should form the main core of a Christian's life and a daily endeavour in importance and priority, above and before all other activities. God blesses such faithfulness with great rewards of excellent knowledge, spiritual understanding and heavenly wisdom. The sincere seeker and student will find fulfillment and purpose. He will be strengthened and emboldened to live a godly life and give forth a powerful testimony for the Lord.
Daniel was a man given to prayer and study. God granted him Knowledge, understanding and wisdom through His Spirit and made him a useful tool to communicate and record great truths and events of time otherwise unknown. The personal discipline of prayer, study and meditation in God's Word, cannot be overestimated. It should form the main core of a Christian's life and a daily endeavour in importance and priority, above and before all other activities. God blesses such faithfulness with great rewards of excellent knowledge, spiritual understanding and heavenly wisdom. The sincere seeker and student will find fulfillment and purpose. He will be strengthened and emboldened to live a godly life and give forth a powerful testimony for the Lord.
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Oct 17
"But made himself of no reputation....." Phil 2:7
In purchasing our salvation and obeying the Father, the man Christ Jesus did not regard what people thought of Him or whether they recognized His rightful place and position. He was not concerned with adulation or receiving credit. He did not permit reputation to rule His choices. He did not make the defense of His reputation the priority. He emptied Himself of all that He was, to take our place and become an offering for our sins! Following His example, we also cannot allow our reputation or concerns associated with it, to interfere with doing the will of God in our lives and fulfilling His purposes, plans and directives, regardless how difficult and in spite of what others may think or say of us.
In purchasing our salvation and obeying the Father, the man Christ Jesus did not regard what people thought of Him or whether they recognized His rightful place and position. He was not concerned with adulation or receiving credit. He did not permit reputation to rule His choices. He did not make the defense of His reputation the priority. He emptied Himself of all that He was, to take our place and become an offering for our sins! Following His example, we also cannot allow our reputation or concerns associated with it, to interfere with doing the will of God in our lives and fulfilling His purposes, plans and directives, regardless how difficult and in spite of what others may think or say of us.
Monday, 15 October 2012
Oct 16
".....ye are fallen from grace." Gal. 5:4
Paul firmly addresses the Judaizers who still relied on doing the works of the law for their salvation and justification, instead of the grace given by Christ's death at Calvary. Both those who so rely on the OT for salvation and those who set it aside as unnecessary for us today, do great injustice to God and His holy Word, and bring great hurt to themselves. We are taught that all scripture is inspired of God and profitable. The OT continues to teach and instruct us in many details of godly life, but it is in the NT that we find the basis of our salvation in Christ.
Paul firmly addresses the Judaizers who still relied on doing the works of the law for their salvation and justification, instead of the grace given by Christ's death at Calvary. Both those who so rely on the OT for salvation and those who set it aside as unnecessary for us today, do great injustice to God and His holy Word, and bring great hurt to themselves. We are taught that all scripture is inspired of God and profitable. The OT continues to teach and instruct us in many details of godly life, but it is in the NT that we find the basis of our salvation in Christ.
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Oct 15
".........but the LORD trieth the hearts." Prov. 17:3
In the same manner that gold and silver are refined through a method of heating, melting and cleansing, the Lord also allows processes through life's circumstances which try, test and prove our hearts. This means of refining removes the carnal dross and the fleshly desire and produces a heart which is purified and sanctified for God's purposes and use. Although the testing is not something we prefer in our natural selves, we must be willing to submit to God's ways and trust His wisdom and knowledge to lead us and shape us in every area of life.
In the same manner that gold and silver are refined through a method of heating, melting and cleansing, the Lord also allows processes through life's circumstances which try, test and prove our hearts. This means of refining removes the carnal dross and the fleshly desire and produces a heart which is purified and sanctified for God's purposes and use. Although the testing is not something we prefer in our natural selves, we must be willing to submit to God's ways and trust His wisdom and knowledge to lead us and shape us in every area of life.
Oct 14
"For this is the will of God, even your sanctification...." 1Thess. 4:3
This is the revealed will of God for all believers and it is essential to our relationship with Him. He wants us to be sanctified - made holy, even as He is Holy! This is not something we can do ourselves, it is the process God activates in us, as we in faith and obedience move closer to Him and to His word, by choosing to clean our lives of the things which are offensive to Him and by practicing the directives He gives us. The process of sanctification is both immediate at our conversion and progressive as we continue in faithfulness until the end. What glorious concept and condition we find in this sanctification! We who were alienated from God and dead in our trespasses and sins, can by this God ordained and conducted purifying process, find our right and blessed place in the Lord, as children and heirs of the kingdom!
This is the revealed will of God for all believers and it is essential to our relationship with Him. He wants us to be sanctified - made holy, even as He is Holy! This is not something we can do ourselves, it is the process God activates in us, as we in faith and obedience move closer to Him and to His word, by choosing to clean our lives of the things which are offensive to Him and by practicing the directives He gives us. The process of sanctification is both immediate at our conversion and progressive as we continue in faithfulness until the end. What glorious concept and condition we find in this sanctification! We who were alienated from God and dead in our trespasses and sins, can by this God ordained and conducted purifying process, find our right and blessed place in the Lord, as children and heirs of the kingdom!
Friday, 12 October 2012
Oct 13
".... testified of the truth that is in thee......" 1John 1:3
The knowledge of God's truth in us, is most precious and should be held above all else on earth in value. Paul counted all other things as worthless by comparison to the light of knowledge of the truth of God. This truth sets us free to love and serve the Lord. When we walk in it, the truth of God shines out and is noticeable. Like a fragrant blossom, God's truth in us can be recognised. It proclaims the evidence that God is living within us. The unbelieving maybe challenged and even affronted when they sense it, but those who believe, rejoice to see it and are encouraged by it.
The knowledge of God's truth in us, is most precious and should be held above all else on earth in value. Paul counted all other things as worthless by comparison to the light of knowledge of the truth of God. This truth sets us free to love and serve the Lord. When we walk in it, the truth of God shines out and is noticeable. Like a fragrant blossom, God's truth in us can be recognised. It proclaims the evidence that God is living within us. The unbelieving maybe challenged and even affronted when they sense it, but those who believe, rejoice to see it and are encouraged by it.
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Oct 12
".....but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed." Luke 7:7
Such is the power of our Lord, that a word from Him is sufficient. It was the power of His word that created the earth and everything in it, can His word not suffice for our personal needs? The kind of faith exhibited by the centurion on this occasion was birthed in humility and sustained in bold confidence. It is the sort of faith which should be commonplace with each of us believers, yet sadly is so rare, that it astounds the Saviour! May the Lord so deal with our hearts and minds, till we too have and work through the faith that requires but a word from God, to tranquil our souls that all is well and the task of life accomplished!
Such is the power of our Lord, that a word from Him is sufficient. It was the power of His word that created the earth and everything in it, can His word not suffice for our personal needs? The kind of faith exhibited by the centurion on this occasion was birthed in humility and sustained in bold confidence. It is the sort of faith which should be commonplace with each of us believers, yet sadly is so rare, that it astounds the Saviour! May the Lord so deal with our hearts and minds, till we too have and work through the faith that requires but a word from God, to tranquil our souls that all is well and the task of life accomplished!
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Oct 11
"And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD: and the LORD....." Judges 6:1
In a sad recurring pattern God's people lived in ways which displeased, offended and affronted God and His Word. Patiently God would time and again send various prophets, delivering messages of warning, encouragement, exhortation and correction. God reminded them regularly of the obedience they had promised Him. Our actions and choices cannot please the Lord, unless they are acts of faith and obedience. Anything else breaks down our relationship with God and causes us loss and pain. Our love for Jesus is seen in our obedience to Him!
In a sad recurring pattern God's people lived in ways which displeased, offended and affronted God and His Word. Patiently God would time and again send various prophets, delivering messages of warning, encouragement, exhortation and correction. God reminded them regularly of the obedience they had promised Him. Our actions and choices cannot please the Lord, unless they are acts of faith and obedience. Anything else breaks down our relationship with God and causes us loss and pain. Our love for Jesus is seen in our obedience to Him!
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Oct 10
"....we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God...." 1Thess 2:4
The bold font in our documents, makes type stand out and more noticeable. Boldness in God is necessary in preaching the gospel, particularly because, as Paul expressed here to the Thessalonians, such proclaiming is often met with opposition, unbelief and ridicule. Spiritual boldness however is not intended to make the 'speaker' stand out and be noticed, but to make the Lord and His message notable and prominent! This holy exercise cannot be carried out therefore in the strength, ability or eloquence of man, but requires the anointing of the Spirit of God, which emboldens the messenger and etches the veracity of God's Word as it is dispatched into the hearts of sincere listeners.
The bold font in our documents, makes type stand out and more noticeable. Boldness in God is necessary in preaching the gospel, particularly because, as Paul expressed here to the Thessalonians, such proclaiming is often met with opposition, unbelief and ridicule. Spiritual boldness however is not intended to make the 'speaker' stand out and be noticed, but to make the Lord and His message notable and prominent! This holy exercise cannot be carried out therefore in the strength, ability or eloquence of man, but requires the anointing of the Spirit of God, which emboldens the messenger and etches the veracity of God's Word as it is dispatched into the hearts of sincere listeners.
Monday, 8 October 2012
Oct 9
"......And David sent to comfort him by the hand of his servants for his father....." 2Sam. 10:2
David's pure motives and intentions in sending his servants, were misunderstood and misinterpreted. The thoughtless and careless actions that followed, were based on the Ammonites' wrong thinking and resulted in much trouble and bloodshed.This is not uncommon with us humans, we seem to have the knack of thinking the worst and believing the negatives. We often fail to enquire or clarify with the individual before jumping to conclusions. We have all been at the receiving end of this too. There are times when our best and most heartfelt effort to help and consider others will be turned in some people's minds to insult and injury! Much unnecessary trouble, strife, emnity and division ensues from this human flaw, which is a symptom and residue of our fallen, sinful nature.
David's pure motives and intentions in sending his servants, were misunderstood and misinterpreted. The thoughtless and careless actions that followed, were based on the Ammonites' wrong thinking and resulted in much trouble and bloodshed.This is not uncommon with us humans, we seem to have the knack of thinking the worst and believing the negatives. We often fail to enquire or clarify with the individual before jumping to conclusions. We have all been at the receiving end of this too. There are times when our best and most heartfelt effort to help and consider others will be turned in some people's minds to insult and injury! Much unnecessary trouble, strife, emnity and division ensues from this human flaw, which is a symptom and residue of our fallen, sinful nature.
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Oct 8
"....O king, let not the army of Israel go with thee; for the LORD is not with Israel,...." 2Chron 25:7
The plea came from a man of God to Amaziah king of Judah, who had hired militia from Israel at great cost, to help him fight and win against the Edomites. He had determined and provided in his own way for a success, but it is of God to give victories and allow defeats. Amaziah, heeded the prophet, sent the Israeli army home, losing his hire price and suffering violence at their hand as, in retribution for being rejected, they turned on some of the people of Judah. However the king won a convincing battle against his enemies and was given the victory God wanted him to have. Obedience to God is always right and profitable. God's wisdom can be trusted even if we do not always understand His reasons. We are His people and must listen to and follow His directions, leaning on His strength, not trying to go in our own abilities and by our own means. His ways may cost us, particularly if we are not prompt in seeking Him first, before we begin to act, but it pays 'to do life' God's way!
The plea came from a man of God to Amaziah king of Judah, who had hired militia from Israel at great cost, to help him fight and win against the Edomites. He had determined and provided in his own way for a success, but it is of God to give victories and allow defeats. Amaziah, heeded the prophet, sent the Israeli army home, losing his hire price and suffering violence at their hand as, in retribution for being rejected, they turned on some of the people of Judah. However the king won a convincing battle against his enemies and was given the victory God wanted him to have. Obedience to God is always right and profitable. God's wisdom can be trusted even if we do not always understand His reasons. We are His people and must listen to and follow His directions, leaning on His strength, not trying to go in our own abilities and by our own means. His ways may cost us, particularly if we are not prompt in seeking Him first, before we begin to act, but it pays 'to do life' God's way!
Oct 7
"There are threescore queens, and fourscore concubines, and virgins without number." Song of Solomon 6:8
Admired and praised by all the other wives of the king, the Shulamite becomes among the others, the object of Solomon's attention and affection as he describes her beauty and perfection. God in both a personal and a collective sense, has a great desire for the Church, His bride - beautiful in holiness, perfect in His righteousness. She is the object of His incomparable love and blessings. He is coming back for His Church, a blood washed, glorious, holy church, without spot, wrinkle or blemish.
Admired and praised by all the other wives of the king, the Shulamite becomes among the others, the object of Solomon's attention and affection as he describes her beauty and perfection. God in both a personal and a collective sense, has a great desire for the Church, His bride - beautiful in holiness, perfect in His righteousness. She is the object of His incomparable love and blessings. He is coming back for His Church, a blood washed, glorious, holy church, without spot, wrinkle or blemish.
Friday, 5 October 2012
Oct 6
".......Stretch forth thine hand......." Mark 3:5
The power and work of the Lord Jesus was not limited by people's opinions and criticisms. Yet the benefits of His power was limited in their lives by their lack of faith. We too can reduce and remove the effect of God's blessings and power in our lives when we cannot stretch out to Him the hand of faith - but if we will believe, our doubt-withered hand can be healed to receive all that He has for us!
The power and work of the Lord Jesus was not limited by people's opinions and criticisms. Yet the benefits of His power was limited in their lives by their lack of faith. We too can reduce and remove the effect of God's blessings and power in our lives when we cannot stretch out to Him the hand of faith - but if we will believe, our doubt-withered hand can be healed to receive all that He has for us!
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Oct 5
"Stand in the gate of the LORD'S house, and proclaim there this word ...." Jeremiah 7:2
God gives His servant the message to deliver to His people. He supplies the thoughts, the words and the anointing which will drive what He wants to communicate into the conscious minds and hearts of those who will listen. The preacher must not preach himself or his own preferences, but the Word which comes from the Lord! This is a great privilege and responsibility. The Word of God is not limited in terms of where it can be preached. In the Lord's house, in the gate of the house, in the street on the seashore or the mountain top as Jesus did, anywhere God sends His messenger, is an apt place to preach!
God gives His servant the message to deliver to His people. He supplies the thoughts, the words and the anointing which will drive what He wants to communicate into the conscious minds and hearts of those who will listen. The preacher must not preach himself or his own preferences, but the Word which comes from the Lord! This is a great privilege and responsibility. The Word of God is not limited in terms of where it can be preached. In the Lord's house, in the gate of the house, in the street on the seashore or the mountain top as Jesus did, anywhere God sends His messenger, is an apt place to preach!
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Oct 4
"......can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?" John 3:4
Like many today, Nicodemus was reasoning the 'born again' truth on a physical plane, making it of course, a distinct impossibility. The new start, second chance or fresh beginning which so many of us long for in life, is however very possible! Jesus made it available to all humans when He died at Calvary. It is a 'second birth' of water and of the Spirit. It is received through the 'new birth' of water - by baptism in Jesus' name for the remission of sins, and of the Spirit - by the infilling of the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues! Praise God for His great mercy and power by which, what is impossible with men, is possible with God - we CAN be born again!
Like many today, Nicodemus was reasoning the 'born again' truth on a physical plane, making it of course, a distinct impossibility. The new start, second chance or fresh beginning which so many of us long for in life, is however very possible! Jesus made it available to all humans when He died at Calvary. It is a 'second birth' of water and of the Spirit. It is received through the 'new birth' of water - by baptism in Jesus' name for the remission of sins, and of the Spirit - by the infilling of the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues! Praise God for His great mercy and power by which, what is impossible with men, is possible with God - we CAN be born again!
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Oct 3
".... praying always for you," Colossians 1:3
Like the Apostle Paul, those who minister to others in the Word, will often find themselves in prayer for the saints. Preaching, teaching or leading of any kind in the church of God is meaningless and shallow if not accompanied, supported and empowered by much prayer. The need to pray does not diminish when a man is in ministry, but it actually increases and does so by a magnitude equivalent to the task and burden that is to be carried. The greater the task, the need to be met and the ministry required, the greater the effort in the exercise of prayer and fasting. Prayer achieves much and is an integral and essential part of ministry. Pray for those in ministry, not only for an anointing to minister the Word of God, but that they may also build and faithfully maintain an altar of prayer and intercession before the Lord.
Like the Apostle Paul, those who minister to others in the Word, will often find themselves in prayer for the saints. Preaching, teaching or leading of any kind in the church of God is meaningless and shallow if not accompanied, supported and empowered by much prayer. The need to pray does not diminish when a man is in ministry, but it actually increases and does so by a magnitude equivalent to the task and burden that is to be carried. The greater the task, the need to be met and the ministry required, the greater the effort in the exercise of prayer and fasting. Prayer achieves much and is an integral and essential part of ministry. Pray for those in ministry, not only for an anointing to minister the Word of God, but that they may also build and faithfully maintain an altar of prayer and intercession before the Lord.
Monday, 1 October 2012
Oct 2
"Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD." Obadiah 1:4
Edom was lifted up in pride and self-importance. This condition of heart gives rise to a false sense of security and self deception. In our modern world, we too are often guilty of the sin of Edom. This happens when we turn to our own devices to procure for ourselves, forsaking and disregarding God, and failing to recognize Him as the source of all life and blessing. Soon our own hearts are lifted with pride and we are deceived into thinking our achievements and position empower us and make us superior or invincible. We must repent, for God brings down the proud and arrogant but lifts up the humble in heart.
Edom was lifted up in pride and self-importance. This condition of heart gives rise to a false sense of security and self deception. In our modern world, we too are often guilty of the sin of Edom. This happens when we turn to our own devices to procure for ourselves, forsaking and disregarding God, and failing to recognize Him as the source of all life and blessing. Soon our own hearts are lifted with pride and we are deceived into thinking our achievements and position empower us and make us superior or invincible. We must repent, for God brings down the proud and arrogant but lifts up the humble in heart.
Oct 1
"That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus." Ephesians 2:7
The effects of God's marvellous grace are eternal! We were saved from sin and death through the grace of Christ, we are being saved, kept and maintained by His grace each and every day we live for Him, and we will be saved, lifted above this earthly life, at His coming and for eternity participate in the unending, everlasting life - all this, the result and riches bestowed upon us by His amazing grace!
When we consider the eternal work God has wrought in our souls, we cannot miss nor mistake the unequalled and unparalleled, incomparable and incomprehensible kindness He has shown towards us and made possible through Christ Jesus! We cannot therefore, but raise an anthem of praise and worship unto the God of gods and Lord of lords for all He has done! We who had nothing and deserved nothing, have indeed been given exceedingly great and immeasurable riches!
The effects of God's marvellous grace are eternal! We were saved from sin and death through the grace of Christ, we are being saved, kept and maintained by His grace each and every day we live for Him, and we will be saved, lifted above this earthly life, at His coming and for eternity participate in the unending, everlasting life - all this, the result and riches bestowed upon us by His amazing grace!
When we consider the eternal work God has wrought in our souls, we cannot miss nor mistake the unequalled and unparalleled, incomparable and incomprehensible kindness He has shown towards us and made possible through Christ Jesus! We cannot therefore, but raise an anthem of praise and worship unto the God of gods and Lord of lords for all He has done! We who had nothing and deserved nothing, have indeed been given exceedingly great and immeasurable riches!
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