Friday, 21 September 2012

Sept 22

 "I sleep, but my heart waketh: it is the voice of my beloved that knocketh,....."          Song of Solomon 5:2 

Asleep and yet awake! Though asleep in our necessary physical rest, lest us never enter spiritual unconsciousness or 'switch off' at the heart. In our relationship with Jesus our hearts should remain awake and conscious to His call, ready to hear and respond to the knocking of His voice. It is the voice of the loving Saviour of our souls. Anytime He calls, we should be prompt to listen, anytime He knocks, He should have ready access to our hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Just last night I found myself crying out and rebuking a strange dream, and had blessed relief and fellowship with my Lord. How wonderful this is to us, that The Lord God Almighty would listen to us day or night and care and answer our cry. We must not spiritually sleep in the daytime either.He is ready to hear our cry, are we ready with our hearts to serve Him?
