Monday 22 October 2012

Oct 23

"...I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles," Ephesians 3:1

Often unwilling to admit as much, we are all really servants and prisoners of something or someone, even if it is our own desires! Paul made his choice clear and was unashamed to be known and called the prisoner of Jesus Christ. He was fully aware of the purpose of his servitude - it was to fulfil God's will and for the sake of the Gentiles God had added to the church! He allowed himself to be spent for the benefit of others, ourselves included! We ought to be thankful for the fact that he, along with many others became willing servants unto the Lord to bring and to promote the truth of God's Word to us. We  too should find the call and purpose for which God has apprehended us, and like Paul, serve willingly and joyfully in our role for Jesus. As fellow-servants and willing prisoners of God, we should not count or begrudge the cost or personal sacrifice, but consider it our reasonable service and offering unto the Lord. The restrictions and 'bonds' on our lives and choices, should be borne proudly and thankfully, for they are the marks of our willing service to the Lord Jesus Christ.

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